hey guys. tomorrow will be 53 years since these girls were last seen. super upsetting
i will be checking unidentified bodies soon again. no old bones or anything their description has been found in michigan this year.
just to get everyone’s mind going on this case again, i will share my thoughts on what i think happened to them. to be hopeful, sometimes i think that maybe they did successfully run away. i do search for bodies found in other states. although no evidence of them being friends or anything, maybe they thought they were coming back? another situation could be that they were literally kidnapped. i lived in oscoda so i KNOW the majority of older people are all very close in the town. this is relevant because there were two girls. there would need to be one strong man to take two girls forcefully. or multiple men that keep quiet to save each other. i strongly believe it could’ve been people who lived in the city & still do. i had strange neighbors on one side that knew a whole bunch of other strange people. strange as in they did drugs & they were older like around 50/60. another thing i feel like needs to be mentioned is that people have always torn down their missing flyers… even when it first happened. i asked my uncle who graduated from oscoda high school in 2016 if he even knew abt the girls & he said no. i can’t believe that not one person had ever mentioned it to him & he was literally in the school where the girls were last saw. i feel like it’s clearly being hidden by people that are still around. i was in such disbelief that with around 18+ teachers while he was there, no one had mentioned these girls. & to add, it’s not posted at all in the oscoda community group. im thinking maybe i’ll post it & see what happens.