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UPDATED: New discovery in Casey Anthony case
Updated: Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 6:24 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 9:37 AM EDT
The discovery information includes forensic reports from the FBI lab in Quantico Virginia. That&#8217;s the same lab that confirmed the identity of her daughter Caylee's remains.

In an e-mail written by FBI Intelligance Analyst Karen B. Cowan to FBI Agent Erin O. Martin, Cowan says, &#8220;A very interesting photo exists of the trunk liner, which you have, which highlights the very large stain. If you look closely at this photo, there appears to be the outline of silhouette of a child in the fetal position. You can make out what may be the back, bottom, and legs most clearly.&#8221;

*NOTE: Video Report Included In Article!

Document: FBI Crime Lab Reports

Document: Duck tape product specification report

Document: Orange County Sheriff's office investigative documents

Transcript of interview with Annie Downing conducted January 6, 2009

UPDATED: FBI Docs: Stain Shaped Like Child's Body In Casey's Trunk
Posted: 8:57 am EDT September 29, 2009
Updated: 6:40 pm EDT September 29, 2009
Among the unusual revelations uncovered in documents released Tuesday morning is that Cindy Anthony wanted private detectives to look for a live Caylee as recently as two months ago.

One of Cindy's emails might come back to haunt her daughter in the Zenaida Gonzalez defamation lawsuit. Cindy told one of the sheriff's investigators last October that private eye Dominic Casey was not working for the defense team, but recently the private eye testified under oath that he was in his attempt to avoid being questioned under oath by Zenaida's attorneys.

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » Private Eye's "Characters of Interest" Chart

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » FBI Writes About Stain In Shape Of Body

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » DNA Paternity Test For Jesse Grund

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » Hundreds Of Pages From Private Eye D. Casey

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » FBI DNA Investigation, Other Reports

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » Henkel Duck Brand Tape Product Specs

DOCUMENT RELEASED 09/29/09: » Annie Downing 01/06/09 Interview Transcript

VIDEO REPORT: Over 1,000 Pages Of Documents Released In Casey Case

VIDEO REPORT: New Documents Released In Case

Casey Anthony: New documents reveal Cindy's strange quest
posted by halboedeker on Sep 29, 2009 12:48:45 PM
Strangest tidbit from the documents released today in the Casey Anthony case?

"Cindy Anthony wanted private detectives to look for a live Caylee as late as two months ago," WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Vanessa Echols said at noon.

Think about that one. Casey Anthony is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter -- and Cindy's granddaughter -- toddler Caylee Anthony. The child's remains were found in December, and the family had a memorial service in February.

Casey Anthony: Maitland man says Casey Anthony was ignoring Caylee shortly before child disappeared
posted by halboedeker on Sep 29, 2009 5:22:44 PM
An FBI analyst described the photograph of the stain, and WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing called it "a haunting reminder that investigators believe Caylee's body may have been kept there for days."

WFTV-Channel 9 legal analyst Bill Sheaffer asked: "Why is a child's body going to be in the trunk of that car, dead or alive? It's significant that the child's body was in the trunk of that car."

But Kealing added that an FBI photographic supervisor said "it is too speculative" to draw conclusions about what the stain might be and that the photographic department does "not report conclusions about what may or may not have left any marks or impressions."

Kealing also highlighted a sworn statement, made in July this year, from a Maitland computer salesman. The man said he saw Casey and Caylee together on the day after Father's Day 2008.

Casey Anthony: WKMG says DNA mystery could be big break for defense
posted by halboedeker on Sep 29, 2009 11:34:07 PM
Making headlines earlier in the day was the news that an FBI lab analyst, during testing, had accidentally contaminated the tape.

The second piece of DNA was found on the tape's adhesive side, Pipitone reported.

The DNA expert confirmed to Pipitone that this second piece of DNA does not belong to Caylee, Casey, Casey's parents or the FBI lab analyst.

Pipitone also reported that the FBI has found that the tape on Caylee's skull does not come from the same source as the tape on a gas tank in the Anthony home.

"If that bears out as this case progresses, that could also be very damaging in any attempt to tie Casey to the scene of that crime," Pipitone said.

WKMG also reported that Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, tomorrow will discuss the latest documents released in the case.

UPDATED: Anthony Attorneys Want Case Dismissed
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 4:49:24 PM
The new motions came just hours after Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, released more documents, saying he can prove the duct tape at the crime scene does not match tape found at the Anthony home.

The case against Casey Anthony seems to have turned into a paperwork war, with more than 220 pages of motions released Wednesday, following over 1,000 pages of information released Tuesday.

The motion is the second to dismiss the case in less than two weeks. The first one was based on defense attorneys being denied access to the crime scene, as well as evidence tampering.

Conway said Casey&#8217;s family wants to remind everyone that she is innocent until proven guilty.

The Anthony family is continuing to stand behind Casey, and are asking the public to wait until the case goes to trial.

