MA - Four children found hidden in apartment with alcohol, drugs, sex toys & corpse - Boston - June 21 2023

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Seems like a lot of what was reported earlier is inaccurate.

According to Boston Police Department today:

"Boston Police were called to 381 Old Colony Avenue in South Boston at 11:11 am on Saturday 06.17.23 to investigate a call for an unconscious person. Boston Fire and EMS were on scene assisting the individual. At 11:41am Boston EMS pronounced the person non-viable and the Medical Examiner's Office took jurisdiction of the body. Detectives were also called to the residence to photograph the scene as part of the investigation. The adults on scene, who told officers they had called for help when they became aware their friend was not breathing, were fully cooperative with the Boston Police Officers who responded. There were four children on site who all had a parent present in the residence. The parents and the officers who responded felt it was best for the children to stay in another room with one of the parents and took steps to avoid having the children see the deceased. Due to the nature of the call, and to ensure appropriate follow up with the families involved, officers did file a 51A with DCF. Information that drugs and other concerning materials were strewn about the home is not supported by what officers encountered or by the information received on scene. This is an ongoing investigation."

Thankfully - no drugs, no sex toys, no hidden children, no uncooperative adults.
Just wow! Just who is being protected by the police department? Is my first question. This is totally unacceptable. JMO
At this point I have seen an official response from police. Nothing from EMS nor Fire. The police gain nothing from lying. Perhaps someone gave information from hearsay. The story was met with "why is no one reporting this"? Maybe some news agencies wanted to independently verify the facts and couldn't. It is impossible to cover something like this up.
Hardly impossible.
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The story of the condition of the occupants and property has done a 180 degree turnaround. I just don't see the firefighters (trained first responders) making this up and all collaborating together.
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On Friday, Wu told Boston 25 News that someone did die inside the Mary Ellen McCormack Complex in South Boston on Saturday but the reports detailing ‘a house or horrors’ at the scene are not true.

“There have not actually been reports directly from first responders. Some of the information that’s been floating out there have been some second and third-hand accounts from those who are not at the scene and I think this is an important reminder that it’s important to have a grounding in the facts of what’s occurred and to let the proper authorities do the investigations,” said Wu. “We will do whatever it takes to protect our children in this city but that also means not fueling conspiracy theories.”

The Department of Children and Families said in a statement to Boston 25, “The Department of Children and Families has taken custody of the children who live in the home.”

In a statement to Boston 25 regarding the case, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office said, “We’re aware of the incident and the investigation and will appropriately prosecute any arrests that result. At this moment, no charges have been issued.”

On Friday, Wu told Boston 25 News that someone did die inside the Mary Ellen McCormack Complex in South Boston on Saturday but the reports detailing ‘a house or horrors’ at the scene are not true.

“There have not actually been reports directly from first responders. Some of the information that’s been floating out there have been some second and third-hand accounts from those who are not at the scene and I think this is an important reminder that it’s important to have a grounding in the facts of what’s occurred and to let the proper authorities do the investigations,” said Wu. “We will do whatever it takes to protect our children in this city but that also means not fueling conspiracy theories.”

The Department of Children and Families said in a statement to Boston 25, “The Department of Children and Families has taken custody of the children who live in the home.”

In a statement to Boston 25 regarding the case, the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office said, “We’re aware of the incident and the investigation and will appropriately prosecute any arrests that result. At this moment, no charges have been issued.”

Who is Wu? Ah the Mayor...I asked because I noted the comment "conspiracy theories".

I do appreciate the DA's office statement regarding appropriately prosecuting any arrests that result from their investigation.
The article doesn't clear up anything in my opinion.

The Mayor say's that some reports are false and claims “There have not actually been reports directly from first responders. Some of the information that’s been floating out there have been some second and third-hand accounts from those who are not at the scene" totally ignoring the report made by the Fire Department and the "update" made by the police.

Another "Nothing to see here" statement made by a weak politician. A strong leader would be demanding the Fire Department to either verify the statements made are true or explain why they released false information.

