Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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oh, please! This is what we are dealing with!?!?!?!?!

Thailand gives radar data 10 days after plane lost

Thailand’s military said Tuesday that its radar detected a plane that may have been Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 just minutes after the jetliner’s communications went down, and that it didn’t share the information with Malaysia earlier because it wasn’t specifically asked for it.

Thailand’s failure to quickly share possible information regarding the fate of the plane, and the 239 people aboard it, may not substantially change what Malaysian officials know, but it raises questions about the degree to which some countries are sharing their defense information, even in the name of an urgent and mind-bending aviation mystery.

With only its own radar to go on, it took Malaysia a week to confirm that Flight 370 had entered the strait, an important detail that led it to change its search strategy.

When asked why it took so long to release the information, Montol said, “Because we did not pay any attention to it. The Royal Thai Air Force only looks after any threats against our country, so anything that did not look like a threat to us, we simply look at it without taking actions.”

He said the plane never entered Thai airspace and that Malaysia’s initial request for information in the early days of the search was not specific.

“When they asked again and there was new information and assumptions from (Malaysian) Prime Minister Najib Razak, we took a look at our information again,” Montol said. “It didn’t take long for us to figure out, although it did take some experts to find out about it.”

Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur at 12:40 a.m. Malaysian time and its transponder, which allows air traffic controllers to identify and track the airplane, ceased communicating at 1:20 a.m.

Montol said that at 1:28 a.m., Thai military radar “was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,” back toward Kuala Lumpur. The plane later turned right, toward Butterworth, a Malaysian city along the Strait of Malacca. The radar signal was infrequent and did not include any data such as the flight number.


From that link, I find it VERY suspicious where they say the plane "may" have flown through northern part of Thailand. Kind of iffy, maybe, maybe not. Sounds like they are not divulging everything they know.

Also, they say northern radar didn't detect it, but how would southern radar detect it in the southern part, but northern radar not detect it in the northern part?

SOmething is fishy.
Are you saying that Americans should only fly on the airlines that operate out of the US?

Re: the part I bolded-why do you say that?

I am saying that the security on American Air lines are better.
Actually only american and Israeli Air Lines are pretty secure for the most part.
I am also saying that NO WAY would I fly on any Air line from 3rd world, from Asian countries. Russia, .....
In fact if our airlines do not fly there, we don’t need to use their airlines. Plenty of great places to go without jeopardizing yourself.
This one from the same author - pilot on google+

The apparent now known continued flight until TTFE time to fuel exhaustion only actually confirms to me the crew were incapacitated and the flight continued on deep into the south Indian ocean.

There really is no point in speculating further until more evidence surfaces but in the meantime it serves no purpose to malign the pilots who well may have been in an heroic struggle to save this aircraft from a fire or other serious mechanical issue and were overcome.

I hope the investigation team looks at the maintenance records of the front gear tires - cycles, last pressure check and maintenance inspection. Captain or F/O as part of pre-flight looks at tires. Is there any video at the airport to support pre-flight walkaround? Any damage on pushback? A day after I wrote the original post a plane in the U.S. blew a tire in takeoff and the t/o was fortunately aborted with a burning tire.

Hopefully - and I believe now it is a slim hope - the wreckage will be found and the FDR and VDR will be recovered and provide us with insight. Until facts prove otherwise, I would give the Captain the benefit of respect and professional courtesy.
Oh come on, let's not twist it that way! Lots of people (men especially) are hobbyists, esp. with transportation vehicles. My uncle rides around on one of those miniature railroads any chance he gets, and he's pretty harmless! And the model plane hobby seems pretty darn harmless too.

Huge difference between hobby and obsession.
:dunno: I'm still stuck on the theory that the plane was hijacked and crashed into the ocean.

I'm also now thinking this plane may never be found, and will end up being one of the biggest mysteries of our time.

I'm about ready to just give up trying to figure anything out. Too much mis-information and conspiracy theories. :twocents:
I am saying that the security on American Air lines are better.
Actually only american and Israeli Air Lines are pretty secure for the most part.
I am also saying that NO WAY would I fly on any Air line from 3rd world, from Asian countries. Russia, .....
In fact if our airlines do not fly there, we don’t need to use their airlines. Plenty of great places to go without jeopardizing yourself.

