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Equusearch fires back at Anthony's defense
Updated: Thursday, 11 Feb 2010, 5:26 PM EST
Published : Thursday, 11 Feb 2010, 5:26 PM EST
Mark Nejame wants the judge to throw out a request to give the defense private records about volunteers for Texas Equusearch.

Casey's attorneys argue the media recently saw them so they should too but Equusearch denies showing private records to reporters.

Also on Thursday, more motions were filed in the case by the defense team.

The defense filed a motion objecting to the state attorney &#8217;s office asking for a private meeting with Judge Stan Strickland to discuss new evidence they have obtained. Prosecutors don&#8217;t want to release the new material and information from investigators regarding the case disclosed to the public.

New documents filed in the Casey Anthony case
Casey Anthony's defense objects to state's request for private hearing with judge; Texas EquuSearch responds to defense claims
2:44 p.m. EST, February 11, 2010
In one of the filings, defense attorneys Jose Baez and Andrea Lyon object to the state's recent request for a private hearing with Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland. Casey Anthony's defense stated in their objection that prosecutors offered nothing in support of their claim, and "under Florida law a bare assertion is insufficient," according to the motion, which was made public Thursday.

The defense also filed an objection to the state's proposed discovery schedule. According to the objection, the defense team and prosecutors assigned to Casey Anthony's case met Feb. 8 and agreed on an "overwhelming majority" of discovery issues.

Meanwhile, a lawyer for Texas EquuSearch filed a response to claims made by the defense team. But in a response filed Wednesday, NeJame stated the defense team's motion is "inaccurate and lacking in demonstrating any proper investigation or due diligence prior to its filing."

"If counsel for the Defendant had conducted a proper inquiry he would have ascertained that none of the previously approximately 4,000 undisclosed names of the searchers were shown, reviewed, or looked at by Adam Longo, reporter for Central Florida News 13," NeJame wrote. "In fact, those approximately 4,000 names of the searchers were in a separate box and in a separate office located approximately fifteen (15) miles away when Mr. Longo was present."

NeJame stated Longo communicated this information to Baez, who has not withdrawn his "inappropriate and inaccurate motion which misrepresents the facts and is wholly and completely erroneous and misleading." NeJame also asked that Strickland assess attorney's fees against Casey Anthony's defense team, "especially since he has been advised of the inaccuracy of his motion and has failed to take any remedial actions."

"He has caused unnecessary attorney time and Court time to be wasted, especially since he has been fully advised of its misrepresentations and inaccuracies and nevertheless continues to proceed," NeJame wrote.

*More at link!

Baez Objects To Closed Meeting In Casey Case
Prosecutors Attempt Want To Meet With Judge Alone

POSTED: 4:38 pm EST February 11, 2010
UPDATED: 5:11 pm EST February 11, 2010
Prosecutors do not want Anthony or her defense at the meeting. In his response Thursday, Baez said there's "no explanation for this highly unusual request."

He also pointed out that two defense requests for similar closed door hearings were turned down.

Prosecutors will not reveal what information they want to discuss alone with Judge Stan Strickland.

EquuSearch Attorney: Baez Motion Is A Waste Of Time
Posted: 3:48 pm EST February 11, 2010
Updated: 6:08 pm EST February 11, 2010
A new motion filed Wednesday by attorneys for Texas EquuSearch calls a recent request by Casey's defense team a waste of time.

Attorney Mark Nejame says a motion claiming the organization let reporters see paperwork regarding the search for Caylee Anthony is inappropriate and inaccurate.

Nejame says Texas EquuSearch hasn't released names of volunteers or search information that has not previously been shared with the defense.

