ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 2

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Does he think it is up to her...odd way of phrasing it...JMO

I listened again and the quote is 'he wants her to come home and come home safely'. I doubt we're gonna see him on camera at all.
Is the father invested enough to go to the trouble to hide this child, and probably face charges? That is what I can't get a feeling for at all...seems he really did not spend much time with her until recently. Would he be able to hide her and stand up to LE, just to spite Mom or to try to avoid paying support? Not to mention, the people who had her would be liable for criminal charges as well. I can't stand the idea of all of the searchers out there, if she is being kept someplace as a custody issue/game.
I will be out most of today and tomorrow, but I'll try to keep up reading along...oh, Ayla. Come home soon!
Does anyone think LE is on the wrong track taping off the house, searching the yard in proper suits, processing the house, collecting evidence? Personally, I don't & believe they have a good reason for doing it.

I wish when a child under ?? say 10 years old, it becomes automatic when a child goes missing the family home is sealed immediately. Doesn't have to mean they bring in the crime van, just means the family is locked out until the child is found. The child may have been out a friend's house, etc. I believe the house should be sealed until the child is FOUND. Lose your child...lose access to your house, etc. the CHILD COMES FIRST! Where the child was last scene is a crime scene at that point, until proven otherwise...not a week later etc. IMO.

it should have been done sooner in Ayla's case, however, in many cases, especially lately, the child that went missing is not the only child in a home. Other kids and family have to be considered too, and if there is no obvious reason to seal the home, then I support LE having discretion in that regard.
In Ayla's case, even though the house was not officially sealed for several days, there was pretty much constant police activity and no one but LE was allowed to enter the house anyway. So the sealing it officially was just to make it "official" and put pressure on someone, IMO.
The use of the words "most" and "often" lend themselves to sweeping allegations. Are there specific examples or studies that an be cited to back up these accusations?

It would be lovely if there were, but CPS is not required to provide any information about themselves, seemingly to anyone. I have dealt with them my entire life, (as a child, as a teenager, before and after I had kids of my own) and those sweeping allegations are true. Been there, done that, it's their operating style. IMO (and the opinions of most anyone else that has every had to deal with them, either as a child or as an adult.)
Wow! I am impressed. You hit on many of the main controversial issues on this case, and you are multi-tasking at the same time!
Kudos to you! :seeya:

Be impressed with all of you for providing such concise info!! :cupcake:
It would be lovely if there were, but CPS is not required to provide any information about themselves, seemingly to anyone. I have dealt with them my entire life, (as a child, as a teenager, before and after I had kids of my own) and those sweeping allegations are true. Been there, done that, it's their operating style. IMO (and the opinions of most anyone else that has every had to deal with them, either as a child or as an adult.)

That sucks. Once again, those who are charged with protecting children are falling short. I understand that not all cps personnel are bad people, and probably some of them want to help kids which is why they're IN cps. In that case the problem isnt the individuals, actually they're being prevented from doing their job well. Sorry O/T. I appreciate hearing your input about cps, as fortunately I've never had to deal with them personally.
That sucks. Once again, those who are charged with protecting children are falling short. I understand that not all cps personnel are badeople, and probably some of them want to help kids which is why they're IN cps. In that case the problem isnt the individuals, actually they're being prevented from doing their job well. Sorry O/T. I appreciate hearing your input about cps, as fortunately I've never had to deal with them personally.

I know I come off pretty venomous when it comes to CPS, and you know what, I shouldn't. I had some very good workers when I was a kid, but I also know that many of the things that they used to remove me from my mother were patently untrue. (Such as she was drinking and driving with me in the car, which she never did, or that she sold me to her boyfriend, also untrue.)

When it comes to my later experiences with them, once again, I had good workers that seemed to genuinely care about my kids and realized almost immediately that they were in no danger, and others that made it clear that they thought they were God, and I better agree. (Telling me "If I wanted your kids, I'd have them already," even though there was no evidence of anything abusive, per the doctors that examined them.)

