Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #1

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Newley Purnell@newley

RT @NajibRazak: Thailand’s PM @PouYingluck has offered one vessel and one aircraft to help in the search for #MH370.
Pentagon Data Suggests Jet Didn't Explode: New York Times
"Preliminary surveillance data" examined by the Pentagon suggests the missing Malaysia Airlines jet did not explode over the South China Sea, according to The New York Times.

The newspaper cited a U.S. government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity as suggesting "a system that looks for flashes around the world" had not identified any sign of a blast. NBC News could not immediately confirm the report.

More than 36 hours after the last contact with Flight MH370, officials said Sunday they were widening the search to cover vast swathes of sea around Malaysia and off Vietnam.

At 3 p.m. local time, Ignatius Ong, a representative of Malaysia Airlines, said at a press conference in Beijing that search and rescue efforts are "still unable to detect the whereabouts of the missing flight."
In the last 3 to 4 hours, the airline has been telling relatives "to expect the worst," Ong said.
Glad the American plane is up too... seems Australian MSM is starting to form a fairly strong direction...

Wow, that's certainly a bold direction to take. :scared:

AS the FBI joins the international search for answers to what downed missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, security experts say China may have been the intended target.

Possible debris sighting, plus...

The Chinese navy vessel "Jinggangshan", an 20,000-tonne amphibious warship loaded with life-saving equipments, underwater detection facilities and supplies of water and food, set out from Zhanjiang city of south China 's Guangdong Province at about 3:00 am on Sunday, Xinhua said. The ship was also carrying two helicopters, 30 medical personnel, ten divers and 52 marines, and expected to arrive in the search area in Tuesday morning. seems Australian MSM is starting to form a fairly strong direction...


Firstly I just want to say Thanks for taking the time to answer & explain our questions !

From your link

" Another pilot who was flying ahead of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane revealed he made contact with the missing aircraft minutes after he was asked to do so by Vietnamese air traffic control. He said he heard mumbling and static from the cockpit of flight MH370."

I am still not sure about the pilot that says he "talked" to them 11 minutes after they dropped off radar.
I'm still not quite sure that makes a lot of sense... but who knows... :waitasec:

Firstly I just want to say Thanks for taking the time to answer & explain our questions !

From your link

" Another pilot who was flying ahead of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane revealed he made contact with the missing aircraft minutes after he was asked to do so by Vietnamese air traffic control. He said he heard mumbling and static from the cockpit of flight MH370."


NP's :) I've uploaded some random pics I had handy from a past life in the skies to my profile as an Album...
If they were turning back, wouldn't the pilot be communicating with air traffic control, and discussing the problems? This seems so very odd. Mumbling and static---that is very troublesome.
Found this on another site:

Wow. What a coincidence!

GMT March 7 , Boeing 777 (Triple 7) , MH 370
Found this on another site:

Wow. What a coincidence!

GMT March 7 , Boeing 777 (Triple 7) , MH 370

Except that in Malaysia/China it was March 8th (shortly after midnight.) :seeya:
UPDATE [6:22pm]: In about 20 minutes, Vietnamese boats are expected to reach location where 'suspicious floating objects' were spotted by Singaporean plane.

I swear I was JUST going to head to bed.... :sigh:
According to what we heard before it was supposed to be another hour and a half before they got there.
It's only 5:30pm in Hanoi... I wonder if they are really an hour early?
OK, so two things seem to be in contradiction. One, the leaked reports that the plane did not go down from an explosion. And two, reports indicating that there were possibly two impostors/terrorists aboard.

So how would two passengers bring down a plane without a bomb? Maybe by entering the cockpit and taking over the controls?
OK, so two things seem to be in contradiction. One, the leaked reports that the plane did not go down from an explosion. And two, reports indicating that there were possibly two impostors/terrorists aboard.

So how would two passengers bring down a plane without a bomb? Maybe by entering the cockpit and taking over the controls?

I promise, there are FAR more than two things contradicting here.
Trying to get actual facts in this is near impossible. :scared:
It's entirely possible that the fake passports have nothing to do with it.
It is apparently quite common to fly with fake passports over there.

I am going to bed, I will just have to check this when I wake up in 4 hours. :banghead:
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