MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

Wow! I haven't read the entire page, but I'll say this much, I doubt that Roy had to be sedated and then shut JF out of his life because of a "nice" conversation about a couple of lesbians. He sounds like someone who was in fear for his life. Who does she think she's fooling?

ETA: Are the Feds looking closely at what happened to Roy? It's rare to have a surviving victim.
yeah.. i have probably 20 emails from her about him- all with varying stories. You notice it said he was "doomed to die" ? in fact, his results came back that "initial event sounds toxic metabolic" and.. he was getting better. She sent other emails that his brain was shrinking on MRI- and the second family said they told her repeatedly this was not true, but she continued to say that to people. Also, I just finished downloading the journal, and I have not read it in it's entirety because it is hard for me. I glanced over one section and it happened to mention the car that caught on fire! Since I was telling the story only from my memory of being a little girl, then I guess I thought that the car was a lot newer than it was. She says it was a white THUNDERBIRD with baby blue interior, and that she was driving it when it caught on fire, and the insurance company only gave them like.. 800 bucks or something. so- must not have been that new.. ;)
one email that i have from her she mentions that Roy was trying to kill her in "retaliation" for her trying to kill him... at the time.. she said that he was trying to kill her because he'd gone crazy, and that he loved her so much he didn't want her to be in his life if he was going to die, so he was chasing her off.
wow.. you are one smart lady. I can think of three fire "incidents" growing up. 1. our yard caught on fire.. no apparent reason, and I remember running outside with towels to help JF beat it out. It was quite large by the time we were all attacking it- heading to the house. Then.. shortly later, our new white cadillac with baby blue velvet soft seats caught on fire when I was in dance class! I remember that fire trucks/police etc. were involved, but I wasn't there. We moved shortly after from our new home, to a run down very old home out in the country, my parents had lost their money I guess. I know I had stocks/bonds as gifts from people in a little vault that I always looked at, and they were gone- my first experience with stolen money. Decades later, JF confided in me that she came "seriously close" to burning our next house down. She said, "you have no idea how close I came. I sat and thought about it, and thought about it, and finally decided just to walk away from it."

Sounds like maybe she couldn't make the payments on the Cadillac and either collected insurance or found a way of not giving it back to the lender out of spite. I sure have to wonder if financial trouble combined with JF having to seriously downgrade her lifestyle is what set things into motion, and sealed your dads fate. Did she have life insurance on him?

Substitute Cadillac for Thunderbird. ;)
yeah.. i have probably 20 emails from her about him- all with varying stories. You notice it said he was "doomed to die" ? in fact, his results came back that "initial event sounds toxic metabolic" and.. he was getting better. She sent other emails that his brain was shrinking on MRI- and the second family said they told her repeatedly this was not true, but she continued to say that to people. Also, I just finished downloading the journal, and I have not read it in it's entirety because it is hard for me. I glanced over one section and it happened to mention the car that caught on fire! Since I was telling the story only from my memory of being a little girl, then I guess I thought that the car was a lot newer than it was. She says it was a white THUNDERBIRD with baby blue interior, and that she was driving it when it caught on fire, and the insurance company only gave them like.. 800 bucks or something. so- must not have been that new.. ;)

Between Roy and you, she fancies herself quite the predictor of death doesn't she? :rolleyes:
yes. she said that HE got a one million dollar life insurance policy on him 2 years before he died, something that came in the mail? he was an insurance salesman, so seems like he would get something from himself.. anyway... they couldn't afford the premiums so they doubled up on his insurance through work. She got a total of around 350k when all was said and done including the 900/month for child support. I would say, that if she is the completely innocent woman that she claims to be, she has had the worst set of luck and life circumstances of anyone I know.
one email that i have from her she mentions that Roy was trying to kill her in "retaliation" for her trying to kill him... at the time.. she said that he was trying to kill her because he'd gone crazy, and that he loved her so much he didn't want her to be in his life if he was going to die, so he was chasing her off.

Oy! So she admits to trying to kill him? I assume the FBI has seen these?
yes. she said that HE got a one million dollar life insurance policy on him 2 years before he died, something that came in the mail? he was an insurance salesman, so seems like he would get something from himself.. anyway... they couldn't afford the premiums so they doubled up on his insurance through work. She got a total of around 350k when all was said and done including the 900/month for child support. I would say, that if she is the completely innocent woman that she claims to be, she has had the worst set of luck and life circumstances of anyone I know.