"That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city.
However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency."
"The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”
"All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote."
Seems like a lot of what was reported earlier is inaccurate.

According to Boston Police Department today:

"Boston Police were called to 381 Old Colony Avenue in South Boston at 11:11 am on Saturday 06.17.23 to investigate a call for an unconscious person. Boston Fire and EMS were on scene assisting the individual. At 11:41am Boston EMS pronounced the person non-viable and the Medical Examiner's Office took jurisdiction of the body. Detectives were also called to the residence to photograph the scene as part of the investigation. The adults on scene, who told officers they had called for help when they became aware their friend was not breathing, were fully cooperative with the Boston Police Officers who responded. There were four children on site who all had a parent present in the residence. The parents and the officers who responded felt it was best for the children to stay in another room with one of the parents and took steps to avoid having the children see the deceased. Due to the nature of the call, and to ensure appropriate follow up with the families involved, officers did file a 51A with DCF. Information that drugs and other concerning materials were strewn about the home is not supported by what officers encountered or by the information received on scene. This is an ongoing investigation."

Thankfully - no drugs, no sex toys, no hidden children, no uncooperative adults.
I am not so quick to believe the newer version of events. Why were the kids calling out for HELP if they were lovingly being protected by their father?
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I was questioning why there is a notable lack of MSM coverage, as well as any local DA speaking out against this. There have been no charges. It appears to me anyway, that this type of "party" is acceptable to some ( many) , and not newsworthy in the least.
I read about it here, but when I googled it, there were plenty of hits.
Wow, so what was reported earlier was a flat out lie- or is this ^ a coverup? Very confusing ...

Bottom line though, DCF needs to investigate what is going on in the lives of these kids. I hope neglect is the worst of what they have suffered - never thought I would type something like that :(
Cover up of what? Why would the LE make it up?
But who said it was a firefighter that talked to the media? I feel like people are simply assuming things at this point. Someone messed up BIG TIME here. The media messed up by the way everything was worded and whoever was at that scene talked to the wrong person.
But who said it was a firefighter that talked to the media? I feel like people are simply assuming things at this point. Someone messed up BIG TIME here. The media messed up by the way everything was worded and whoever was at that scene talked to the wrong person.
"That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city.
However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency."

Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’

So it was not just a random firefighter ---it was the Department's Incident Report.

The reason the PD is trying to whitewash this report seems obvious to me.
I dont beilve a single word of this
so WE were right and there something extremely fishy here .
need some youtuber or podcast to investigate
note how it took them about 3 DAYS ! TO come up with a different story
if you read the update it feels scripted
Let's not believe LE, but have some YouTubers investigate! What could go wrong?

"That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city.
However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency."

Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’

So it was not just a random firefighter ---it was the Department's Incident Report.

The reason the PD is trying to whitewash this report seems obvious to me.
Then they should publish the incident report.
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The fire department wrote an incident report discussing sex toys, drugs, men wearing wigs, and young children crying out for help.

The police came out and said it was misinformation---nothing to see here. Yet the children were removed at that time?

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Commissioner Paul Burke of the Boston Fire Department said‚ ”We’re not an investigative agency, so we’re not investigating anyone. That is a police issue.” He said he stands by his firefighters’ report, which has yet to officially be made public.

“What our firefighters put in our report is accurate and it should not be questioned,” said Sam Dillion, President Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 718. As for what city councilors were reporting they were told, “As far I am concerned that is all hearsay, that is all politics,” said Dillion.

Fire and police both submitted DCF reports. DCF took custody of the four children.


On Wednesday, City Councilor Erin Murphy demanded answers to what was described to her as a “disturbing” scene.

“A lot of drug paraphernalia and sex toys all around and then one of the firefighters said that they heard a cry for help,” said Murphy. “That there were four children in the back room, and I am hearing that the adults in the apartment were not wanting first responders to go back when they heard kids crying for help, so that is very disturbing to me.”

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