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Thank you, CuriousMe (love your name btw) =) I have to hunt for those audio files again. I bookmarked them but they had viruses that my antivirus avoided and I don't have them readily available anymore....
Here it is MS audio video files index.pdf

There's two audio interviews in that MS audio list of files posted back in this thread.
#1 is 24 min., but I can't get any sound.
#2 is 31 min. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT.

Granted, the detective asked LS many questions about TS, and LS felt she was being helpful and that she knew TS well, maybe better than TS knew herself. (LS is full of her self, MOO.)

This is just my take on what I'm hearing. If you listen to it, you'll hear her knocking Sandra from the office a lot. LS says Teresa lived on the edge, she had addictions with her self image and controlling her food, sexual, excess energy, she took and was on antidepressants RX under Mark's name. Teresa told her she was never happy growing up. When TS was 12 yrs. old...
LS tries to pronounce a medical condition in an amateur way, MOO, she seems to think she's a professional medical person. LS showed TS how to fill her soul and be more happy. Yes, Mark was jealous, but TS told Mark too much and stirred up his anger. TS was a very explosive person and he, Mark, drove her crazy. Lots changed when LS came on the scene. She definitely shares way too much about TS and it's shaded by LS's opinion. She does say several times Mark drove TS crazy and LS was guiding her I guess to more happiness. Towards the end of the #2 audio, LS talks about how big the alternative medicine field movement was growing. TS was going to be very influential. (and MOO again, LS was going to ride the wave) TS was fearless, but it was dangerous because doctors were being killed for being alternative medicine. LS suggests that, too, danger from the pharmaceutical mafia.

I got a lot out of listening to this again after all these years. I can't imagine what she'll say now in the courtroom.
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Thank you, CuriousMe (love your name btw) =) I have to hunt for those audio files again. I bookmarked them but they had viruses that my antivirus avoided and I don't have them readily available anymore......

Here they are

Audio/video MASTERFILE

There's two audio interviews in that MS audio list of files posted back in this thread.
#1 is 24 min., but I can't get any sound.
#2 is 31 min. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT.

Granted, the detective asked LS many questions about TS, and LS felt she was being helpful and that she knew TS well, maybe better than TS knew herself. (LS is full of her self, MOO.)

This is just my take on what I'm hearing. If you listen to it, you'll hear her knocking Sandra from the office a lot. LS says Teresa lived on the edge, she had addictions with her self image and controlling her food, sexual, excess energy, she took and was on antidepressants RX under Mark's name. Teresa told her she was never happy growing up. When TS was 12 yrs. old...
LS tries to pronounce a medical condition in an amateur way, MOO, she seems to think she's a professional medical person. LS showed TS how to fill her soul and be more happy. Yes, Mark was jealous, but TS told Mark too much and stirred up his anger. TS was a very explosive person and he, Mark, drove her crazy. Lots changed when LS came on the scene. She definitely shares way too much about TS and it's shaded by LS's opinion. She does say several times Mark drove TS crazy and LS was guiding her I guess to more happiness. Towards the end of the #2 audio, LS talks about how big the alternative medicine field movement was growing. TS was going to be very influential. (and MOO again, LS was going to ride the wave) TS was fearless, but it was dangerous because doctors were being killed for being alternative medicine. LS suggests that, too, danger from the pharmaceutical mafia.

I got a lot out of listening to this again after all these years. I can't imagine what she'll say now in the courtroom.
Thank you, CuriousMe (love your name btw) =) I have to hunt for those audio files again. I bookmarked them but they had viruses that my antivirus avoided and I don't have them readily available anymore......

Here they are

Audio/video MASTERFILE

Here is the Lenka audio

Spiska, Lenka 2 - McHenry (Nolen)-LCSO-B.mp3

There's two audio interviews in that MS audio list of files posted back in this thread.
#1 is 24 min., but I can't get any sound.
#2 is 31 min. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT.

Granted, the detective asked LS many questions about TS, and LS felt she was being helpful and that she knew TS well, maybe better than TS knew herself. (LS is full of her self, MOO.)

