MD - Anthony, 6, Austin, 4, & Athena Castillo, 2, drowned, Baltimore, 29 March 2008

Clearly the doctor here was wrong!!
Obviously this father was not mentally stable to handle the divorce, and the stress of parenting 3 small children. This is a sad story for this family, more could have been done, to prevent this horrible crime.

from the above article,


In a court-ordered evaluation dated October 10, 2006, Dr. C. David Missar wrote, "The acute risk of harm Mr. Castillo poses to his children is low, provided he continue with his psychotherapeutic treatments. Mr. Castillo has cared for, and continues to care for, his children and expresses love and concern for them."

Judge Joseph A. Dugan Jr. denied her request for a full protective order, writing that there "is not clear and convincing evidence that the alleged acts of abuse occurred."
He should be debenched or whatever it's called.
What an idiot.:furious: :mad: :banghead:
I googled the name Amy A. Castillo and there is a physician in Maryland by that name. She is a neonatologist/pediatrician. I wonder if this is the same person....

Good lookout, Southerngirl. That is her. This poor grieving mother is a Pediatrician according to our news here. I have to wonder if that Judge assumed as a Pediatrician she may have been making up alot of the aqusations about that husband? Another words she'd know warning signs and what not. My heart honestly breaks for this poor mom.
This makes me so mad I can't see strait! If that judge had taken this poor mother seriously these children would still be alive. It was crystal clear that this guy had serious mental problems, he never should have been alone with those kids.:furious:
"is not clear and convincing evidence that the alleged acts of abuse occurred."

my bold and italic...I am sorry to keep repeating myself, but if you have not been through this, you do not know how black and white the law is vs. this type of stuff. The judges have seen it all in manipulations and machinations in divorce...the more high end, the more likely I suppose. If the GAl, or Social worker or whatever made the recommendation that the father was stable enough to have unsupervised visits, Mom's choices were to be in contempt of court where an officer of the law would enforce visitation, or to hope for the best. The outcome was going to be the same unless she ran and hid. If the courts do not see clear and compelling evidence of danger, they will not grant the RO.

In MA they just tightened up the criteria for receiving a RO because of it's overuse in cases where it is not warranted and is filed for ulterior motives. Bravo, until a scenario like this one arises and the judge looks at the plaintiff and says that their hands are tied....
Has anyone found a photo of the kids? :( I'll bet they were so cute. :furious:
Another photo, so-called father with kids....

This guy is an A-hole, and I am just not in the mood to hear anything about mental illness. He is just a jerk. Sometimes, there are no explanations, and no excuses. I hope he rots in Hell.
I LOVE your name Reannan I been meaning to tell you that everytime I see you post on the boards.. I agree with you on the jerk. I am in no mood to hear anything about mental illness either or any excuse for that matter. What he did was evil,rotten and disgusting. I hope the psycho gets the death penalty because I just can't think of anything else that will do him justice. (legally)

This guy is an A-hole, and I am just not in the mood to hear anything about mental illness. He is just a jerk. Sometimes, there are no explanations, and no excuses. I hope he rots in Hell.
This article describes how a Judge Michael Mason last summer adressed Castillo. He told him he believed he had limited ability to control himself. He pointed out how fast he was talking and how excitable he was. He brought to light that even Castillo's therapist talked about it. Alas he still allowed the dude to see his kids. Link also tells that Castillo killed the children one by one and then took a bottle of Motrin or something like that. He awoke 19 hours later. Pah-leeeeese.
This article describes how a Judge Michael Mason last summer adressed Castillo. He told him he believed he had limited ability to control himself. He pointed out how fast he was talking and how excitable he was. He brought to light that even Castillo's therapist talked about it. Alas he still allowed the dude to see his kids. Link also tells that Castillo killed the children one by one and then took a bottle of Motrin or something like that. He awoke 19 hours later. Pah-leeeeese.


above link mentions the death penalty will be considered. This is one case, I pray they do not seek the death penalty as this is exactly what he wants. An easy out for him, and like suicide by cop, it's done for him because he couldn't finish the job himself. Not only can I not even fathom the fear those children faced the man who was supposed to love and protect them, the love children that age have for their parents, I can't imagine that much hatred towards my ex.

I honestly thought I was going to throw up earlier reading this thread. I haven't been able to read much of this without crying. Initially I wasn't going to read or reply, but I just had a feeling something like this was going to come up:
Originally Posted by Nocgirl
Not sure what to think here. In a divorce, alot of mudslinging and false accusations fly back and forth. She may have totally tried to make the dad as miserable as possible, and just pushed him to the limit. People file RO's all the time and many are totally without merit. It is very often used as a custody ploy. What this guy did was horrible but is it possible instigated some of this?
Sadly, I hear this all too often. Several months back a fathers rights activist commited suicide ( forget his name, someone from Canada) and it was the "oh so unfair system" that drove him to it and the mental breakdown or mental illness and his not seeking help was no fault of his own or those around him who begged him to get help, it's the family courts responsiblity. A few months back when the mother and Children were found dead, killed by the spouse and found in the park on the east coast, again..... same story, maybe the mother and courts drove him to that point. I didn't read Amy was there with a gun to her STBX's head forcing him to do what he did to his babies.

And just a month ago, Glenn Sacks had this on this fathers rights blog.
Mom Killed the Kids, but at Least They Didn't Give Dad Custody
A similiar tragic situation but genders reversed.

Sadly, from what I have seen this type of rhetoric tends to attract and fuel the fire of those already facing difficult family court situations and walking a tight rope of keeping it together emotionally. Not everyone involved, but certainly a magnet those harboring very deep anger and resent and for those it is like tossing barrels of gasoline onto a fire.
I can't help but wonder if Mark Castillo wasn't buying into that mindset. It needs to STOP and it needs to stop on BOTH sides. Until there are harsher penalties for the false allegations, mudslinging and denied access sadly, I don't see this improving for victims like this who generally need the protection.

My prayers and condolences to Amy Castillo.
Amy Castillo in her grief granted an interview. She told reporters that "all around he (Mark Castillo) was in trouble". In recent weeks he had gotten angrier and angrier she said. However she didn't notice anything different when he picked up the children before their murders. The courts had just stopped the alimony payments she was making to him. Chillingly on a December 2006 Petition for a protection order she wrote that the worst thing he could do to her was murder the children and make her live without them.
Shackled and handcuffed, Mark Castillo walked out of the Mitchell Courthouse this morning and into the custody of the Maryland Department of Corrections for the rest of his life.

Castillo will be sent away on three life sentences without parole for pleading guilty to the March 2008 murders of his three children; it may take his estranged wife as long to understand it all.

More at link:

Facts supporting plea. Warning graphic and disturbing.
State vs Castillo Statement of Facts (115.5KB)
I almost threw up reading the statement of fact.

And I'm going to be even more sick because the ex wife has visited him in jail and plans to visit again.

I don't care how mentally ill you are - that took complete - God, I don't even know the word for it. Cruel is not bad enough, evil is too trite. I just wish he'd get a bullet to his sick head and we could be done with it. I can't bear to think of him getting visits, reading, watching TV or anything other than being dead himself.

Having been close to a very brutal custody/divorce - I think the system really does push people over the edge. People who would normally act with care and discreation become sick, demented, bitter people and it happens on both sides.

Family court needs a lot of help and an overhaul.
WHAT the HELL is the MATTER with that woman?? Like the murders aren't hard enough to understand in and of themselves! I can't really get my mind around her visiting him with forgiveness! That's taking battered-woman syndrome to an extreme.

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