ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 9

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Just catching up...watched the pressor and my heart breaks for Trista and her family.

Can someone give me quick explanation of the countdown... I think I understand it but not super clear. TIA

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - #9

That's when the reward offer expires (June 30). IMOO, that's how long any of the adults who were in the house the night Ayla disappeared have to give up whatever knowledge they may have before LE starts coming down on them for impeding an investigation, or whatever they call it.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - #9

That's when the reward offer expires (June 30). IMOO, that's how long any of the adults who were in the house the night Ayla disappeared have to give up whatever knowledge they may have before LE starts coming down on them for impeding an investigation, or whatever they call it.

Thank You PJD! I was thinking along those lines but didn't think of LE being able to come down on them like you mentioned.
hmmm...very interesting!
Thank You PJD! I was thinking along those lines but didn't think of LE being able to come down on them like you mentioned.
hmmm...very interesting! I said, that part is JMOO.
JD must have peed his panties when he heard that. He will keep his vow of silence, and he better play nicey nice to his three females. Maybe they will try to hide in a convent.


Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - #9

That's when the reward offer expires (June 30). IMOO, that's how long any of the adults who were in the house the night Ayla disappeared have to give up whatever knowledge they may have before LE starts coming down on them for impeding an investigation, or whatever they call it.

I can't help but think that this expiration date on the reward is just another way to say, hey, whoever comes in first will get the plea deal, you have until June 30, 2012, after that no deal.:moo:

BBM: Good point ... and I totally agree ...

JMO ... but I think LE / DA knows "who did it" ... but there is some uncertainty as to "who" helped with the cover-up and "who" witnessed "what happened" to Ayla :( ... :waitasec: I hope that made sense ...

Also, there is NO doubt in my mind that Phoebe and Lance know "something" -- even though it is "claimed" that they were not in the house the night Ayla "allegedly" went "missing" ...

23 Days until June 30 : Tick Tock ... Tick Tock ... Tick Tock


Totally agree with your post.:clap:
I am just posting to put energies out "there" for the DP's to share, in full, what they know with LE about Ayla!

:seeya: Good Morning !

For the DiPietro's, et al ...

Offer Expires = June 30, 2012
The DP's are wretched, self-serving monsters. They appear to lack the capabilities to feel the full range of emotions that "real" people experience. But I know they feel fear. Good, fear is good. Fear can make people do things they wouldn't ordinarily do. Squeak. Tremble. Speak.
Each time I see Ayla's thread bumped, I hear 'tick-tock' like the croc in Peter Pan. I would rather prefer that those who have harmed Ayla hear her heartbeat ringing in their ears a la 'The Tell-Tale Heart'. I hope that each time they try to think of something else, the heartbeat gets louder and louder until they confess where that precious baby is. Let her heart beat until she is found and justice is served.

JMO etc.
It is awfully quiet. Hope there is much going on behind the scenes with the investigation. The deadline on the reward money is fast approaching.
It is awfully quiet. Hope there is much going on behind the scenes with the investigation. The deadline on the reward money is fast approaching.

:seeya: Yes it is awfully quiet ... hopefully it's "the calm before the storm" ... lol !

tick tock ... 18 days ... tick tock ...

:please: for Ayla !
If any of those zipped-lipped-zombies decide to speak the truth, it won't be out of any remorse/regret for Ayla. CYA will be first and foremost. The one who turns to LE and offers to "tell all" is going to be an outcast of the zipped-lipped-zombies and is going to demand protected witness status. Individually, ED and CR must be weighing in on the pros and cons of ratting out. Now, if ED and CR decided to team up, together they might get a better deal plus they would have at least one "friend". There will be no continued protection/benefits of the "family" and the "family" may have already stated some aspects of what the revenge would be for a fink.

The Tick-Tocking Clock should be,ringing in the DPs' ears due to FEAR.. The most base of emotions!

I am also hoping for the Tell-Tale Heart scenario for them too!

Double Whammy!

Still here for you sweet Ayla!!! Praying you're brought home to your mommy and justice is served harshly to those that hurt you!!!!
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