RSBMHe was believable to me.
When BH and BA did not simply say they had a quick convo like 'you get home in one piece you were loaded bud' that alone was enough for me. My BS meter exploded.
ZERO reason to lie about this. ZERO. Instead coitus buttus dialus. And people actually believe this LOLOLOL
All these things add up to something nefarious. This is a coverup. Doesn't have to be a massive conspiracy, just a small number of people 'keeping their mouths shut' til it blows over. And then the FBI stepped in...
“tell them the guy was never in the house”…. “exactly”
ETA: if BA and BH were UNAWARE that something awful had happened at 34F they would have both admitted they called each other. They KNEW something had happened and that is why they felt compelled to lie, albeit in the most massively, transparently stupid way about a suspect as hell call a few hours after JO was likely beaten severely.
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