MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #4

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Easily. She found the body of her boyfriend on the lawn near a location where she last left him. I doubt she thought, "Those evil Alberts and McCabes must have killed him and dumped him on the lawn! Bastardos!"

I would have immediately thought, in my panicked state, My god, did I hit him and not realize it? Why is he here? Did I hit him?

It really is proof of nothing.
"Oh my God, what happened" would be a more normal reaction.
Lally could be being FBI investigated himself. He was there the night Sandra Birchmore was found murdered by the cop, called it suicide. That's all being still investigated by others. He's no good himself and also is intermingled with Alberts in Canton, kid coaching in past, I believe. So it was surprising and sure he HATES it, being there with them having to do his job, I'd think, who knows. BUT, SB lived in CANTON, found dead in her apt. in Canton. It's a Stoughton, connected to Canton, cop that was the number one suspect and the one having the affair with this girl since 15, and passing her around. Just a sickening whole story. Alberts have an ALBERT on the Canton PD force.
Just a lot of same cover ups or attempts. These are soulless people from way back. Bullies and loud. It 'amuses' me that others from 'away' or whatever find it hard to believe 'that many' people can be involved in a conspiracy, no it's not as there are truly not that many as the key players and they have been led and obviously willingly so.
I'd say JO's shoe is gone due to being mangled /bit by the dog as he prob tried to kick it away. A thought. Don't know about his cap.
I'm heavily believing his attack/maybe accidental fall backwards in it, gashing his head on something in the cellar was in a fight/defending himself. Tossed outside later when safe to do so. (that Albert car, the Edge was said to be seen parked down that way much later through the night by the plower.) Instead of doing a normal and humanly honorable thing by immediately calling for an ambulance/911, (JMc is said to have deleted a 911 call, don't know the time of that) they cooked up a plan to make it look like JO was hit by a plow or KR. KR going on about maybe a plow, did I hit him really worked in their favor the next morning. JMc was with her the time when this was all said. I believe she then came up with the 'best story' and not backing down. None of them are going to let Colin take any blame at all, especially as she said along with his bff who picked him up and turns out drove around, not went straight home as was testified by her, he was not there 'when John was'.
Lally could be being FBI investigated himself. He was there the night Sandra Birchmore was found murdered by the cop, called it suicide. That's all being still investigated by others. He's no good himself and also is intermingled with Alberts in Canton, kid coaching in past, I believe. So it was surprising and sure he HATES it, being there with them having to do his job, I'd think, who knows. BUT, SB lived in CANTON, found dead in her apt. in Canton. It's a Stoughton, connected to Canton, cop that was the number one suspect and the one having the affair with this girl since 15, and passing her around. Just a sickening whole story. Alberts have an ALBERT on the Canton PD force.
Just a lot of same cover ups or attempts. These are soulless people from way back. Bullies and loud. It 'amuses' me that others from 'away' or whatever find it hard to believe 'that many' people can be involved in a conspiracy, no it's not as there are truly not that many as the key players and they have been led and obviously willingly so.
I'd say JO's shoe is gone due to being mangled /bit by the dog as he prob tried to kick it away. A thought. Don't know about his cap.
I'm heavily believing his attack/maybe accidental fall backwards in it, gashing his head on something in the cellar was in a fight/defending himself. Tossed outside later when safe to do so. (that Albert car, the Edge was said to be seen parked down that way much later through the night by the plower.) Instead of doing a normal and humanly honorable thing by immediately calling for an ambulance/911, (JMc is said to have deleted a 911 call, don't know the time of that) they cooked up a plan to make it look like JO was hit by a plow or KR. KR going on about maybe a plow, did I hit him really worked in their favor the next morning. JMc was with her the time when this was all said. I believe she then came up with the 'best story' and not backing down. None of them are going to let Colin take any blame at all, especially as she said along with his bff who picked him up and turns out drove around, not went straight home as was testified by her, he was not there 'when John was'.
Also, if ONE caves, they all go down and they are all uncles/aunties, cousins.
This article does a great job explaining why requesting Higgins medical records may be a valid request.

"Higgins is a friend of Albert and was present at the party at Albert's home on Fairview Road hours before O'Keefe was found dead outside, according to court filings and witness testimony. He had previously exchanged flirtatious text messages with Read, according to court filings from the prosecution.

