Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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Yes, it is very scary. This would explained the fast descent? Perhaps the pilots did try to descend at a low altitude. I found this "Mayday" episode on the Helios flight, but that on was scrambled immediately.

This morning, i'm wondering if MH370 was shot down. If everyone died of hypoxia, they would not be able to get contact to the "ghost plane".

But if it was shot down, who shot it and how did it end up (supposedly) near Australia?
Yes, it is very scary. This would explained the fast descent? Perhaps the pilots did try to descend at a low altitude. I found this "Mayday" episode on the Helios flight, but that on was scrambled immediately.

This morning, i'm wondering if MH370 was shot down. If everyone died of hypoxia, they would not be able to get contact to the "ghost plane".

Another reason for the fast desent could be to fly under the radar and avoid detection. Things that make you go "Hmmmm".
OT but does anyone know if there is a site that discusses PLAUSIBLE theories of just how this all happened? It is such a mystery arghhhh! JMO
It kind of annoys me Boeing does not have more input in this.

One of he questions I have for them is can a 777 200-ER computer systems be hacked.

There have been reports of the flight program altered during flight.

That link also says..

It is believed that MAS owns 15 Boeing 777-200ER plane and Boeing, through an official release from the United States government had expressed its dissatisfaction with the late exchange of information between them and the Malaysian government.

It was said that Boeing was only informed of the plane's dissapearance by MAS three hours after it went off the radar at 2:40am (Malaysian time) on March 8 and the delay in information exchanged was dubbed 'unusual'

I sincerely doubt Malaysian officials would take kindly to Boeing pointing out any more of this or commenting on it. But I would also like to know what are the possibilities as far as the flight program.
Still, Patel said that the news should be treated with skepticism until it can be corroborated, and that the ship should have picked up two signals from the two beacons, if they are still close to each other and weren’t damaged by the crash.

“There could be a host of reasons they are not picking up two signals, but that is one of the initial questions I’d ask — we should be picking up two signals.”

A crew member aboard the Haixun 01 told China’s Xinmin Evening News newspaper that the pulse was consistent with a sample they had been given by Boeing, the missing plane’s manufacturer.

This is the same thing like with the debris - we won't know until we actually see the black box on camera, sitting on a table in Perth.
Thomas Altshuler, the vice president and general manager for Teledyne Marine Systems, said the device pictured in the photographs is a DPL-275 diver pinger locator and is intended for use in relatively shallow water. He said it is mainly intended for use by a diver, though it can also be used mounted to a pole or a boom and held over the side of a boat, the method apparently used by the crew of the Haixun 01.

But he was very cautious about whether the device could be used to successfully detect a pinger that was thousands of feet below the surface.

omgggggg. this is NOT good.
Is there anyone here that actually believes we will ever find out what really happened to this flight? MOO, I don't think we will. Sorry, but that is how I feel.

Guess it all depends on whether the plane is actually found or not. Also the black boxes. I am thinking that if they can find the debris but even with no black boxes, they should be able to glean some information, like maybe if there was an explosion or not, how the plane went down, etc.? It would be better than nothing.

I am very skeptical that they will ever find the black boxes, but I do think the debris will be found eventually.

The only reason I think we will end finding out at least some of what happened is b/c the families will fight for this. The families are going to fight to keep the search/investigation going. And one benefit for them is that they can issue statements out to the media or on the internet, and everyone can hear what they say. I believe they will fight to the end to keep this going. And I do believe that the media will keep following it, not to the degree they are now, but nonetheless there will be some media keeping "track" of the search/investigation.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace apparently to avoid detection after vanishing from radar screens on March 8, a media report said on Sunday, suggesting the possibility of a more sinister reason behind the jet's disappearance.

This is what I orginally thought too.

But then I was confused after I read Jeff Wise's blog, b/c he said that an Inmarsat spokesperson told him that, from the 2:11 ping, the subsequent ping timings got longer, and never shorter. He said that this meant that the distance b/w 370 and the satellite got longer, and never shorter.

So on this map:

That means that the plane could not have gone in the shaded area, b/c that means the distance b/w the plane and satellite would have been shorter than the distance when the 2:11 ping occured.

So that would exclude going around Indonesia, if Jeff Wise's information is accurate. IDK, it could also be that maybe his map is not entirely accurate.

I had also originally thought the plane went around Indonesia, that would explain if Indonesia didn't see it on its radar. It doesn't make sense to me that it would have gone through so much trouble to get out of Malaysian radar, only to fly right over a part of Indonesia and through Indonesian radar.

However, I don't know what Indonesia saw or didn't see, b/c they have not made that info. public. It could be that their radar in that area was "off." Could be that whoever was piloting the plane had some sources in Indonesia who told him this information, or told him how to avoid detection there. Maybe?

*****Information and map is from Jeff Wise blog.


Steely, are you starting to feel like this?


Do you wake to "I got you babe" every morn?

:giggle: Every day I see your :waiting: and it reminds me of Groundhog Day....
Thanks for this article... I've read it, and not sure what to think...

First thing i do think though, is the possibilty of the aircraft having been detected, and "escorted" out into the middle of the ocean, but nobody is saying it in as many words? Or is it written in such a way to make you think that way?

Jeezo, this just gets harder to figure out by the day!

Being relatively new here on WS, have their been other investigations or incidents that have caused so many threads and so much discussion? (Off topic, i understand, but just curious...)


Yes, however, it would normally be a highly publicized missing person(s) case and/or murder trial.


I have to agree. And, the advanced radar was designed by the opposition party leader Anwar Ibrahim. :scared:

This is a bit of a tangent, but I'm just realizing how many strange things go on in Malaysia. Along with the murder of translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, it seems at some point the Malaysian government hired a PR firm, APCO, to promote anti-Anwar and anti-democracy sentiment in the country and they partially did this through hiring 13 American bloggers. If anyone is interested Google "APCO malaysian government american right-wing bloggers".

Putrajaya’s media strategist APCO Worldwide covertly financed international media reports in a campaign against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim after Election 2008, filings to the United States Department of Justice this week revealed.

A bit ironic since we are all saying they needed a PR firm in all this mess. Also ironic that they evidently paid quite a lot for this, but wouldn't pay $10 per flight for more security or use Interpol.
This is a bit of a tangent, but I'm just realizing how many strange things go on in Malaysia. Along with the murder of translator Altantuya Shaariibuu, it seems at some point the Malaysian government hired a PR firm, APCO, to promote anti-Anwar and anti-democracy sentiment in the country and they partially did this through hiring 13 American bloggers. If anyone is interested Google "APCO malaysian government american right-wing bloggers".

A bit ironic since we are all saying they needed a PR firm in all this mess. Also ironic that they evidently paid quite a lot for this, but wouldn't pay $10 per flight for more security or use Interpol.

You can now count me among those who say, "hmmmmm".
Am I the only one who still believes that this plane landed somewhere safely? Until I see proof from a neutral county I will never believe that it is in the ocean. And then there is the problem of who is a neutral country? Australia? US? Switzerland? lol
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