Sounds like motive to me.

You don't have to answer, but how did you and your siblings end up in Utah when she was still married to Roy?
Between Roy and you, she fancies herself quite the predictor of death doesn't she? :rolleyes:

yes.. i could tell you several occasions she has done that. way too many stories.. but how many people do you know that have missed their own funerals??? Her third husband did, and her mother- because she set up the funerals, (the parties.. :( ) and the person just wouldn't DIE!!!!! Try as she might.. even in one case trying to talk the person into dying sooner so that everyone could attend the funeral while they were in town. The person said, "damnit woman.. I want to live!"
yes.. i could tell you several occasions she has done that. way too many stories.. but how many people do you know that have missed their own funerals??? Her third husband did, and her mother- because she set up the funerals, (the parties.. :( ) and the person just wouldn't DIE!!!!! Try as she might.. even in one case trying to talk the person into dying sooner so that everyone could attend the funeral while they were in town. The person said, "damnit woman.. I want to live!"

You can't write a better movie script of you tried. :eek:
yes.. the FBI have seen all of these. I think that is why there is a case. Trust me, there are much crazier ones than this- I truly just pulled one at random. I like the one where she said maybe we are all getting sick/dying because we were eating fish out of the pond in Missouri, and maybe the fish had mercury in it.. hmmmmmm Maybe she should look in her father's darkroom- which was loaded with Mercury.
suzi Q, I know.. this is why I did go and get myself check by a psychiatrist.. then for a 2nd opinion.. because I wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy!!! All of this stuff is NUTS! I went to a third and tried to convince them why I thought maybe the first and second gave me a clean bill of health, and I should be re-examined. It was so much easier to think that I was losing my mind, than to face whatever this mess was. There is so so so much more ... so much. I think no one posts here because I don't talk about it... for some reason, I am needing to talk a little bit now.
instead, i got a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/survivor's guilt, and a lesson on why connecting emotionally with our true life experiences is the only way to become a healthy adult-
instead, i got a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/survivor's guilt, and a lesson on why connecting emotionally with our true life experiences is the only way to become a healthy adult-

Well heck, this is way overwhelming for me to had to live it.
siblings.. how we ended up in utah. I graduated from BYU, moved away, then married someone who wanted to work on his PhD at the U of U. My siblings also all attended college in Utah. My parents followed my sis and I out here when we were freshmen and sophomores in College, so I think that gave my other sis friends/roots somewhat here. My brother ended up marrying a girl from here- but has since moved to Texas. (other sis in California now.. other one in St. George where JF now lives as of about 6 wks ago)
yeah.. she not only predicts death, but she predicts people getting better too. After I cut off ties from her until this matter was cleared up, she told my siblings that she suspected I would start getting better soon, (healthwise) because I suffered from Munchausen's syndrome. True to her word, I improved quickly after not being around her, and have been healthy ever since. (2.5 yrs now)
siblings.. how we ended up in utah. I graduated from BYU, moved away, then married someone who wanted to work on his PhD at the U of U. My siblings also all attended college in Utah. My parents followed my sis and I out here when we were freshmen and sophomores in College, so I think that gave my other sis friends/roots somewhat here. My brother ended up marrying a girl from here- but has since moved to Texas. (other sis in California now.. other one in St. George where JF now lives as of about 6 wks ago)

Cool, thanks. It's nice to be able to see the big picture.
yeah.. she not only predicts death, but she predicts people getting better too. After I cut off ties from her until this matter was cleared up, she told my siblings that she suspected I would start getting better soon, (healthwise) because I suffered from Munchausen's syndrome. True to her word, I improved quickly after not being around her, and have been healthy ever since. (2.5 yrs now)

Well she needed to explain the sudden improvement somehow. :rolleyes: It's more like she was the one with Munchausen's and you were the proxy.
well.. i think i'm done emotionally vomiting all over this blog for tonight ;) thank you for chatting. I don't know if this is going to bring about any resolutions in the case/world/etc. but it is really helping me be able to let it sink in on a deeper level, and I need to do that. Maybe you saved me a few weeks at 100 dollars a pop !
yes.. i know.. i could tell you stories about the munchausen by proxy things too- i don't like being a proxy! LOL I am healthy now, and I have a wonderful family.. I just hope my sister with 8 kids is safe down in st. george, because her oldest just battled for her life recently with similar things as other people involved in this case. I just wonder who is next... either JF or the angel of death is moving through our family at warp speed. too many people.

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