DEFENSE MOTION: Motion For Leave To File Supplemental Authority

TEXAS EQUUSEARCH LAWYER NEJAME MOTION: Response To Defendant's Motion For Leave To File Supplemental Authority

DEFENSE MOTION: Defense Objection To State Of Florida's Genreal Discovery Order

Murder Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court

02/03/2010---Notice of Filing---Proposed Order regarding Discovery, Motion and Hearing Deadlines and Trial Dates

02/03/2010---Motion---for Incamera Ex Parte Hearing

02/09/2010---Motion---for Leave to File Supplemental Authority

02/09/2010---Defense---Objection to State of florida's Request for an Ex Parte Hearing

02/10/2010---Defense---Objection to State of Florida's General Discovery Order

02/10/2010---Defense---Objection to State of florida's General Discovery Order

02/10/2010---Response---to Defendants Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Authority
Ex-wife of meter reader who found Caylee Anthony's remains to be questioned under oath
Prosecutors handling the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony will depose Jill Kerley later this month

11:10 a.m. EST, February 12, 2010
The ex-wife of the Orange County meter reader who found Caylee Marie Anthony's remains will be questioned under oath later this month, according to a notice filed in court Friday.

Prosecutors handling the first-degree murder case against Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, will question Jill Kerley, who lives in Tennessee, on Feb. 25. Kerley was married to now former meter reader Roy Kronk for about four months.

Casey Anthony's defense team had earlier requested to depose Kerley and save her testimony. Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland granted the request, but prosecutors have the right to depose Kerley first.

Because of an illness, Kerley can't travel to Orlando. She will report to a lawyer's office in Knoxville for the questioning

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case
Submit Questions For Bill To Answer

February 12, 2010
Bill Sheaffer is going to answer questions from users in an upcoming post and would love to get submissions from his blog fans. Please submit your questions, regarding the case against Casey Anthony, as a comment on this post only and we&#8217;ll take the cream of the crop to answer in a post next week.

DO NOT comment on the questions &#8212; this area is only for submitting questions, not debating them. Please only submit questions. Thanks!

Casey's Defense Wants Private Meeting Denied
Posted: 2:39 pm EST February 12, 2010
Updated: 3:08 pm EST February 12, 2010
Casey Anthony's defense team filed a motion Friday asking a judge to deny the prosecutions request for a private meeting. Casey's attorney's argued that, because their request for a private meeting with the judge was denied last year, the prosecution shouldn't be allowed either.

According to a notice filed in court Friday, prosecutors will question the ex-wife of the Orange County meter reader who found Caylee's remains. Casey's defense team says Jill Kerley's testimony will prove her ex-husband, Roy Kronk, should be a suspect in Caylee's murder.

Prosecutors will question Kerley under oath via Skype on February 25.

PDF DOCUMENT:Defense Objection To State Of Florida's Request For An Ex Parte Hearing

UPDATED: Anthony Prosecutors To Question Meter Reader's Ex-Wife
Saturday, February 13, 2010 8:48:46 AM
The prosecution in the Casey Anthony case will get the first chance to question the ex-wife of the former meter reader who found the body of Caylee Anthony.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Jill Kerley, who lives in Tennessee, will be deposed on Feb. 25.

Kerley was married to Roy Kronk for about four months.

Video: Jill Kerley Talks About Kronk Kerley Talks About Kronk

Attorney Leaving Casey's Defense Team
Posted: 9:42 pm EST February 14, 2010
Updated: 10:31 pm EST February 14, 2010
Eyewitness News has learned one of Casey Anthony's attorneys is leaving the case. Todd Macaluso joined the defense team to help Casey's attorneys cross examine expert witnesses.

He notified Casey Anthony last week that he would no longer be able to represent her due to current issues with the California State Bar. Macaluso is under investigation for misappropriating client funds and misusing a client's trust account.

Macaluso sent out a statement on Sunday night, saying "I, like Casey, know how difficult it is to lose a family member. While I regret not being able to proceed in her case as her attorney, I know she is in good hands with her current defense team."