Video: Duct Tape Discrepancy Tape Discrepancy

Video: Documents Reveal Much In Casey Case Reveal Much In Casey Case

PDF~ FBI Memos On Hair-Fiber Evidence 08/01/08 - 02/18/09: Pages 1-19

Attorney for Casey Anthony's parents set to release new evidence today
Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, is expected to release evidence in the Casey Anthony case.
7:41 a.m. EDT, September 30, 2009
<snipped> reports the attorney for Casey Anthony's parents will release evidence that raises "serious questions about the case" today.

Attorney Brad Conway said the evidence contains information that should have been made public Tuesday when state prosecutors released more than 1,000 pages of documents related to their case against Casey Anthony.

FBI: stain in tot mom's trunk 3:50
Silhouette of Murder
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
An FBI forensics lab identified a blood stain outline of a child in the fetal position in the trunk liner of accused child killer Casey Anthony&#8217;s car, according to newly released documents.

The information came in an e-mail from FBI Intelligence Analyst Karen B. Cowan to another agency employee written on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008.

&#8220;If you look closely at this photo, there appears to be the outline or silhouette of a child in the fetal position," Cowan wrote.

Video: Caylee Clues? 2:17
FBI: Stain in Casey Anthony's trunk,2933,557480,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/crime

UPDATED: Casey Defense Files Motion To Dismiss
Anthony Family Attorney Cites Problems With Evidence
POSTED: Wednesday, September 30, 2009
UPDATED: 6:12 pm EDT September 30, 2009
Based on what it calls a lack of physical evidence, Casey Anthony's defense team is asking a judge to dismiss the murder and child abuse charges against Anthony, or at least block the state from seeking the death penalty against her.

The defense would like Judge Stan Strickland to toss out the charges against Anthony, but if he doesn't, it at least wants the death penalty taken off the table and it attacks the prosecution for seeking it.

Attorney Brad Conway said a forensics report shows that duct tape found on Caylee's mouth doesn't match duct tape found at the Anthony home. Conway pointed to an FBI report that says the "fabric portion" of the duct tape is "microscopically dissimilar", and "not consistent with originating from the same source".

VIEW: Motion To Dismiss

VIEW: Motion To Preclude Death Penalty

VIDEO: Anthony Family Attorney To Release Info

VIDEO: FBI: Child Outline Seen In Casey Trunk

UPDATED: New motions filed, evidence disputed
Updated: Wednesday, 30 Sep 2009, 5:47 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 30 Sep 2009, 12:16 PM EDT
Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez filed motions Wednesday to have the death penatly procedures stopped and the first degree murder and aggravated child abuse charges dropped. Earlier in the day attorney Brad Conway, who represents Casey's parents George and Cindy Anthony, says evidence being used by prosecutors has some problems.

Attorney Brad Conway said Wednesday a forensics report shows that duct tape found on 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's mouth doesn't match duct tape found at the Anthony home.

The attorney also says that no hairs showing signs of decomposition were found in the car used by Casey Anthony.

*NOTE: Video Included In Article!

FYI: At The End Of This Video They Report That The SA Hopes To Release Another 1,000pgs Of Discovery Next Week!

UPDATED: Anthonys Release Reports On Duct Tape Tests
Brad Conway Says Information Raises Questions
UPDATED: 12:35 pm EDT September 30, 2009
In a press conference, Brad Conway released more than 1,000 pages of documents, including the results of a FBI test that indicate that fibers taken from the duct tape across Caylee Anthony's mouth do not match similar fibers from tape that was across the Anthony family's gas can in their garage. This contradicts earlier reports that there was some sort of evidentiary match between tape found on Caylee's skull and tape found at the Anthony's home.

The information about the tape along with information released by the prosecution Tuesday about a lack of a DNA match between Casey Anthony and DNA on the tape raises questions about the state's scientific case, Anthony family attorney Brad Conway said.

PDF: Motion To Dismiss Murder, Abuse Charges

PDF: Motion To Preclude Death Penalty

Video: Anthonys Release Reports On Duct Tape Tests

Defense files motion to ditch murder, child-abuse charges against Casey Anthony
Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, also released FBI reports and e-mails that support Casey Anthony's case.
12:40 p.m. EDT, September 30, 2009
Casey Anthony's defense team filed specific motions today to have the two most serious charges against her removed -- first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse.

But in the most recent filing, attorneys argue that the state doesn't have enough evidence to prove either the murder charge or the child-abuse charge.

Meanwhile, Brad Conway, attorney for Casey Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, released at a news conference more FBI lab results and e-mails that have not been released publicly.

Anthonys&#8217; Attorney Releases &#8220;New Evidence&#8221; In Case
Posted: 12:33 pm EDT September 30, 2009
Updated: 12:51 pm EDT September 30, 2009
Just one day after prosecutors released 1,000 pages of documents in the case against Casey Anthony, the Anthony family attorney released his own Wednesday.

Attorney Brad Conway made public what he called "new evidence." Conway said the new documents that he released raise new questions about the entire case.

