Missing cell phones

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I'm not really buying this whole "pocket dialing" thing...just too convenient, IMO...

I don't know. Jeremy had the borrowed work phone in his pocket. If it was that phone it seems likely a call could have been made if he was working and bent over crunching the pocket. Makes me think the whole pink hair lady with a phone call in the early morning is just a red herring.

Off to bed, thanks all!
If it was pocket dialed, JI had to look pretty ridiculous banging out the number with his hip. Pocket dialing only happens when you have a number programmed and it is usually a "recent" call either made or received. At least that has been my experience. I accidentally dial people all the time on my iPhone, and it is ALWAYS a recent incoming or outgoing call.

Either way, it was programmed into the phone that called out.

Just an FYI

My old sprint cell also had speed dialing. I assigned a single digit number to a number in my directory then all I had to do was push that single digit and the call button.

Now as to why the work phone would have MW's in it would be another story. Would need to know how long JI had that phone and if another worker had that phone assigned to them in the past.
To: Smooth Operator, Cher 352, et al: This will be a quick post because I'm trying to get it on the forum while you guys are still on this page.


People magazine for october 31 said Jeremy called 911 on a "borrowed work cell phone."

I'll be right back to see if you've commented. There were no further details, but seeing your posts here, I wonder if MW's number was pocket-dialed by Jeremy's borrowed work cell phone, or if Jeremy used it at 2 - 230 a.m. to try to get in touch with MW or ???


I thought it was a call from one of the missing cells? Jeremy had his work cell on him, I think ??? Isn't that how they called 911?
I thought it was a call from one of the missing cells? Jeremy had his work cell on him, I think ??? Isn't that how they called 911?

NG said tonight the call came from one of the "stolen" cell phones. Who knows, she gets it wrong a lot too.
I thought it was a call from one of the missing cells? Jeremy had his work cell on him, I think ??? Isn't that how they called 911?

Not positive if we know for sure which cell phone made the call to MW, we have been theorizing what if the call to her was placed from the work phone.
NG said tonight the call came from one of the "stolen" cell phones. Who knows, she gets it wrong a lot too.

But who does know the truth as far as I know LE hasn't made any statement about the call to MW.

Just how are suppose to sleuth if LE won't talk...LOL!
But their info is as bad as facebook. MOST of it is totally wrong. Buyer beware!

You know, with all due respect, that's just not true. There are case players on FB who had their page long before this happened. One of them has pictures of herself and one of the little boys that was posted to FB in 2009, those dates can't be faked. If a person uses their common sense, FB can be a great source - heck, it's better than half the MSM articles and shows we quote, they get it wrong ALL the time.

Marc Klaas has an FB page, the owner of this forum has an FB page, both have never contained wrong information as far as I know.

I'm not arguing for quoting anyone's FB posts, I'm just saying, if you make sure the source is legitimate, it can be informative.
Pink-haired MW said she has walked around that neighborhood before, on that street, in fact. She also included her ex bf in her statement for some reason. She's not sure who answered her phone. Yep, I have more questions than when I started.

Pink-haired MW said she has walked around that neighborhood before, on that street, in fact. She also included her ex bf in her statement for some reason. She's not sure who answered her phone. Yep, I have more questions than when I started.


Unless there is another interview with MW, she did not say she "walked" around that neighborhood. She said she had been "through" that neighborhood before in this video.

Not positive if we know for sure which cell phone made the call to MW, we have been theorizing what if the call to her was placed from the work phone.

Shortly after Lisa vanished, Bradley said that three of the family's cell phones that had been sitting on the kitchen counter were taken along with her daughter. Police have been mum about the phones, but a Kansas City woman told "Good Morning America" today that she received a phone call from one of those phones on the night Lisa disappeared.

Wright said investigators tracked her down and have questioned her four times

Forgot my question!

How can this be the work phone? Was it missing too? Or are you saying that mayeb the LE had Jeremys work phone and they followed his work phone calls - which lead to MW?
Forgot my question!

How can this be the work phone? Was it missing too? Or are you saying that mayeb the LE had Jeremys work phone and they followed his work phone calls - which lead to MW?