This is just my take on what I'm hearing. If you listen to it, you'll hear her knocking Sandra from the office a lot. LS says Teresa lived on the edge, she had addictions with her self image and controlling her food, sexual, excess energy, she took and was on antidepressants RX under Mark's name. Teresa told her she was never happy growing up. When TS was 12 yrs. old...
LS tries to pronounce a medical condition in an amateur way, MOO, she seems to think she's a professional medical person. LS showed TS how to fill her soul and be more happy. Yes, Mark was jealous, but TS told Mark too much and stirred up his anger. TS was a very explosive person and he, Mark, drove her crazy. Lots changed when LS came on the scene. She definitely shares way too much about TS and it's shaded by LS's opinion. She does say several times Mark drove TS crazy and LS was guiding her I guess to more happiness. Towards the end of the #2 audio, LS talks about how big the alternative medicine field movement was growing. TS was going to be very influential. (and MOO again, LS was going to ride the wave) TS was fearless, but it was dangerous because doctors were being killed for being alternative medicine. LS suggests that, too, danger from the pharmaceutical mafia.

I got a lot out of listening to this again after all these years. I can't imagine what she'll say now in the courtroom.
Holistic doctor bludgeoned to death; husband, alleged conspirators accused in murder-for-hire

Teresa's business partner LS told cops Teresa struggled with addiction, and with her sexuality.
"She had an issue with pot, and she had the sexual orientation," said LS.

(But also did a TV interview in which she spoke highly of her late co-worker...

LS wanted to shift the negativity... oh boy, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. She told investigators so many negative things about (Mother) Teresa. MOO, she made TS sound completely screwed up. Only LS was going to be able to help her. Some I wonder why she shared and how would it help find the murderer?

Thanks for finding it, but IMO, this news interview was to draw more business for LS, or maybe more money into the funding site.

Just my own opinion
LS wanted to shift the negativity... oh boy, she's talking out of both sides of her mouth. She told investigators so many negative things about (Mother) Teresa. MOO, she made TS sound completely screwed up. Only LS was going to be able to help her. Some I wonder why she shared and how would it help find the murderer?

Thanks for finding it, but IMO, this news interview was to draw more business for LS, or maybe more money into the funding site.

Just my own opinion
I am listening to LS now.....she is annoying and I don't trust her. She seems to have a really inflated sense of herself and her place in Teresa's life.
Also, was Hoskins told it was murder when she went to the home or was she told only TS was deceased? I can't remember that, either :( Because if she only knew TS was dead, but didn't know it was murder, when was MS told his wife was murdered? Don't police usually hold back that information because it would be telling to have someone connected to a victim state murder before it was confirmed by authorities. I'm all for LE lying and saying it looks like an accident until all their ducks are in order so to speak. Example: if MS was told only that she was badly hurt (Dr. P, and he was right to do that imo), and if LE told SH only that TS was deceased...

OH, YEAH! I almost forgot that MS insisted that TS call him from the airport when she landed to report landing safely, when we all know that we wait until WE ARE HOME SAFELY to call spouse.

Who insists that their spouse call from the airport when there's so many things that can happen between the airport and home? Only someone who requires that as a signal so he can then call the guy he hired to murder his wife to tell him when to accurately expect her... I assume those calls will be verified.

Damn, all these things we've been seeing so far in trial had better be tied together into one fabulous closing argument...

Watching the arias trial was incredible because JM was so excellent at making the information clear as he went along. Honestly, the jury needs to hear connections during witness testimony or it's likely to be forgotten by the end of the trial because so far, it seems like odd bits of technical information plucked out with no connection. So many ingredients, but the recipe hasn't begun to come together. You never want a recipe to be a surprise when you've been working on it for a long time. I like seeing each stage of my cooking or baking as something in itself and a part of something larger that makes sense once it's all together.

I'm thinking we're seeing questions like "what's 2 + 2?" and getting an answer, but it's just a bunch of unconnected facts without the background or story or how it relates to anything else.
@FelicityLemon OMG I love your analogy of the trial being like a recipe.

So far, all the prosecution has done is to put half the ingredients on the bench and I'm really scared that they're just going to expect the cake to bake itself.

Juan Martinez was like the Gordon Ramsey of the court room. He knew which ingredients would bring the most flavour. He sifted the flour meticulously. He cracked those eggs perfectly. He measured it all out flawlessly. He even blended the ingredients together as he went. Finally, he mixed them all together so masterfully, producing the ultimate product. Justice.