The Anthonys' attorney held a news conference at his downtown office Wednesday and released new documents that the defense has just given to the Anthonys, which have not been released publicly through ongoing records requests.


Raw Video: Legal Analyst Questions Anthonys' Lawyer's Tactics

Raw Video: Anthonys' Attorney Holds News Conference
Watch the full news conference held by Anthony family attorney Brad Conway about "new evidence." (09/30/09)


VIDEO REPORT: Attorney Holds Press Conference

Casey Anthony: Family attorney cites weakness in state's case
posted by halboedeker on Sep 30, 2009 5:16:07 PM
Kealing said the highlights from Conway's document release were: 1. Fibers on duct tape found on Caylee's remains are inconsistent with fibers on tape on a gas tank in the Anthony home. 2. An unknown hair on the duct tape on Caylee's remains don't match the girl or her mother. 3. Test results show no matching fibers linking Casey's car to the crime scene.

WKMG-Channel 6's Mike DeForest said his station disputed the second example by showing Conway another FBI document that says no hair other than Caylee's was on the duct tape.

"At that point, Brad Conway basically backed off of this statement and said he wanted to do a little bit further research," DeForest said.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the new document didn't rule out the link between the duct tape on Caylee and the tape at the Anthony house, Belich reported. "You're going to have deterioration of the tape at the crime scene because it's been sitting there for months under water," Sheaffer said.

In other Anthony news, Jose Baez, Casey's defense attorney, today filed two motions: One asks the judge to dismiss murder and aggravated-child abuse charges against Casey because of lack of evidence. The other motion challenges the prosecution's pursuit of the death penalty against Casey.

Pipitone rated the motions' chances. He said the death-penalty motion had little success because prosecutors in Florida are given great leeway to seek death. And Pipitone said the prosecution could easily defeat the motion to defense by saying it does have enough evidence.

Criminal Case Docket Updated!

Docket Date----Defendant--------------------------------Docket Entry


Casey Anthony seeks to have murder charge dropped
Sep 30, 6:50 PM EDT
Attorneys for a Florida woman charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter want to prevent prosecutors from seeking the death penalty and said Wednesday that charges against her should be dropped.

Anthony's attorneys said that prosecutors can't prove first-degree murder was committed or that Anthony ever abused her daughter, Caylee.

"Specifically, the state cannot establish whether Caylee Anthony's death was accidental, natural, or the result of an intentional or negligent homicide," they said.

Casey Anthony: Did you hear that Nostradamus predicted that she would be acquitted?
posted by halboedeker on Oct 1, 2009 2:40:00 PM
Hello, Nostradamus, my old friend. We're going to talk about you again.

A reader has alerted me that the 16th century seer predicted that Casey Anthony will go free next year. She is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter, Caylee.

Ah, that Nostradamus. Didn't he predict just about everything?

The reader cites a Nostradamus prediction: "The mother&#8217;s name is blackened by a silver mask,

"The people cry for vengeance, but truth prevails.

"Two thousand and ten finds Antone free."

Antone, of course, isn't Anthony. And silver mask? What's that?

E-Mails Detail Search For Caylee
POSTED: Thursday, October 1, 2009
UPDATED: 4:16 pm EDT October 1, 2009
E-mails included in thousands of pages of documents released by the state attorney's office earlier this week show that over the past year Dominic Casey has scoured the Internet, searching for Zenaida Gonzalez. He investigated at least three women with the name of Zenaida Gonzalez after finding photographs of them online, the e-mails show.

Puerto Rico is the focus of the search for Zenaida Gonzalez that Casey Anthony speaks of," Brad Conway, the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, said last year.

In July 2009, Cindy Anthony also forwarded Conway a photograph of a girl in Puerto Rico who she said "looks like an older Caylee," documents show.

VIDEO: Pipitone Report

UPDATED: Expert: Lack Of DNA In Caylee Case Not Unusual
Attorney Also Questions New Casey Anthony Motions
POSTED: 4:48 pm EDT October 1, 2009
UPDATED: 5:28 pm EDT October 1, 2009
Dr. Bruce Levy, who also is the chief medical examiner in Tennessee, said it also is not unusual that the FBI found DNA from one of its own technicians in a sample.

"If it was on the body while it was exposed to the elements, you may find very degraded DNA or a small fragment," he said.

In its reports, the FBI admitted it did find DNA belonging to one of its own female technicians. Levy said that can happen very innocently and does not mean the lab tests were botched.

Also Thursday, a defense attorney said the motions to dismiss charges against Caset Anthony have no chance of success.

"The motions they filed are lacking in substance and procedurally incorrect," said Richard Hornsby, who has been reviewing the case and speaking with WESH.

For example, Hornsby said the new motion to dismiss murder and aggravated child abuse charges should have been filed by the defense last year.

Video: Experts: State Might Not Use Some Lab Tests

Video: Attorney: Casey Motions Have No Chance To Succeed 1:34

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