MA - Lindsay Clancy, Strangled 3 Children in Murder/Suicide Attempt, Duxbury, Jan 2023

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Law and Crime Network has the hearing on YouTube

Thanks for the link. I’m only part way through watching and have a couple observations so far:

1) The prosecutor said LC had self inflicted “scratches and puncture wounds” with minimal bleeding. Yet there was blood smeared all over the shingles below the window, as well as on the first floor window below the bedroom? Seems like a contradiction, IMO.
2) The prosecutor said LC had no history of psychosis, yet was taking seroquel, lamictal, remeron and had measurable amounts in her blood tests, along with Ativan and Valium. I feel like her mental state was much more precarious than the prosecutor’s portrayal.

All IMO.
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I think there is a big misunderstanding about psychosis and the way people present. I have worked with people experiencing Psychosis (mental health case worker) and some are lucid, they don’t slur and their speech patterns makes sense. But their sense of what is real is completely disrupted and their brain is sending them information that is very distorted. But of course it is real to them. They might have a strong sense that they have to do certain things to protect themselves or others, which are actually very harmful in reality. But they can plan these actions, under false beliefs that they are the right thing to do.
One client I worked with had a strong decline in her mental health over a couple of months. This lovely woman became convinced someone called Alex wanted to harm her and that he was consistently lurking around her house trying to get in. She had installed security cameras on her roof and became hypervigilant. I reached a point that I wouldn’t visit her at home in case she mistook me for Alex and tried to kill me in self defence. At that point she was involuntarily admitted to hospital for a decently long stay.
I don’t know if Lindsay was experiencing psychosis, but the drugs she was on to me indicate this is likely. I’m sure we will hear from her psychiatrist.
When my step-son went in to psychosis (from a prescription medication), he went 110 mph on the freeway in the middle of the night without his lights on. When cops tried to stop him, he kept going. They spiked his tires and he still tried to keep going. When they got him out of his car, they asked him why he was driving without his lights and he said he was "helping the truck drivers". He believed that if he wore his headphones he could hear his dead grandma talking to him; if he wore his AirPods he would receive instructions from the CIA.

A friend had PPP with her last child (not with any of the previous pregnancies). They took her to the doctor and were working to try to get her help. They went to a family party and she was struggling, so they left. On the way home, she was trying to get out of the car. He pulled over on the freeway and she ran right in front of a semi. He has created a non-profit to help women with PPD and PPP. I think these mental health struggles are very hard for people to understand because they come on quite suddenly and can happen to someone who has previously never had a mental health issue. Here is Emily's story: Emily's Story - The Emily Effect
I think there is a big misunderstanding about psychosis and the way people present. I have worked with people experiencing Psychosis (mental health case worker) and some are lucid...But their sense of what is real is completely disrupted and their brain is sending them information that is very distorted...They might have a strong sense that they have to do certain things to protect themselves or others, which are actually very harmful in reality. But they can plan these actions, under false beliefs that they are the right thing to do.
This is what is so hard to grasp in these situations. Perhaps as her treatment progresses, LC will be able to articulate what was happening in her mind as she carried out this horrible act.
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I didn’t realize she was at the hearing. I got through half of it, but was surprised she was so stoic.
Agree, at first I thought she was another attorney. Not sure how one is able to sit through those details and not completely lose it, just devastating.

The prosecution is portraying Lindsey as a cold blooded killer, who was making rational choices right up until the murders happened. I'm still on the fence and need to hear more from experts before deciding that's true.
Agree, at first I thought she was another attorney. Not sure how one is able to sit through those details and not completely lose it, just devastating.

The prosecution is portraying Lindsey as a cold blooded killer, who was making rational choices right up until the murders happened. I'm still on the fence and need to hear more from experts before deciding that's true.

I want to hear about the notes about her children and her journals in general
Thanks for the link. I’m only part way through watching and have a couple observations so far:

1) The prosecutor said LC had self inflicted “scratches and puncture wounds” with minimal bleeding. Yet there was blood smeared all over the shingles below the window, as well as on the first floor window below the bedroom? Seems like a contradiction, IMO.
2) The prosecutor said LC had no history of psychosis, yet was taking seroquel, lamictal, remeron and had measurable amounts in her blood tests, along with Ativan and Valium. I feel like her mental state was much more precarious than the prosecutor’s portrayal.

All IMO.
OMG. I so agree with you. Seroquel is a very dangerous anti-psychotic drug!

