MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #4

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Just because I always look for several explanations. Could there have been a totally different explanation for JMcC deleting her calls to JO and not asking for anyone's advice? Especially since she doesn't like family members snooping into her phone?
If that's the case she's under oath and can tell the truth.

Eta not sure if you watched the testimony but she carried out these select deletions the day before (or maybe the same day?) handing phone over for extraction so no family is going to be snooping in her phone whilst it's in a police forensics lab imo.
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It is pretty mind blowing. Middle aged people living in nice big homes in a nice town with even nicer salaries.

I note that the "Karen Read said she hit him so she must be guilty!" people have been mostly quiet since Jen took the stand. She was openly hostile, contemptuous and unbelievably defensive and couldn't even try to pretend to be the "good and honest" person she claimed to be. And we've only just begun.
And we can’t forget the one other key thing, living in that big house IIRC was a soon to retire Canton, MA police officer. Wow.

Still wonder if he was allowed to retire with full pension, retirement, or maybe something else transpired? MOO
The more I let it all come to me, this whole awful event and main players are FAR more INSIDIOUS than you can imagine.
All these alberts and mccabes have been walking around for years now, hiding from others what they did. No remorse or sorrow or guilt at having taken a life and trying to blame someone else for it. Appearing to others as if everything is as usual. Nothing to see here. Not just canton, boston and mass finest but their soccer wives and even some of their very own children and friends. It's unbelievable. It's what I call group evil. I didn't coin the phrase, but it fits. The truth has to come out, this can't remain hidden. There are too many involved with too much power for this kind of evil to continue.JMO
WEll Jen has had another night of consulting with her "group" and gets up there again today. I find her lies so transparent and she even signals the really big lies. For example when she says "absolutely" usually some conflicting nonsense is spoken...her biggest signal...just watch for it is when she really is presenting the story as she wants the jury to believe she looks over at them. Those times are the biggest lies and Jackson goes about calling her out. She is a mess on that stand...a nicely dressed mess. Just watching her personality I now understand how she was the ring leader. She might find it difficult to get a table at any local restaurant for quite some time.
It's interesting to watch people on Court TV who seem against KR and are sympathetic to JO's friends.
I am so sick of listening to Julie Grant! Yesterday she said some things about KR that I have never heard and do not believe to be true: She said KR went to Fairview the next morning BEFORE she went to Jen McCabe's house and then she said KR deleted all the ring video at JO's house except her backing into his car. Had not heard either of those things before, are they true?
My patience for her personality is at 0. I'm impressed with how patient Alan Jackson is with her.

Haha, acting like she doesn't know what phrase she used to google about dying in the cold. Blames TB for putting the phrase out....It's really hard even watching her testify.This trial will never end at this rate. Pulling teeth for a simple yes or no answer....
Good morning from day 16 of testimony in the Commonwealth vs. Read.
-Jury entering
-Alan Jackson will continue his cross examination of McCabe this morning.
-ADA Lally will get to redirect and Jackson will likely recross after that.
-I am following the trial from the media room today at the courthouse

Alan Jackson (AJ) begins by asking Jennifer McCabe (JM) to review records from a "group chat". Judge allows the document in

AJ says JM called Lt. Lank at 9am on 1/29/22 (morning body found) to tell him something important.
Yesterday JM testified that KR said 'i hit him (3x)AJ refers to Lank's notes of conversation
AJ: what you said is that I hope my client ‘didn’t hit him', correct?
JM: No

McCabe testifies she went to the home of MSP investigator Michael Proctor in September 2023. She says she went there to see his wife and says "Michael Proctor wasn't home".
She says they met to talk about the "viscous harassment"
JM:"I'm a state witness who's being tortured because of lies" "It's a social media witch-hunt”

JM confirms she traded calls with MSP Trooper Michael Proctor on 1/29, 1/30. and 1/31

Jen McCabe tells AJ she doesn't remember what she typed in the "hos long to die in cold" search.
AJ: "You literally are saying under oath you don't remember?”

McCabe asks AJ to show her the "hos long to die in cold" google search.

On the "hos long to die in cold" google search, JM initially says AJ put it out on social media.
AJ says he doesn't have social media.
She then says “Turtleboy"

McCabe tells Jackson her google search occurred after JO's body was found at the request of KR

AJ: Why did you do it again Ms. McCabe? (re: google search)
JM: I can't answer that beyond my hands were frozen and shaking and she was screaming at me.”

AJ accuses JM of searching twice to "cover your tracks"
JM: Again, absolutely not

AJ: did you delete that search because you knew you would be implicated?
JM: “I did not delete that search… I would have never left... (JO) out to die in the cold”

AJ ends on the "hos long to die in cold" google search.
Lally on redirect now

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