He is one of three men that Read's defense team has said had motive, opportunity and means to attack O'Keefe that night".
Also, if ONE caves, they all go down and they are all uncles/aunties, cousins.
Also, JMc would be googling how long does it take to die in snow once she saw/was told, that John doesn't look so good, if they did tell her exactly what he looked like, and we put him outside. No, if this is how it went at all, she sure lied when she said she'd not leave him outside to die in the cold. 'He was my friend, I loved him'. He was alive when put outside it seems, hyperthermia listed also as a cause for death. Wonder how she feels about that when she can't push it all out of her mind.
This article does a great job explaining why requesting Higgins medical records may be a valid request.

"Higgins is a friend of Albert and was present at the party at Albert's home on Fairview Road hours before O'Keefe was found dead outside, according to court filings and witness testimony. He had previously exchanged flirtatious text messages with Read, according to court filings from the prosecution.

He is one of three men that Read's defense team has said had motive, opportunity and means to attack O'Keefe that night".

The lateness of the discovery is what is especially puzzling to me.
Could the lacerations have been caused by him putting his hand up against the car/headlight to try and stop the impact?

The lacerations up and down his arm? Can't visualize how that could happen. But I also can't visualize how a human body could impact a vehicle so hard that it breaks a taillight without causing any body damage to it. Bodies aren't like stationary vehicles or utility poles. They move when hit. So it would take a pretty hard impact for a body to damage a taillight. And a such a hard impact should also cause body damage to the vehicle. But there was none to the Read vehicle.
The lateness of the discovery is what is especially puzzling to me.
Medical..I can't imagine he went to that particular hospital, local, for any injuries he couldn't slap a bandage on and some aspirin, just to avoid any connection with a beat up JO that was brought there, unless it didn't occur to him the amb. brought him there. I'm thinking it was Good Samaritan I read. 5 pages of his med records, not that he looks healthy anyway, but looks like those were asked for, hmm.
that testimony should never have been allowed..judge may regret letting that in...what has happened in the community is not KR's happened due to some deep seeded feelings in Canton about police behavior..and an investigation that was so flawed .
I am not sure why TB has any relevance other than he uncovered connections and information about this case that may never have come to light otherwise. To me, TB and his followers are just 'Noise" I just ignore. I am local (as the crow flies) and had never heard of TB before this and don't expect to hear of him again much after this.
Witness Intimidation? Separate issue and he can answer in court - not my circus not my monkey. If Jenn Mc is moving her lips she is lying imo. I don't take a word she says at face value.
The story on TB's family and background up thread was interesting but IMO, once again just a side story that has no impact on who killed John O'Keefe. (link reposted below)
I honestly don't get the fixation on TB. Sure he's a clown and a bully and distasteful but that's not so uncommon in this cast of characters.

Medical..I can't imagine he went to that particular hospital, local, for any injuries he couldn't slap a bandage on and some aspirin, just to avoid any connection with a beat up JO that was brought there, unless it didn't occur to him the amb. brought him there. I'm thinking it was Good Samaritan I read. 5 pages of his med records, not that he looks healthy anyway, but looks like those were asked for, hmm.

Injuries from an altercation? Why the heck would he go to the hospital unless it was very serious?

Guy I work who is Higgins' age and body type landed in the hospital last weekend because he thought he was having a heart attack. Turned out to be an anxiety attack. I can see something like this, but just 5 pages?

Are all the lying liars who lied in this case going to be charged by the Feds in the future?

Is that a thing?

I would find that incredibly satisfying.

No, unfortunately, the Feds aren't investigating John's death. They are only investigating the investigation and the investigators.

I hate to say this, but I don't see anyone else being charged. There was no investigation done, and unless someone truly does flip with full immunity, I can't see this going further.
Injuries from an altercation? Why the heck would he go to the hospital unless it was very serious?

Guy I work who is Higgins' age and body type landed in the hospital last weekend because he thought he was having a heart attack. Turned out to be an anxiety attack. I can see something like this, but just 5 pages?

That's the thing, altercation but bad enough injuries to risk going to medical care seeing how it would of been with JO, but right, they were all to not of been connected to that. Yes, could be fear of heart attack, (glad your friend was fine that way) or yes, def real medical attention was needed, not something he could take care of himself, maybe sutures needed. This is wild though
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