My family learned this the hard way earlier this year. Our elderly loved one was hospitalized with a UTI. He had never been diagnosed or exhibited any psychotic behavior yet a family medicine resident still gave him both Seroquel and Ativan for more than a month. Turned him into a zombie unable to fed himself or even move his body. His speech was so garbled, nobody could understand a word he was saying. It was his nurse who tipped off his wife and adult son that he was being given the drugs. The drugs were so dangerous, he had to be weaned off of them.

The person on trial should be whomever gave this young woman the Rx for Seroquel and Ativan. My heart breaks for her and her family.


OMG. I so agree with you. Seroquel is a very dangerous anti-psychotic drug!

My family learned this the hard way earlier this year. Our elderly loved one was hospitalized with a UTI. He had never been diagnosed or exhibited any psychotic behavior yet a family medicine resident still gave him both Seroquel and Ativan for more than a month. Turned him into a zombie unable to fed himself or even move his body. His speech was so garbled, nobody could understand a word he was saying. It was his nurse who tipped off his wife and adult son that he was being given the drugs. The drugs were so dangerous, he had to be weaned off of them.

The person on trial should be whomever gave this young woman the Rx for Seroquel and Ativan. My heart breaks for her and her family.


That’s horrible and I’m very glad to hear your loved one is doing better. That’s good to know about Seroquel.

Of interest at the hearing, LC’s lawyer said that he was having trouble getting her medical records from the treating doctors. I think there were two involved and they both hired lawyers immediately and weren’t responding to his requests. The link I was listening to kept breaking up and the audio wasn’t very good, so I’m not sure if he ever got the records. I guess they will have to be subpoenaed.
That’s horrible and I’m very glad to hear your loved one is doing better. That’s good to know about Seroquel.

Of interest at the hearing, LC’s lawyer said that he was having trouble getting her medical records from the treating doctors. I think there were two involved and they both hired lawyers immediately and weren’t responding to his requests. The link I was listening to kept breaking up and the audio wasn’t very good, so I’m not sure if he ever got the records. I guess they will have to be subpoenaed.
None of our family had ever heard of Seroquel. After this happened to her uncle, our daughter was telling a friend about it. He was diagnosed bi-polar in high school. He's now 30 and he told her he can't take Seroquel because it makes him worse and he has a newborn son. I really question why it is still on the market.

Lindsey's doctors will have to testify at trial. I think the defense expert witnesses will tear their testimony to shreds.
None of our family had ever heard of Seroquel. After this happened to her uncle, our daughter was telling a friend about it. He was diagnosed bi-polar in high school. He's now 30 and he told her he can't take Seroquel because it makes him worse and he has a newborn son. I really question why it is still on the market.

Lindsey's doctors will have to testify at trial. I think the defense expert witnesses will tear their testimony to shreds.
I’m a nurse and have seen Seroquel really help people as well. All medications have side effects and none are right for everyone and I’m really sorry that that happened to your family member and others! I know many can be brutal. My uncle’s wife filed for divorce when he started on ribavirin as his personality changed drastically.
In hindsight it seems like her psychiatric medications were started and stopped too soon and obviously an outpatient program wasn’t enough supervision for her. :(
I’m a nurse and have seen Seroquel really help people as well. All medications have side effects and none are right for everyone and I’m really sorry that that happened to your family member and others! I know many can be brutal. My uncle’s wife filed for divorce when he started on ribavirin as his personality changed drastically.
In hindsight it seems like her psychiatric medications were started and stopped too soon and obviously an outpatient program wasn’t enough supervision for her. :(
I'm all for any medication that improves symptoms, but it shouldn't be given to anyone who has not been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder the drug is intended to treat.

Apparently there was hearing Friday and another one scheduled for 1/ 27/ 24. No new information, from what I can tell.

Apparently there was hearing Friday and another one scheduled for 1/ 27/ 24. No new information, from what I can tell.

"Prosecutors said they had evidence available for Clancy's attorney"
Wonder what that is.

A hearing was held today in the case against Lindsay Clancy, the Massachusetts mom who allegedly strangled her three young children.

Hearing held for Massachusetts mom accused of killing her 3 kids

Posted at 2:48 PM, January 17, 2024

During today’s hearing, which was held at Plymouth Superior Court in Brockton and Clancy did not attend, a motion for a DNA buccal swab was permitted. A buccal swab or smear is the means by which human DNA is collected from cells inside the cheek.

According to Boston 25 News, a March 26, 2024 court date was scheduled as well. That hearing will focus on discovery motions. Clancy, 33, is not expected to be present for that proceeding either.

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