Martha Stewart's Daughter Lashes Out at Domestic Diva in New Tell-All

Dark Knight

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2004
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America's domestic diva apparently has a dark side.

In a scathing new tell-all book, Martha Stewart's daughter, Alexis, reveals that life as the homemaker's child was far from perfect.

"Martha does everything better! You can't win!" Alexis, 46, writes of her mother, 70, in her new book Whateverland: Learning to Live Here, out October 18. "If I didn't do something perfectly, I had to do it again. I grew up with a glue gun pointed at my head."
I beleive it! I watch marthas show sometimes and she sometimes is snippity with guest. moo
IMO, Alexis wouldn't know a tough life if it bit her in the behind. She needs to come to WS and read the child crime threads to get her compass adjusted.
Alexis has based an entire career around bashing her mother. :rolleyes:

I have no doubt that Martha can be difficult. Back when Martha's mom was still alive, she'd often guest on the show and I could tell that the Kostyra household must have been very strict, penny-pinching, and perhaps a bit odd. Mom didn't strike me as particularly patient or heavy on the praise for young Martha, and no doubt it influenced her parenting of Alexis.

Still, Martha has built an empire by doing - working round the clock, educating herself on any number of subjects, and surviving prison and a nasty divorce. I think despite whatever shortcomings she may have in the parenting department, she doesn't deserve that sort of derision from her daughter. What has Alexis really done, save riding her mother's coattails so long it's pathetic?
IMO, Alexis wouldn't know a tough life if it bit her in the behind. She needs to come to WS and read the child crime threads to get her compass adjusted.

Money and a big house don't make kids happy. Being loved unconditionally,being cherished,being the most important thing in your parents world ,while being taught character and responsibility ,does.
The kids we read about here who are abused and killed by family ,didn't get it either. They all lose. JMO
Alexis has based an entire career around bashing her mother. :rolleyes:

I have no doubt that Martha can be difficult. Back when Martha's mom was still alive, she'd often guest on the show and I could tell that the Kostyra household must have been very strict, penny-pinching, and perhaps a bit odd. Mom didn't strike me as particularly patient or heavy on the praise for young Martha, and no doubt it influenced her parenting of Alexis.

Still, Martha has built an empire by doing - working round the clock, educating herself on any number of subjects, and surviving prison and a nasty divorce. I think despite whatever shortcomings she may have in the parenting department, she doesn't deserve that sort of derision from her daughter. What has Alexis really done, save riding her mother's coattails so long it's pathetic?

BBM is exactly why Alexis has issues,IMO. For Martha ,her family was never first,but they were expected to live up to the standards of the "Empire" . Alexis was a prop that had to be as perfect as Martha or she wasn't good enough. That impacts a child as much as verbal or physical abuse. Your mother should be your champion,not your constant critic.
I get the impression posters think money, lots of money within the family answers abusive, emotionally neglectful and cold parenting.
Saying rich ppl should "get over it" is not going to happen. At age 46 she may still be working thru the mental turmoil from her upbringing. Loads of cash never clears the emotional trauma. It may take her a lifetime to heal. Someone asked. "What has she brought to the table"? My answer is: a book which possibly opens conversation directed at abuse. Abuse happens across the board on all economic levels.
I wonder just how much courage it took her to write and publish her thoughts.?? :therethere:
I agree that things and appearances don't make a happy childhood. I was raised by a mother who expected me to be nothing less than perfect at all times. I am 36 years old and just beginning to heal from my issues. I have a long way to go. However, I find it in very poor taste to make try and make money in this manner.
IMO, Alexis wouldn't know a tough life if it bit her in the behind. She needs to come to WS and read the child crime threads to get her compass adjusted.

I agree SuziQ!!! I think we know what motivates Alexis to dish her Mom ... :twocents: and that's about what I hope she makes on the sale of her book.

There was a show, can't remember the name. It was Alexis and some other goofy girl, caught it a couple of time when I had insomnia. Really a dumb show, but she said crappy things about Martha in it too.

Get some therapy and a real job Alexis ...
Money and a big house don't make kids happy. Being loved unconditionally,being cherished,being the most important thing in your parents world ,while being taught character and responsibility ,does.
The kids we read about here who are abused and killed by family ,didn't get it either. They all lose. JMO

I'm not talking about a big house and money. And you don't think that Alexis could benefit by reading the cases at WS? It might put a few things into perspective for her. While she whine's about growing up with a glue gun pointed at her head other children are being burned by them and other heat creating divices. Big difference! I'm sure she rarely missed a meal. Many abused children rarely get a meal. etc. etc.

ETA: Maybe after reading about real abuse she'd realize she doesn't have anything to complain about at all.
i agree suziq!!! I think we know what motivates alexis to dish her mom ... :twocents: And that's about what i hope she makes on the sale of her book.

There was a show, can't remember the name. It was alexis and some other goofy girl, caught it a couple of time when i had insomnia. Really a dumb show, but she said crappy things about martha in it too.

Get some therapy and a real job alexis ...

I get the impression posters think money, lots of money within the family answers abusive, emotionally neglectful and cold parenting.
Saying rich ppl should "get over it" is not going to happen. At age 46 she may still be working thru the mental turmoil from her upbringing. Loads of cash never clears the emotional trauma. It may take her a lifetime to heal. Someone asked. "What has she brought to the table"? My answer is: a book which possibly opens conversation directed at abuse. Abuse happens across the board on all economic levels.
I wonder just how much courage it took her to write and publish her thoughts.?? :therethere:

I T O T A L L Y A G R E E ! ! !