Yes, that is what we were speculating, that the call that LE traced to her could have come from the work phone. In her interview MW never mentions that she knew the number that called her and states she didn't know the family. So how would she know if the call came from one of the 3 missing phones or from the work phone? Of course LE may have told her which phone and that part was edited out of the video....IDK.
I was trying to confirm tonight what someone had mentioned, about being able to call/text on a disconnected iPhone ~ and yes you can! :confused:

I upgraded to the iPhone 4s when it came out, and I have my old 3GS iPhone sitting here with me (with no service) that I charged up, connected to wi-fi and added a free app that gives you free texting and free starter minutes for calls (then you can buy 200 minutes for $4).

This is interesting - this phone doesn't have service, but I sent some texts and made a call. Maybe this is common knowledge to people who have their cells shut off. Learn something new every day.

So I guess we can conclude, that yes disconnected iPhones still have the ability to make calls.
Can this call have anything to do with the dumpster fire? She says she doesn't know who answered her phone. If the call was at 2:38 am, this is approximately the same time someone called about a fire right? Who reported the dumpster fire and is it related to this call to MW? Is it related to Lisa?

The dumpster fire was reported @ 2:19 AM according to some of the first reports, IIRC. I heard a snippit of that call on a live report and cannot for the life of me remember which report. The caller was a young male, IIRC. 911 dispatch will have a showing on the computer screen as to what number is calling. Info on the screen may have just read 'wireless caller' #(whatever the number was).

Dumpster call - 2:19 AM

Call from one of the missing cell phones: 2:38 AM
*We now know that this particular call was to a woman named MW.

Are these two calls connected? IMO, they are. I know everyone gets tired of reading the statement, "LE knows more than we do.", but it is true. I will also bet you a Benjamin that the dumpster fire call was made by someone very close to the family.

I thought I remembered it being that they were just in a fight and hubby was kicked out for the night. No idea where I saw that though.

I don't think they are actually separated though because they just bought a house. I don't think I can state how I know this because it's not in MSM, it's from one of their FB pages.

Mods - feel free to delete this post if it breaks a rule. :innocent:


Replying to just this part of your post. If this guy has absolutely nothing to do with Baby Lisa's disappearance, I just bet he can really give LE and the FBI the lowdown concerning the parents. I hope he is a 'good guy'! LE needs to know what a close neighbors' perception of this couple is/was.

Let's try to break down the obvious answers in the MW call mystery, and see what we end up with.

1. Did MW recieved a wrong number call? I'd consider that a strong possibility IF she lived on the other side of town, had never been in the neighborhood, etc. That's not the case here. So no, I don't think this was a wrong number call, or a pocket dial, or a drunk dial.

2. Is it possible that MW really doesn't know JI or DB? I think it IS a possibility. Yes, she does seem nervous on the video, but any number of things could account for that nervousness. I'm inclined to believe her about not knowing the parents.

3. Is it possible that someone from the Irwin house called MW cellphone looking for someone else? I think this is possible. If this is what happened, who would the person dialing have been trying to call? MW's boyfriend? Someone who shared her last name? OR...was someone digging through the cell phones and found her number on one of the other phones and called the number to see who it was?

4. One thing I think we'd be making a mistake on is assuming that that this call occurred at 2:30 am. We don't know that. At least, I don't know that. It's entirely possible that this call occurred earlier in the evening. If it did, anyone in that house could have picked up one of the cell phones and dialed MW. Maybe SB knows her and called her.

(That's all I've got for the moment. Just thinking outloud, really.)
The dumpster fire was reported @ 2:19 AM according to some of the first reports, IIRC. I heard a snippit of that call on a live report and cannot for the life of me remember which report. The caller was a young male, IIRC. 911 dispatch will have a showing on the computer screen as to what number is calling. Info on the screen may have just read 'wireless caller' #(whatever the number was).

Dumpster call - 2:19 AM

Call from one of the missing cell phones: 2:38 AM
*We now know that this particular call was to a woman named KM.

Are these two calls connected? IMO, they are. I know everyone gets tired of reading the statement, "LE knows more than we do.", but it is true. I will also bet you a Benjamin that the dumpster fire call was made by someone very close to the family.



Did I miss something? How do we know this, LA?
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