Jose Baez released this statement: "The entire defense team is grateful for his hard work on this case and wishes him well in all of his future endeavors." Baez told Eyewitness News he will be looking for another attorney to take over Macaluso's duties.

VIDEO REPORT: Lawyer Leaving Casey 2:09

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
State Bar Court Cases For Todd Macaluso
NOTE: The State Bar Court began posting public discipline documents online in 2005. The format and pagination of documents posted on this site may vary from the originals in the case file as a result of their translation from the original format into Word and PDF. Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request. Only Opinions designated for publication in the State Bar Court Reporter may be cited or relied on as precedent in State Bar Court proceedings.

Disciplinary and Related Actions
4/26/2010---Ordered inactive----Case #06-O-14552

1/23/2009---Notice of Disc Charges Filed in SBCt----Case #06-O-14552

PDF: Initiating Document-Filed 1/23/09 Pgs 1-10

PDF: Response- Filed 2/13/09 Pgs 1-9

Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request.

Information Found Here:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Added for reference for everyone! :winko:

Casey Anthony&#8217;s newest attorney investigated by California state bar
March 13, 9:56 PM
Todd Macaluso is accused of writing bad checks from a client&#8217;s account, one check amounting to over $100,000.

Macaluso filed a motion in Orange County to allow him to join the Anthony defense team as an out of state attorney, but did not disclose the pending investigation. Friday he amended the motion and disclosed the proceedings against him.

Attorney Todd Macaluso

PDF: The bar&#8217;s motion says that if Macaluso is found guilty of wrongdoing, he will become an inactive member of the state bar.

PDF: Amended Verifed Motion For Admission To Appear Pro Hac Vice Filed: 3/12/09 17:47 Pgs. 1-12
Macaluso's Motion in Orange County to allow him to join the Anthony defense team. for Admission to Appear Pro Hac Vice.pdf


Lawyer On Casey Anthony Team Leaves Case
Attorney Dealing With Disciplinary Action With Bar Association

POSTED: 5:50 pm EST February 14, 2010
UPDATED: 6:49 pm EST February 14, 2010
Attorney Todd Macaluso is dealing with disciplinary action with the California Bar Association.

Last year, Macaluso told the court that the defense believed the remains of Anthony's slain daughter, Caylee, were disposed of after their client was locked in the Orange County correctional facility, proving her innocence.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Added for reference!

Macaluso & Associates
Includes Audios, Videos etc.(of TM) & info @ TM's law firm!
Casey Anthony latest news: Attorney Todd Macaluso leaves accused murderer&#8217;s defense team
February 14, 7:17 PM
Macaluso is facing one of the most serious allegations an attorney can face&#8212;misappropriation of client funds. According to the Bar&#8217;s motion, the attorney is accused of writing bad checks from a client&#8217;s account&#8212;one check amounting to over $100,000. If he is found guilty of wrongdoing, he will become an inactive member of the state bar.

Macaluso has been vocal about Casey&#8217;s case, proclaiming she should not be in jail and that the defense will prove her innocent.

PDF: Bar&#8217;s Motion For Attorney Todd Macaluso:

*I found this interesting & wanted to share it with everyone!
It can be related to Casey & her many lies, & her body language we have all studied. :wink:

How to spot a liar
Last Update: 2/14 11:17 pm
"Some people lie because they want to avoid conflict or they don't want to hurt someone," Dr. Turney says, and adds that some liars are more sinister. "Pathological liars do this because they want to do anything to get their way."

Dr. Turney says watch out for unnecessary details, garbled words and humor. It is also all about body language. If someone shifts their weight, doesn't make eye contact with you, touches their mouth or face or clearly tries to fake emotions, you could be the victim of a bold faced lie.

Turney says these are all just theories and sometimes you can't spot the truth.

Video: Lie To Me 2/14/10 2:26
Learn how to spot a liar.

