MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #4 - *D. Lane guilty*

Is anyone tweeting from the courthouse today?

Update via tweets would be great too if a live stream can't be found.

Fiancé of suspected child killer admits to hearing intense cries from toddler Bianca Jones

Unless pressed by prosecutors, Lyons seemed unable, or unwilling, to recall what she told investigators months ago about the early morning hours of December 2 when Bianca's cries woke her up. Lyons also described noises that sounded like "taps".
But when she was shown transcripts of her testimony from an earlier hearing, Lyons conceded that the crying was intense and the hits were harder and louder.

Lyons told the jury that Bianca's cries woke her up around 3:00 a.m. that December day, but she says didn't go check on the toddler because she didn't want to interfere with Lane disciplining his other children. :furious:

Also from above link,
Testimony in the case is set to resume Monday.

Will post more updates as I find them. I'm sure there must have been more than the above.

I am so disappointed Bianca means so little to Detroit. :cry: She is barely newsworthy. :steamed:
From post by Cubby ^:

Lyons told the jury that Bianca's cries woke her up around 3:00 a.m. that December day, but she says didn't go check on the toddler because she didn't want to interfere with Lane disciplining his other children.

I strongly suspect that most people - especially women - enabled D'Andre's behaviors because they were scared into submission. :moo:
scared or bribed. I gotta wonder if DL had something on any of them that allowed him to get away with so much. That's a lot of sex, drugs and such around kids. A lot with his priors.

Also, his current fiance. she is engaged to him despite his impregnating not one, but two women after she gave birth to the daughter a few month's older than Bianca.

IDK what it is about this guy that women would be so interested in someone with nothing to offer, well nothing to offer any off spring they had together. Nuff said.

Hope there is more news later. Gotta run some errands.
I didn't find anything else on any other testimony yesterday aside from what has been posted.

No court today, the trial resumes Monday.


Thinking of you, Bianca. Praying for Justice. We got a guilty verdict in Drew Petersons case and Christopher Vaughn's case. Praying D'Andre is next on the list to hear the words, guilty! :please: :candle: :jail:
Bumping for Bianca. I sure hope there is more media on this case this upcoming week. :praying:
No new news again this morning regarding the trial.

:banghead: :thud: :maddening:

I'd rehash some old news from the preliminary hearing, except I don't want to give the defense anything to focus on.

Well, I'll add one thought. Anyone notice TJ can't keep his hands off D'Andre? Kind of like Baez couldn't keep his hands off Casey? Is it just me or is it a little weird TJ keeps massaging DL's shoulders in court? Maybe he thinks hands on worked for Baez, so it'll work for him too?

I'm very disappointed nothing new is being reported in this case. Reminds me of what happened to little Mariha Trenice Smith. Outta sight, outta mind. Mariha hasn't received justice yet either. :sigh:

Why are these little ones forgotten so easily, Detroit? Why? . :cry:
No new news again this morning regarding the trial.

:banghead: :thud: :maddening:

I'd rehash some old news from the preliminary hearing, except I don't want to give the defense anything to focus on.

Well, I'll add one thought. Anyone notice TJ can't keep his hands off D'Andre? Kind of like Baez couldn't keep his hands off Casey? Is it just me or is it a little weird TJ keeps massaging DL's shoulders in court? Maybe he thinks hands on worked for Baez, so it'll work for him too?

I'm very disappointed nothing new is being reported in this case. Reminds me of what happened to little Mariha Trenice Smith. Outta sight, outta mind. Mariha hasn't received justice yet either. :sigh:

Why are these little ones forgotten so easily, Detroit? Why? . :cry:

I think it is to "humanize" him to the jury...who knows if it will actually work, but I doubt it.

What is going on with this trial? Is it still going on? Is there a break? Bumping again for poor little Bianca.
4:00 Michigan time. Another day of trial and another day not a peep in the news with what is happening with the trial.

Thursday it was reported they would be resuming on Monday. Very little news outside of opening statements which happened last Wednesday. I wish someone would attend the trial and tweet or post during breaks. Any locals attending this trial? Any locals hearing any news?
If I lived in or near, I would attend the trial just to find out what is going on. It tears me apart that so little is being reported.
4:00 Michigan time. Another day of trial and another day not a peep in the news with what is happening with the trial.

Thursday it was reported they would be resuming on Monday. Very little news outside of opening statements which happened last Wednesday. I wish someone would attend the trial and tweet or post during breaks. Any locals attending this trial? Any locals hearing any news?

As I mentioned previously, the corruption trial of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is currently a focus of local media. A jury has been seated, Judge ruled against change of venue, and opening arguments began today.

I watched livestream coverage of the probable cause hearing (Troy, MI) for Patrick Mikes, Jr. who is accused with having murdered his father in July. I didn't see or hear any news about the D'Andre Lane trial proceedings today. If I come across media reports, I'll post.
I've searched and searched. I haven't found one single article covering today's testimony.
As I mentioned previously, the corruption trial of former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is currently a focus of local media. A jury has been seated, Judge ruled against change of venue, and opening arguments began today.

I watched livestream coverage of the probable cause hearing (Troy, MI) for Patrick Mikes, Jr. who is accused with having murdered his father in July. I didn't see or hear any news about the D'Andre Lane trial proceedings today. If I come across media reports, I'll post.

Thank you. You headed off a mini Cubby rant in which I was about to toss a few of my baseball analogies in there. ;) It's always good to know what is happening locally, especially in regards to current trials making the news. I really expected more, but understand why the two cases you mentioned might take precedence over this case.
I've searched and searched. I haven't found one single article covering today's testimony.

Thank you. All I have really found is the news regarding the opening arguments Wednesday and a little bit about D'Andre's fiance AL who announced to the jury Thursday morning she was engaged to marry DL prior to her testimony.

My heart is heavy for Bianca. I'm trying very hard to not get upset with the players in this case other than DL. There is a lot I would like to say, but right now I do not want to take the focus off Bianca, with so little focus. In a nutshell, I have to ponder how deep the no snitch rule goes, even with a 25,000 reward. The only thing that makes any small amount of sense to me is both Banika and AL are afraid if they offer up more than what LE already knows they risk losing their living children.

Anyhoo, back to Bianca. I am praying the jury gets this right. Please be the 12 who will stand up for this little girl when the adults she relied upon did not. :please:
From post by Cubby ^:

Lyons told the jury that Bianca's cries woke her up around 3:00 a.m. that December day, but she says didn't go check on the toddler because she didn't want to interfere with Lane disciplining his other children.

I strongly suspect that most people - especially women - enabled D'Andre's behaviors because they were scared into submission. :moo:

This makes me so freaking angry. :mad:

What kind of 'discipline' could a two yr old possibly need at 3 am?

It was pretty obvious that the poor baby was being beaten by that monster.

How could he get so many women to give him a pass?
This makes me so freaking angry. :mad:

What kind of 'discipline' could a two yr old possibly need at 3 am?

It was pretty obvious that the poor baby was being beaten by that monster.

How could he get so many women to give him a pass?

I know, I know. How exactly does one listen to a 2 yr old getting beaten to death but lays in bed not wanting to intervene?

I'm afraid if I answer your question about how so many women give him a pass, I'd be timed out or banned. DL isn't worth that to me. I just hope he is never ever around another minor child again.

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