Seventeen years ago, my new mother in law handed me an article she clipped from a magazine. It was written from the perspective of a woman who sent her 6 year old daughter to an extended summer camp..Her daughter didn't want to go, cried, begged, and pleaded not to be sent away. During her summer there, she wrote sad letters home, begged to be brought home, cried about her deep misery. The mother/author congratulated herself heartily on keeping her daughter there, for her own good of course, even though at the end of the summer her daughter had STILL not adjusted to camp and was sad and angry.

Well, it has been seventeen years since I read that article, at my mil's insistence, so some details might not be perfect, but that is the gist of the article. The mom was making the point that she was righteous to be tough, even on a six year old, because life is tough and kids need to be toughened. My mil was looking for me to agree with the author of the article.
I knew what she was REALLY looking for was absolution for being emotionally abusive towards her own children in their young childhoods.

I dutifully read the article and then told her I felt the author was not only abusive but also narcissistically praising herself while at the same time PUBLICLY belittling her six year old daughter for being "weak" and imperfect.

Only afterwards did I notice that Martha Stewart was the author. Since that time, I have always thought of her daughter as that sad, terrified, and abandoned six year old i wish i could have held, comforted, and loved. I'd say she has reason to still be working through her anger, even while still trying to gain her mother's love and approval. She has my deepest empathy AND sympathy.

ETA: I find it highly significant that since Alexis is now 46 and this article was 17 years ago, Martha wrote it when her daughter was TWENTY NINE YEARS OLD. Why did her own mother feel such a need to do that, to STILL be justifying her action all those years later and belittling her daughter's feelings, INVALIDATING her daughter's feelings to a public readership at large? For those who have a problem with Alexis making money publicly criticizing her mother, I have to say PAYBACKS ARE HELL, and it appears the daughter is simply following the example her mother set for her. She has my blessings. I hope someday she is done, feels FREED, and can move on happily. :)
I first discovered Martha in the late 1970's when I was a teenager. I had an Aunt who was a Martha-type person. She gave me an issue of Country Living Magazine that had an article about Martha in it. I fell in love with Martha's way of living and Country Living Magazine.
In the early days of Martha's career it was all about restoring, cooking, crafting, decorating etc. I loved her Turkey Hill Farm and her Holiday tv specials. This was before her magazine came out and before her one hour tv show. I would search my TV guide to find a listing of her show, usually on PBS or some other public channel.
That was the Martha I admired. I didn't even know she had a daughter until years later.
I don't follow Martha much anymore. I occasionally pick up her magazine but I will not watch her show. I want the old shows back where Martha taught me basic housekeeping, how to bake a pie, and how to sand a floor. I despise watching Hollywood "celebrities" making fools of themselves in a scripted cooking scene.
Having said all that, I find Alexis Stewart rude,obnoxious, and downright vulgar. Count your blessings Alexis you would be nothing without your Mother.
Martha set an impossible standard for her audience, I can imagine living with the dynamo was no picnic. I'm not surprised she has a disgruntled daughter.

What did surprise me, though, was the toileting issue-- I would have NEVER pegged that one on Martha!! :giggle:
I first discovered Martha in the late 1970's when I was a teenager. I had an Aunt who was a Martha-type person. She gave me an issue of Country Living Magazine that had an article about Martha in it. I fell in love with Martha's way of living and Country Living Magazine.
In the early days of Martha's career it was all about restoring, cooking, crafting, decorating etc. I loved her Turkey Hill Farm and her Holiday tv specials. This was before her magazine came out and before her one hour tv show. I would search my TV guide to find a listing of her show, usually on PBS or some other public channel.
That was the Martha I admired. I didn't even know she had a daughter until years later.
I don't follow Martha much anymore. I occasionally pick up her magazine but I will not watch her show. I want the old shows back where Martha taught me basic housekeeping, how to bake a pie, and how to sand a floor. I despise watching Hollywood "celebrities" making fools of themselves in a scripted cooking scene.
Having said all that, I find Alexis Stewart rude,obnoxious, and downright vulgar. Count your blessings Alexis you would be nothing without your Mother.

Drew you took me back, lol. In the early 90's a girlfriend of mine was re-decorating her house. She got me hooked on Martha's TV show and decorating style.

Oh man, we sanded and painted for weeks to get that shabby chic look, turned out beautifully.

Several years later when she wanted to change it all, I groaned
OMG.. you can totally see how this can be true!
poor daughter :(
I remember back in the 90's, sitting in a doctor's reception room scanning through one of her magazines. It suggested that one put Pansies in ice cubes for a pretty effect-- I dropped out of the club right then!! It was the proverbial straw-- I was just so sick and exhausted I couldn't believe I was looking at that carp! LOL Never listened to her again, except her criminal stuff, which I think she took like a trooper.

Oh, here's a darn link if you want to give it a go, it is pretty:
America's domestic diva apparently has a dark side.

In a scathing new tell-all book, Martha Stewart's daughter, Alexis, reveals that life as the homemaker's child was far from perfect.

"Martha does everything better! You can't win!" Alexis, 46, writes of her mother, 70, in her new book Whateverland: Learning to Live Here, out October 18. "If I didn't do something perfectly, I had to do it again. I grew up with a glue gun pointed at my head."

I really have no issue with those writing about their childhood abuse. Alexis dedicating the book to her Mom???? Color me confused.
I really have no issue with those writing about their childhood abuse. Alexis dedicating the book to her Mom???? Color me confused.

Yes, so many victims of emotional abuse live with this confusion a lifetime. Many never ever give up trying to get that approval and unconditional love. Me, I was in my forties before I finally realized you can't get something someone doesn't have to give. I've been MUCH happier since.

There's also the possibility Alexis and Martha dearest have really worked through deep issues and have a mutual agreement to 'play it' the way we are seeing it. After all, it keeps BOTH of them in the public eye and therefore enriches both their pockets.

Heaven forbid we might ever say "Martha WHO?" or "Alexis WHO?", ar ar.

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