Casey Anthony's defense team loses attorney amid troubles with California Bar
Todd Macaluso accused of "moral turpitude, dishonesty or corruption"

7:53 a.m. EST, February 15, 2010
Todd Macaluso told the defense team last week that he could no longer represent Anthony, defense lawyer José Baez announced Sunday.

Macaluso has entered an alternative-discipline program after being accused of "moral turpitude, dishonesty or corruption" in handling several trust accounts.

The State Bar alleged that he misappropriated about $145,000 and misused nearly $61,000 in client money.

More evidence to be made public in Casey Anthony case
5:31 p.m. EST, February 15, 2010
More evidence in the murder case against Casey Anthony will be made public on Tuesday morning.

The State Attorney's Office put media outlets on alert today that it will make available three CDs or DVDs of evidence in the case.

It is not clear what information will be on the digitized files.

Attorney Steps Away From Casey Anthony Defense
Anthony's Defense Team Will Move On Without One Member

POSTED: 4:35 pm EST February 15, 2010
UPDATED: 6:24 pm EST February 15, 2010
Attorney Todd Macaluso has decided to step away from the Casey Anthony murder trial.

Macaluso is leaving Anthony's defense team to deal with disciplinary action he is facing from the California Bar Association.

Kerley was not under oath when she told the defense team's private investigator that Kronk restrained her with duct tape. Kronk strongly denied the allegation against him.

Kerley will speak under oath on Feb. 26.

The state attorney's office said there is more information in various digital formats that will be released on disc Tuesday.

Video: Attorney Steps Away From Casey Anthony Defense 2:03

UPDATED: Casey Anthony: Photos of duct tape, syringe and Gatorade bottle released today
Three CDs of information were released in the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony

10:53 a.m. EST, February 16, 2010
Also released was television news footage taken when Anthony's family, including parents George and Cindy Anthony, were still looking for Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie. The footage from WFTV-Channel 9 shows brief clips of Caylee playing and turning the pages of a book; a flier featuring Caylee; some footage of a jailed Casey Anthony on the phone; and Casey's brother, Lee Anthony, speaking with media.

Duct tape is significant in this case because previously-released evidence shows Caylee's mouth was covered with duct tape when she died.

The syringe and Gatorade bottle also were part of previously-released evidence. Records show trace amounts of chloroform &#8212; a potentially deadly chemical &#8212; on some of the evidence, though it's unclear whether the chemical played a role in the child's death.

Among the other photographed items released Tuesday: a doll, what appears to be the liner from Casey Anthony's trunk and duct tape.

Also included are documents from the FBI Laboratory's Chemistry Unit, and several previously released items, including Casey Anthony's employee wage information and Orange County Sheriff's Office reports.

The State Attorney's Office released these photos in the Casey Anthony case.

Pictures: Casey Anthony evidence released 2/16/10,0,5637176.photogallery

UPDATED: More Info Released In Anthony Case
POSTED: Tuesday, February 16, 2010
UPDATED: 11:35 am EST February 16, 2010
Images of a syringe, a Gatorade bottle, a car seat, the contents of a car's trunk and a kit used for testing chemicals are among the photos released by prosecutors in the murder case of Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing her daughter, Caylee.

Forensic testing revealed traces of chloroform in Casey Anthony's car. The chemical compound is used to induce unconsciousness and is also a component of human decomposition.

Televised video featuring an interview with Casey Anthony's brother, Lee Anthony, was also released. A missing persons flier seen in the video shows a piece of duct tape holding the flier to a pole.

Meanwhile, the media liaison for the Casey Anthony defense team has resigned. According to a news release, Marti Mackenzie will no longer be working with the defense team, and all media inquiries about the Casey Anthony case will now be directed to Liz Brown, at DePaul University College of Law Legal Clinic.


IMAGES: I Pics 1-101

*Link II & III Not showing pics at this time...I'll check it again later!
IMAGES: II Pics 1-


VIDEO: Duct Tape Used On Flier

VIDEO: Documents Released

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