There are too many prosecutors, lawyers, attorneys and representatives out there who are mediocre, like the owners of filthy, failing restaurants that Ramsey visits and berates in his shows. They claim to offer 5-star quality but in reality, they're serving crap-brulee on a plate. They've been churned out and mass-produced by ghetto law schools and start their own firms borrowing money from Mom and Dad's hard earned life savings. They have no talent, no passion, no commitment, no morals, no ethics and no integrity. They're just in it for the money.

Key example of this was the lawyer who represented Ryan Ferguson (Netflix documentary I watched just last night). The kid was completely innocent, yet he spent almost ten years behind bars for a murder he didn't commit. His conviction was based solely off two "eye witness" accounts - his best friend who admitted to the murder two years after the fact because he was haunted by recurring dreams and a convicted paedophile who was bullied into making a false testimony. The lawyer the Fergusons paid to represent him was a joke. He had no idea what he was doing, didn't plan ahead and didn't prepare his client at all.

Eventually in 2009, Kathleen Zellner took over, pro-bono, because she'd heard about the injustice done in Ryan's case and she eventually won. Ryan was released. His father had worked tirelessly for 9 and a half years to prove his son's innocence and Kathleen was able to use all his hard work and evidence to convince the court that Ryan was innocent and deserved to be released. She didn't win right away. She had to fight for a second appeal - even though she was able to put the best friend and the paedophile on the stand and prove that they'd been lying. They'd fully cooperated. She even found the prosecution was guilty of perjury. The witnesses were deemed not credible because they'd already lied in court. Ryan was held for another few years until his team were able to secure a second appeal hearing.

Incredible story, incredible case and proof that there are lawyers out there who are gifted enough, who work hard enough to ensure that justice is really done. It's just tragic that they're few and far between. It's rare to find a person who cares enough and is compelled to fight and will work hard for their goal.

Casey Anthony's lawyer may have won - but he did so deceitfully. He accused her father of horrendous things. He may have put on the best show and done his task to the best of his ability - but he had absolutely no integrity in doing so. He probably knew it was a long-shot to get her acquitted and so he created this smoke-screen of drama to confuse the impressionable jury. He may have achieved his desired outcome - but justice was never done. I just don't understand how there are people out there cold enough to represent the filth of our society - who try to muddy the facts and have their clients released when there are so many cases where it's clear that they're guilty.

Like Jodi Arias - they were smart enough to talk her into admitting that she did it but decided to go with the self-defence route. At least they admitted that she did it. They shouldn't have dragged Travis' name through the mud like they did, but at least they were willing to admit that she was the culprit.

All representatives, should they be prosecutors or defence attorneys, should be required to swear before they present any statement or evidence in court. They should all be held accountable for their lies. There's no excuse for hindering the justice system. It's different if the defendant doesn't tell them the truth, or if all the facts aren't available - but once it's known and as soon as it comes to light, all must be accountable and have a responsibility to tell the truth.
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Spiska, Lenka 2 - McHenry (Nolen)-LCSO-B.mp3

I'm what some would call a New Age Spiritualist (if you need to give me a label to understand my beliefs and state of mind) and I'm also a first-level Reiki Energy Healer.

Women like LS astound me.

Claiming to be an "intuologist", Reiki Healer, "Vibrational Medicine Expert" and "Holistic Health Coach", this woman's behaviour doesn't vibe at all with the way she portrays herself.

In her FOX4 interview, she has nothing but good things to say about Teresa. She refers to her as "Mother Teresa", she paints her late co-worker as the Western element to her Eastern practices. She gives the television crews the illusion that Teresa was a saint and a beloved friend.

But when interviewed by Nolen in the link above, it seems as though LS couldn't wait to dish the dirt on Teresa and all the toxic choices she was making in her life. Addictions to "the pot" and "her sexual orientation". Claims that Teresa was deeply depressed and using her husbands name to receive prescriptions for anti-depression medications. Telling the detective that she was too honest with her husband because she told him about every interaction and encounter with other men.

She even goes so far as to claim that Teresa was abused as a child, raped by an older teeanger for four years (starting from age 12) and that her childhood was violent because her mother was a teen-mom and her step-dad was aggressive. Maybe all of these things were true, but LS doesn't express them in an empathic, sympathetic way. She just seems to enjoy spilling the beans and telling someone everything she knew about Teresa's life.