I don't like the agency, I feel they fall far short, they cut corners, they make massive mistakes, and every day, children pay for those mistakes. I paid many times over, and that is where my venom comes from. I hope that Ayla is not one of those kids, and as of right now, I know we will never hear anything from CPS, and LE is choosing to say nothing, although I'm sure they have copies of all CPS and DHS case files regarding both parents.

I think I would just feel better if CPS would actually speak to the public a little more, in this case, or any other that they were involved in. They don't even have to give specifics as kids do deserve to be anonymous in that respect, but at least say, "We wouldn't place a kid with her potential father, only with a man that has been proven to actually be her father or other relative. We acted within our authority, we had our reasons, and no we won't say what they were." Or possibly, to say, "We have no records on that child or her family." Either way, just say something, because it would be so helpful to know, one way or the other, if they were even involved in this case at any point. I can't even be sure they were, since I have such a hard time taking the mothers statements without a heavy dose of salt.
I was wondering the same, particularly since theres some thinking that they JD family knew someone in CPS. More than likely it could be in the same public building if she had to go there to file locally where he was. I also don't understand if there was no order for her to be with him and he isn't "legally" her father, wouldn't there be more immediate processes to force the return right away? I get the filing for long term issues of support and establishing custody definitively, but in the immediate timeframe none of that was established as I understand it so it's strange.

resp.bbm = that would put her in the area on the Thursday right if she did have to file local to him. I wonder, with her saying "Thursday" instead of the actual night, Friday, if the thought crossed her mind to just go there and take her...and then this! Has it been proven that mom and family were miles away at home when Ayla went missing? There are a few reasons why I wonder how mom seems to be believed not at all responsible. Again, not saying she is, and I truly believe she is sincere in her interviews...I just don't feel 100% that she knows nothing yet, and I don't know why!!
Exactly. When my brother and his ex were divorcing I kept telling him to play his cards close to the vest. She'd call and get him so worked up that he'd end up telling her a bunch of things she should have never had the heads up on, just to try and show her that he was on top of things. No matter how many times I'd tell him it would always play out like this. In some ways I could understand how he would get so worked up but I know you don't usually come out on top if you show your game plan ahead of time. Some people can't help it though. Just as Ayla's mom saying that dad said he was going to take custody from her...I think it started just like that and escalated until they both told all their plans to each other.
Sigh. Where is Ayla!!


I don't understand why she wouldn't own up to having told him that though - wouldn't that put even more against the father. If he was aware that she was trying to take her from him...If she did tell him accidentally or threateningly, you would think she would admit to that. Why hide it and state vehemently that he couldn't possibly have known?
As of late Saturday morning, according to McCausland, the situation still was considered a missing person case.

“I’m not aware of any new developments today on this Christmas weekend,” said McCausland.

The investigation will continue throughout the holiday weekend. God Bless those members of LE that will be working that investigation.
I get this hinky feeling from mom that I just can't shake.

I think it's because her story keeps changing (ever so slightly) and just isn't adding up. Initially it was she hadn't really talked with the dad - now we find out that she called and spoke to him the night before her doctor appt. (which was in the town where mom lives - not where dad lives IIRC) - Could she have called and threatened to show up to get/take the baby from him at that appt? I think there's a LOT more to the conversations that she NOW says she had with dad right before Ayla went missing.

Also - how easy would it have been (since she now admits to knowing the layout of the house - who sleeps where, etc) could mom (or someone close to mom) to have driven there and scooped the baby up in the middle of the night? I've had to admit that when we lived in a house that didn't have an alarm - my husband is such a deep sleeper that I would joke someone could come in and rob us blind while he slept and he wouldn't know until the next morning --- so I don't see that as an impossible feat (someone slipping in and grabbing the baby). That makes sense with the neighbor hearing a 'loud' car etc...... U(and, again IIRC, LE stated that both vehicles they removed from the home WILL BE RETURNED to the paternal family - thus they must not need them for evidence?)

This would also make sense to me with the maternal family staying away - not in full PANIC mode in waterville regardless of what police say (I would be there staying out of the way of LE but offering to help serve food to the people that were searching - or something -- at least being able to get SOME kind of information on my missing baby (IF I really believed she was missing) -- and not relying on MSM reporters to tell me what's up.

