This case has a lot of contradictions, as is normal in the beginning of most cases. He brought a box cutter to school, he acquired the box cutter at the school, he stole an art knife from art class. He was at soccer practice and left, he didn't arrive at soccer practice. He followed her to the washroom and waited, he forced her into the washroom. It seems there are many inconsistencies and much hearsay from the students and media. It will be interesting to say the least to find out the real story. Hopefully we will, and i am sure the 130 CCTV cameras will provide the facts as it appears most of the crime was caught on tape.
To read PC was now wearing gloves is disturbing, it either shows he was intending on committing the crime, or perhaps he may have been wearing them for soccer practice. Regardless, he may have never went to practice so why have the gloves on? Also the change of clothes, he either brought extra clothes with the intention of changing into them after the crime, or just happened to have them on hand because he usually changes after soccer practice?
There are also the reports that he had used CR credit card to pay for the movie ticket, and then go to Wendy's??? Wow, no words. I believe that he smashed the cellphones as a means to destroy evidence, but not sure how i feel about it being related to them exchanging text messages. Regardless, PC went through and took her belongings, not good.
Also with all the staff, and students, and soccer practice taking place in the field and NOBODY saw a thing?? He dragged her body in a recycling bin through the school halls, down the stairs, across a field and into the woods, and not one witness? Seems odd.
It disturbs me that a 14 year old child would resort to such a brutal crime for whatever the reason may be, whether he was frustrated with being mentored with his studies, or his teacher refused his advances, for PC to take the action he did is highly disturbing, and i firmly believe he has underlying mental issues. Which to me is sad, this is all very sad.