Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #2

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Thanks so much for the explanation. You've answered a lot of my questions ~ except, where was his wife? If she was at home, didn't she notice? They didn't even have any trees in the back yard from what I've seen of it, so what did he tell her he was he burning?

I believe it was the fence.
I'm with you on this one. If it wasn't a bloody crime scene, and at their home, and the fresh paint job, and the fence missing, and the newly dug out fire pit with strange stinky odors eluminating from it, how in the world could she have not known.

We know she had to be aware of the rape charges, no way could he keep that hidden. Next, just say if she was gone during the murder, okay. I can't see her being gone for over a week during the biggest holiday we celebrate, christmas. Especially with her young one, and this couple were together and living as husband and wife.

But lets say she was gone for days and weeks, when she returned, found out this woman was missing, walked around her home and yard, had investiagtors calling and coming by questioning them. Then not to mention the nervousness or odd behaviors the husband had to portray afterwards.

Not to mention more likely than not he suffered some physical injuries from the violent murder itself. Too much explaining. To not know. My goodness people, the woman was dead burnt and buried in the backyard of Christine and L's house since Dec. 19th. Even the neighbor has reported he felt something was weird and he wasn't traveling through and out of the home and yard. He noticed the unusual behavior of the neighbor. A wife would even be more perceptive.

A two year old goes out in the back yard, of course it travels to the pit out of curiousity, especially being it's a new and different development. Could you imagine L allowing the baby to play in the dirt, walk around and over the pit? And not react almost violently to getting the baby off the grave?

Oh honey, our two year old must never go in our back yard and play again, we have termites. Sometimes you see, things do have to make some kind of sense and normality to the claim.

Thinking back on past murders, I haven't ever heard of a case, of this degreee, blood and violent evidence inside and out, and a wife just not know.

Notice how no one is saying anything negative about this man, even his own family and wife publically. And he's not been found. He has planned, along with others his escape route.

I agree with the poster, who made the comment about the blood being on the ceiling, convinced them she didn't committ suicide. The spray and splatter will tell the investigators where, she was physically located and what position she was in. Wonder if they've found the murder weapon or weapons?

I'm thinking of the two young military cadets, Dianne and can't remember the guys name, where she orders him to kill his 16 year old girl he had a one night stand with. We also I believe learned he may not have even slept with her. She and he killed the girl together. This is reminding me of this case. He wouldn't get any peace til it was done. Christine doesn't appear to be angry with L, that's a problem for me. Any woman would be raging if her husband impregnated a woman, not to mention the shame and humiliation it would publically cause her as in this case, being the charges and pending trial. Too much litigation for anger not to be flying and soaring higher than a kite.

Bravo, very well said! In no way should we be made to feel sorry for this family. Someone or all, has/have enabled him through this whole tragedy. The idea that their young son was out playing in the yard is a crime in itself. In addition, allowing a child to roam free in a home, where a murder has taken place. She shouldn't even have custody of that young boy! The convenience of waiting until her husband was out of NC, is guilt enough. She is an accessory regardless...
Gasoline could definitely explain it, at least as far as getting the fire started, but to keep a body burning...? the gas burns off pretty quick doens't it? I know the body itself is a fuel load but to burn itself that long and that hot? And possibly underground? (which is a good point, by the way, ember) I wonder what they have discovered around or in the house? Has there been a SW yet? I know they examined the house but did they find anything else besides blood spatter? Weapons, gas cans????


I've been burning the paperstuff today so this is fresh in my mind!

I used gas to get it started and I had a burn barrel! Big ole POOF, with the fireball even, but 2 hours later? It's dead and just smoke. And that's burning Paperstuff! not anything that's hard to burn or not easily flammable.

Is there a way to make a body "flammable" for an extended period of time w/o having to attend to it every few mins?

Never thought of the pig roast technique, but still -wouldn't have there been a nasty ucky smell attached? At least the first day or so? I know when we've done ours and they have them next door, you can smell that for awhile the first day or so, then not sure if we get used to it, or if there just isn't a smell anymore since the thing is already "charred" so to speak, and after that point it's just "cooking"?
Good point also what about the foot of ashes. That would mean that the fire burned for sometime right?