There's a bunch more inconsistencies that have come from the mom - but I didn't have time this morning to go put it together. I'm cooking dinner for the whole family (because my 84 yr old mom couldn't quite do it this year) and going to take it to mom's so no one knows SHE didn't do it. :) A little Christmas magic for my mom. :) :)

Praying for news on all these missinug babies for Christmas!
I don't think either parent harmed or hid this child. I think someone else who was in the house or had access is responsible. Hiding a child is crazy because someone will know; I don't think parents or family members hid this child.
I am glad that LE seems to be thorough.
Horrific Christmas for these families.
I have been reading the entire thread since early yesterday morning and have just now caught up :rollercoaster: I live ten minutes from where Ayla was taken and this has rocked our community (I'm the girl tying the green ribbon in the photobucket picture). A few things I hope I can clarify -

Justin's mother owns the house. I know her name but I'm not sure if I am allowed to say?

The orthopedist is in Portland, as is the courthouse where Trista filed on Thursday.

Ayla was reported missing Saturday morning.

In an original report (I'll try to find it but I can't make any promises) it was stated that a non-family member saw her in her bed around 10:30, then it was focused on Justin last seeing her at 8 and the other information never resurfaced.

The crime scene tape went up in response to a shrine that was growing on the front lawn. When people started leaving gifts, the LE officers felt it was important to prevent people from walking right up and leaving things on the front porch. They allowed the shrine to stay and taped off around it, so obviously preserving that 10' x 4' area of lawn was not crucial to them.

The "top homicide prosecutors" are state prosecutors and they take whatever case is given to them. Are they more successful with homicides? Maybe, but that doesn't mean anything. We are accustomed to bringing in as many pairs of eyes as possible, because there's no reason to keep out a trained professional who may be able to pick up on something new. Maybe they went for political reasons, because they wanted to be involved and visible in the media and then run for an office? (speculation, of course)

The area of the airport that they were searching was actually the back of the airfield, accessible by Webb Rd, Mitchell Rd and Chelsey Dr. There is a huge collection of hiking, biking and snowmobiling trails back there that span from KMD to Webb Rd and from the airport to West River Rd. About ten years ago there was an abduction case where someone dumped a car back there, so I think it was a theory based on the accessibility and familiarity that most residents have. IMHO.

I do not believe that Justin has gotten a job since he moved back home, and I know where he has been staying in Waterville since he was blocked from the house. Someone mentioned landscaping, but there's no digging or planting going on in Maine now. The ground is too frozen to break without mechanical assistance.

Sorry my first post is so long, I haven't slept since Ayla went missing and I want to help you all, because you are amazing <3
The state police vehicles, media vans and onlookers are gone from Waterville. The command center and tipline building are pretty much empty, with the state police vehicles gone, as well as the warden's service vehicles.

"Our team of investigators and searchers have spent the past week working in the glaring spotlight of national attention that has rightly focused on the tragic event which befell Ayla and her family on December 17th," the release states. "Now, detectives need the opportunity to continue their work for a few days outside of the microscope."
I don't understand why she wouldn't own up to having told him that though - wouldn't that put even more against the father. If he was aware that she was trying to take her from him...If she did tell him accidentally or threateningly, you would think she would admit to that. Why hide it and state vehemently that he couldn't possibly have known?

Not saying it is the case here, but quite frequently substance abusers and those with attending personality disorders simply LIE. Often they are accustomed to lying so much and not being called on it that they have learned to lie to create the reality they want rather than the true reality that exists. They think because people don't point out the ridiculousness of bald-faced lies that people BELIEVE them, just because the words spilled out of their mouths.

We have heard so very very little about this mother's past, no friends or lovers speaking out to defend or to impune. So we are left to put together what we do know so far along with keeping in mind that she MAY have few or no longterm relationships. That alone also says something IF it is even true.
I have been reading the entire thread since early yesterday morning and have just now caught up :rollercoaster: I live ten minutes from where Ayla was taken and this has rocked our community (I'm the girl tying the green ribbon in the photobucket picture). A few things I hope I can clarify -

Justin's mother owns the house. I know her name but I'm not sure if I am allowed to say?

