I am a professional scientist, I don't take robust debate over the evidence as rude. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, please use sarcasm and humor, I enjoy it.
If the defense does not engage in a vigorous rebuttal I will be disappointed, and I would be thrilled (but surprised) if they proved misconduct, if that is what happened, and even better, if that resulted in a bad cop loosing his job and reputation.
I do not think that is what happened here.
The basic elements of the criminal statute the CW needs to show is pretty simple and all of the evidence presented supports those charges; if I were a juror. They need to show: She was drunk at the time, she was operating her car drunk, it might not have been completely an accident because they were fighting, she hit this man, he died as a result, she left the scene. 6 things.
The defense has artfully used the "muddy the water strategy" to make a simple case look very complex. It's very common and very difficult to defeat if there are a lot of issues they can bring up. The more complexity they inject, the easier it is for the jury to find reasonable doubt. I can relate to their basic story and it is entirely possible, but I am trained to ignore that stuff and focus on the actual "measurements". It doesn't matter who didn't like who, who kissed who, it doesn't matter that Proctor is a jerk who sent stupid texts, it doesn't matter that the Alberts know so and so and they know somebody else, it doesn't matter if they have a dog and it was a mean kind of dog they had to get rid of, it doesn't matter that they sold their house, and it doesn't matter if they all called each other that night 90 times and did talk about this case.
It only matters if one of those things makes "she hit this man and he died as a result" not true, or not the most reasonable explanation.
I will tell you that I weigh expert's opinions, defense or prosecution, at zero value. There is a huge body of literature that basically tells you expert witness testimony in court is worthless and that they will tell you whatever you are paying them to tell you. That includes scientific experts, medical experts, ME's, crash reconstructionists, and my own opinion as well. I will be focusing on measurable, empirical, provable, testable evidence.