I just asked my husband about this, He said it takes all night to cook a pig like that (underground) and quite a few days to turn it to bones and their would be lots of ashes...so it seems possible...

I am wondering about that too, I have a bad feeling where the wife is concerened. I could be way off base, it wouldn't be the first time but something is just not adding up with her.

I totally agree! I would love to know where she was during all of this. If she was out of town, don't you think that would have come out by now to ensure an alibi for her...especially since LE won't say if they consider her or not. Something is just not right....
Maybe he put the fence or other longer burning burnables in the pit first, soaked with gas and put the body on top? I don't know. I still wouldn't think it would burn that long and hot, though.
Replying how he could have gotten the fire that hot....

N.C. has just come off a state wide burn ban a few weeks ago.I live in N.C. I am in northeastern part of the state so my area looks alot like there.I know in my neighborhood there have been people trying to clear lots or just burning huge piles of leaves and limbs ect that they could not get to until the ban was lifted.

Last weekend I was in a mood because people were clearing a lot by burning 3 lots over from where I live and left it smoldering all night long which worried me because there are these two elderly ladies who live in an old moible home very close to their burn pile.

So I am thinking gas was used to help fuel the fire so to speak.I know thats what the people used last weekend.

Gas would burn quickly and disguise the smell.
Yep I did. An I am charging a nickel everytime it is used. LAffin

Well, I thought Anita Richman did the typo.
But I take your word for it!

My memory must be fading!

Re neighbors and other locals making comments about the case.
There were reports of a horrible stench and that vultures had been flying above / around the 's house.
ok, defer to ember's hubby! They always seem to know about cooking outdoors! I know mine does! Actually, that does seem to make sense.
I read that about the vultures, too. But if she was buried, what could have attracted them? I mean I know they could smell it, but for them to just hang around?
I believe it was the fence.
I read about the fence, but that wouldn't take too long to burn or need the high heat. He probably used it though to cover up Maria. This is just so disgusting, and I thought I'd seen it all with Jessie Davis' murder and BC & MF disposing of her out in the open to decompose. :mad:
Hi Kool Look,
It was David Graham & Diane Zamora the victim was Adrianne Jones "The Texas Cadet Murders".
I read that about the vultures, too. But if she was buried, what could have attracted them? I mean I know they could smell it, but for them to just hang around?

I just asked him (husband) if you could still smell it underground, he said yes indeed...
he also said it could smolder for days...and she was missing 3 weeks

but that doesn't mean anyone would know where it was coming from.....
and meat is meat. I can't imagine that a human burning would smell too much different than an animal...The smell of meat cooking without the spices is disgusting as well, if you really stop to think about it....imo

ETA a little more
I read about the fence, but that wouldn't take too long to burn or need the high heat. He probably used it though to cover up Maria. This is just so disgusting, and I thought I'd seen it all with Jessie Davis' murder and BC & MF disposing of her out in the open to decompose. :mad:

I just meant that the fence was the excuse he gave to the wife about what was burned. I'm pretty sure that the fence alone wasn't enough to burn the body. I think I was answering another post. :rolleyes:
I just asked him (husband) if you could still smell it, he said yes indeed...

Absolutely! The fetus fist was still noticeable therefore, human remains still were evident. Therefore, could smell.

The wife must have thought he was BBQing steak:furious:
I think the wife did it....something just tells me....

She didn't just find a note. I mean come on! There was painting going on, fences being burnt, people being killed...and she didn't know? Something stinks!

I say she did it and he is covering for her for the sake of their child. I can imagine that he may have walked in on an ugly scene and then took it from there....maybe out of guilt (towards his wife) for raping her in the first place and getting them into this mess.
I bet it's her arrest warrant.....jmo!
I don't think that she did it. Maybe, she works or maybe, she was out of town. Didn't she call the police at 8 a.m.?

If she were home, I do agree with you that she had to know something happened, if blood was in the house and painting was going on and burning was going on.
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