The orthopedist is in Portland, as is the courthouse where Trista filed on Thursday.

Ayla was reported missing Saturday morning.

In an original report (I'll try to find it but I can't make any promises) it was stated that a non-family member saw her in her bed around 10:30, then it was focused on Justin last seeing her at 8 and the other information never resurfaced.

The crime scene tape went up in response to a shrine that was growing on the front lawn. When people started leaving gifts, the LE officers felt it was important to prevent people from walking right up and leaving things on the front porch. They allowed the shrine to stay and taped off around it, so obviously preserving that 10' x 4' area of lawn was not crucial to them.

The "top homicide prosecutors" are state prosecutors and they take whatever case is given to them. Are they more successful with homicides? Maybe, but that doesn't mean anything. We are accustomed to bringing in as many pairs of eyes as possible, because there's no reason to keep out a trained professional who may be able to pick up on something new. Maybe they went for political reasons, because they wanted to be involved and visible in the media and then run for an office? (speculation, of course)

The area of the airport that they were searching was actually the back of the airfield, accessible by Webb Rd, Mitchell Rd and Chelsey Dr. There is a huge collection of hiking, biking and snowmobiling trails back there that span from KMD to Webb Rd and from the airport to West River Rd. About ten years ago there was an abduction case where someone dumped a car back there, so I think it was a theory based on the accessibility and familiarity that most residents have. IMHO.

I do not believe that Justin has gotten a job since he moved back home, and I know where he has been staying in Waterville since he was blocked from the house. Someone mentioned landscaping, but there's no digging or planting going on in Maine now. The ground is too frozen to break without mechanical assistance.

Sorry my first post is so long, I haven't slept since Ayla went missing and I want to help you all, because you are amazing <3

Welcome, and thank you so much for such an informative post. We are just guessing at so much here, so it is really nice to get a straight scoop from a local. :)
It would be lovely if there were, but CPS is not required to provide any information about themselves, seemingly to anyone. I have dealt with them my entire life, (as a child, as a teenager, before and after I had kids of my own) and those sweeping allegations are true. Been there, done that, it's their operating style. IMO (and the opinions of most anyone else that has every had to deal with them, either as a child or as an adult.)
For the posters who've had these negative experiences....

I'm wondering how many states (and what specific states) we are dealing with? CPS/DHS attitudes and services (or lack thereof) and policies vary from state to state. As a social worker (who does not work in the CPS/DHS sector), it alarms me to hear of apparent abuse of authority. It is extremely unethical, and it goes against everything social work stands for.

That being said, we need to remember that everyone answers to someone, "even" CPS. Sometimes it takes a very squeaky wheel to get the grease, but I urge anyone who feels they are coerced by DHS/CPS to start squeaking. The object of the game is to take care of the children in the best manner possible, and if the people sworn to do so are overstepping their bounds in any way, they need to be held accountable for the sake of everyone, but especially the children.
For the posters who've had these negative experiences....

I'm wondering how many states (and what specific states) we are dealing with? CPS/DHS attitudes and services (or lack thereof) and policies vary from state to state. As a social worker (who does not work in the CPS/DHS sector), it alarms me to hear of apparent abuse of authority. It is extremely unethical, and it goes against everything social work stands for.

That being said, we need to remember that everyone answers to someone, "even" CPS. Sometimes it takes a very squeaky wheel to get the grease, but I urge anyone who feels they are coerced by DHS/CPS to start squeaking. The object of the game is to take care of the children in the best manner possible, and if the people sworn to do so are overstepping their bounds in any way, they need to be held accountable for the sake of everyone, but especially the children.

Thank you for saying that! My husband is a social worker and I can tell you right now that sometimes these decisions are up to individuals who are not perfect judges of character or even logic.

Even though the mother was in rehab (which is actually a good thing, not a negative, in terms of getting better), I'm not sure how it served the child to be taken to another home with an unemployed father who barely knew her. Why not leave her with the grandmother? :cow:
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