DD was going to take a trip this summer with other highschoolers to northern Thailand, the Burma border, and Bangkok. She was going to fly from JFK through Germany to Singapore on Singapore Airlines, then Thailand Air to Bangkok, then another smaller Thai plane to Chiang Ming among other places.

Luckily, I cancelled the trip last month because of other reasons (and will take her on a cruise instead). :p

I'm sooo glad i cancelled, the deadline for cancellation passed and I'd either be forced to send her or lose all that money.

I wouldn't want her to go now. I do not trust Thailand or Malaysia at all.
Soooo.....let's see what other countries have "seen" the plane on their radar in the weeks OR MONTHS OR YEARS ahead.

In the end, it will probably turn out that the plane flew over many countries, indeed showed up on these countries' radar, but the countries made no mention to Malaysia b/c they "weren't asked to."
IMO just too many coincidences for this to be equipment malfunction. Add to that less than ideal security measures in Malaysia. Yea...too many.

Less than ideal security measures! Certainly airline pilots would be very concerned about this fact.
SAF to offer Malaysia more help to locate missing MAS plane

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has offered Malaysia the help of its Information Fusion Centre to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

The centre, which collates information on maritime security issues, has access to a network of 13 navies and 51 civilian shipping companies. All of these have been activated to report any unusual sightings in designated search areas to help coordinate search efforts.

Also helping in search efforts are international liaison officers from 13 countries, including India, Brunei, and the United States, who are stationed in Singapore.

As search operations in the South China Sea and Malacca Straits have been called off, the Fokker-50 maritime patrol aircraft, which was deployed to Malaysia last Friday, has returned to Singapore.
Pilots are diversiion, IMO. Send public and media attention to the pilots - looky there, looky there. In the meantime, while they are doing the investigation.

Geez, that seems more than a little cruel! Destroy the names of what seem to be good men and devastate their families, just to protect their investigation! I guess it does happen though.
Huge difference between hobby and obsession.

True enough. However me being "here" could be viewed as one or the other LOL. Our Son has done a ton of research as of late on the Maldives and Seychelles as a Honeymoon destination. And I mean a ton. So I don't put much stock into what the Pilot had on his simulator. At this point.
My gosh, I just read this article which someone posted earlier (sorry can't find who, I clicked on it ages ago and only just had time to read!)

The writer is a former pilot and his theory makes absolute sense I think, it may also tie in with the apparent Maldives sightings. I have flown into Langkawi with Malaysia Airlines, as it happens, and can confirm the approach to the runway is rather lovely, over the sea

Could the plane have feasibly gone down somewhere over between Maldives and Madagascar??

Everyone to Africa!
This one from the same author - pilot on google+

While many of us (including myself) can see how his theory makes perfect sense, there are holes in the reasoning...

The only things it doesn't address is the question of how a plane on fire (a fire serious enough to incapacitate the crew) managed to keep flying straight and level (or even shallow descent) on autopilot for so long despite burning through all radio comms equipment - and pretty much everything else electronic that monitored the plane or provided life support.

Lets not forget the crew had approx 90mins of O2 available to them + extra crew portable units. A fire so severe that these were all used to exhaustion would also suggest that the plane's autopilot system that kept it flying straight past lankowi and a number of other possible alternates would have burned and disabled around the same time that the crew were "incapacitated"...

Hope that makes sense?
There was a video linked previously that was of some kind of flight radar that had 370 in the gulf of Thailand and seemed to be "piggy backing" another plane?

At the time I thought it was far fetched, but I'd like to look at it again.

Does anyone know what I am talking about, and do you have a link? I've searched through my history but can't seem to locate it.

Thank you!

Here's another article:

Did Malaysia Airlines Plane Escape in the 'Shadow' of Another Jet?
We addressed this just over an hr ago - there's holes in it... and no I am not still awake lol

K so u are on auto pilot :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I know corny but couldn't resist
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