It just doesn't strike me as something a person who claims to be a spiritual healer would do or say. Maybe she's just trying to assist in the investigation and help detectives piece together what Teresa and her life were like - but where's her heart? And sure, she didn't want to give Teresa a bad name on television which might be why she seems inconsistent between the two statements... But the WAY she speaks to Nolen about Teresa really concerns me.

In the first fifteen minutes of this first audio file, she hasn't said one good thing about Teresa yet. She hasn't called her "Mother Teresa". She hasn't given the detective any indication that they shared an actual friendship. She hasn't praised her work as a holistic healer. There's nothing in these first few statements that makes me think that LS liked Teresa at all. They were business and work partners, Teresa confided in her and requested her services for herself, they went to seminars together - but so far, that's it.

Maybe I need to listen to more before weighing in, but these are just my initial observations.
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43:00 AL testifies

I loved the way AL stares MS down as she's settling herself on the witness stand. She clearly has a lot of distaste for the man.

But there were no related questions to the case?! Seriously?!

She was the closest person to Teresa. Someone Teresa confided in openly and truthfully.

Was there really nothing they could ask AL in relation to Teresa's relationship with her husband?!

I got half way through watching her interview with a detective and it lagged out so maybe I'll get more from that but honestly I'm so shocked that the ONE person who made MS squirm in his chair and forget how to write was asked such dull, meaningless questions. I'm sure she could have dropped bombshells all over that courtroom.

It makes me worry that if they bring GA to the witness stand, they'll do the same.

They seem to forget that the jury is picked based on no prior knowledge of the case. These people have no idea who AL is or any of the other witnesses. They don't need a speedy trial. They need to make sure that if MS is guilty of conspiring to kill his wife, that the jury has all the evidence and all the testimonies they need to make a well educated decision.

There's three (?) people handling the prosecution's case. They're all woefully incompetent. This is seriously, mindblowingly infuriating to watch. They're like first year law students presenting a fake case in the lecture room.
Also, was Hoskins told it was murder when she went to the home or was she told only TS was deceased? I can't remember that, either :( Because if she only knew TS was dead, but didn't know it was murder, when was MS told his wife was murdered? Don't police usually hold back that information because it would be telling to have someone connected to a victim state murder before it was confirmed by authorities. I'm all for LE lying and saying it looks like an accident until all their ducks are in order so to speak. Example: if MS was told only that she was badly hurt (Dr. P, and he was right to do that imo), and if LE told SH only that TS was deceased...

OH, YEAH! I almost forgot that MS insisted that TS call him from the airport when she landed to report landing safely, when we all know that we wait until WE ARE HOME SAFELY to call spouse.

Who insists that their spouse call from the airport when there's so many things that can happen between the airport and home? Only someone who requires that as a signal so he can then call the guy he hired to murder his wife to tell him when to accurately expect her... I assume those calls will be verified.

Damn, all these things we've been seeing so far in trial had better be tied together into one fabulous closing argument...

Watching the arias trial was incredible because JM was so excellent at making the information clear as he went along. Honestly, the jury needs to hear connections during witness testimony or it's likely to be forgotten by the end of the trial because so far, it seems like odd bits of technical information plucked out with no connection. So many ingredients, but the recipe hasn't begun to come together. You never want a recipe to be a surprise when you've been working on it for a long time. I like seeing each stage of my cooking or baking as something in itself and a part of something larger that makes sense once it's all together.

I'm thinking we're seeing questions like "what's 2 + 2?" and getting an answer, but it's just a bunch of unconnected facts without the background or story or how it relates to anything else.

BBM- IIRC, MS got the girls on the phone to pray with TS when she landed in Fort Myers. I just remember being appalled at that as he knew she was driving to her death. Chilling, IMO.
BBM- IIRC, MS got the girls on the phone to pray with TS when she landed in Fort Myers. I just remember being appalled at that as he knew she was driving to her death. Chilling, IMO.
Out of all of this insanity in this case, this right here made me let out an auditable “Wow”. This is very telling to me, especially if it wasn’t the norm. What a sick man. He makes me so irritated with his lack of remorse and crocodile tears.

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