MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #14

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When Normandy HS, MB's alma mater, lost its accreditation a yr or two ago, the state of MO mandated that Ferguson pay the full expense for students' move to other schools. I think the transportation and high tuition costs pretty much bankrupted Ferguson. Now there's the cost of the riots and the aftermath. I don't know if there are enough AA masochists in Ferguson willing to run for office there.

Agree, but three people ran in the last race, meaning someone thinks they can do some good for the residents in spite of being broke.
This is the earliest video I have seen. MSNBC interview with Michael Brady. Before police tape, as backup arriving.

Yep. So the fundamental question is this. How is it that witnesses, two of whom mentioned their phones in their accounts, three of whom filmed the aftermath of a crime they said they saw, did not start any recording for at least eight minutes after the fact? No logical explanation for this if they actually saw the crime, IMO.
Mine does!
And I don't have emoji either:(

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Awhile ago,
I tried to do an "update" that Tapatalk recommended and it didn't work. Now, I have Tapatalk 4.3.8

I did have to uninstall and reinstall back in May.
I think that is when the emoji came on the screen. Tapatalk does have new versions every so often...

All posts are MOO
I believe that every American citizen who meets the standards for voting should have the right to do so. However, I do not believe that everybody SHOULD vote. If they don't take the time to KNOW or find out who and what they are voting for or against, they should not go to the polls. MOO

Now Now, it is our God given right as Americans to be ignorant, uninformed and full of opinions. People have died to give us that right by golly.

And with that I think it is really time for me to head to bed or at least away from this thread and this discussion. I find after an extended period on hot button threads and cases that my big girl panties need a big girl break. I am out of sorts this evening some of which has to do with this case and some of which is completely unrelated. Apologies if I have offended anyone with my strong feelings this evening.

good night folks, following TheDuchesses lead and heading to be soon with visions of all being right with the world in the morning.
After a verbal confrontation, witness Piaget Crenshaw said the officer got out of his car and fired a shot. Both teens ran, she said, and another shot was fired. Johnson hid behind a car, but said his friend stopped after a second shot was fired at him. Crenshaw and Johnson say the teen held up his hands to show he did not have a weapon, however the officer fired at him two more times and he collapsed and died in the street.

Angry crowds quickly gathered and several shots were fired not far from the original shooting scene. That prompted police to call for help including the tactical squads from St. Louis city and county. They closed off West Florissant at Canfield for several hours Saturday.

Chief Jackson praised pastors and community activists, including Anthony Shahid, who came to the scene to console and talk to the victim’s relatives and neighbors. Police delayed their crime scene evidence collection until the area was secured. During that time, the shooting victim’s covered body remained on the street further angering members of the crowd.

An uncle of the shooting victim said his great nephew had just graduated from high school and was thinking about going to college. He said he was not an aggressive teenager.

BBM: What if those witnesses gave false statements "Hands up, don't shoot" to LE/FBI and the media? What if someone would instruct/advise them what to say? Would that be witness tampering? Would there be any consequences? Just some thoughts.
Yes, It is and Yes you can go up river for a long time. <mod snip>

After a verbal confrontation, witness Piaget Crenshaw said the officer got out of his car and fired a shot. Both teens ran, she said, and another shot was fired. Johnson hid behind a car, but said his friend stopped after a second shot was fired at him. Crenshaw and Johnson say the teen held up his hands to show he did not have a weapon, however the officer fired at him two more times and he collapsed and died in the street.

Angry crowds quickly gathered and several shots were fired not far from the original shooting scene. That prompted police to call for help including the tactical squads from St. Louis city and county. They closed off West Florissant at Canfield for several hours Saturday.

Chief Jackson praised pastors and community activists, including Anthony Shahid, who came to the scene to console and talk to the victim&#8217;s relatives and neighbors. Police delayed their crime scene evidence collection until the area was secured. During that time, the shooting victim&#8217;s covered body remained on the street further angering members of the crowd.

An uncle of the shooting victim said his great nephew had just graduated from high school and was thinking about going to college. He said he was not an aggressive teenager.

BBM: What if those witnesses gave false statements "Hands up, don't shoot" to LE/FBI and the media? What if someone would instruct/advise them what to say? Would that be witness tampering? Would there be any consequences? Just some thoughts.
I believe that every American citizen who meets the standards for voting should have the right to do so. However, I do not believe that everybody SHOULD vote. If they don't take the time to KNOW or find out who and what they are voting for or against, they should not go to the polls. MOO

Yes unfortunately it's how things like this happen and then complain that they were mislead. Which all it took was actually knowing who you were voting for.

ETA I'm by no means saying I agree with what this guy did.

A couple of things:

1) We are not going to allow links to blogs in this case without prior approval. And approvals will be tough to get.

2) Posts directed at other posters rather than the case will earn a TO without explanation. If you have a problem with another member, use the alert feature and scroll on by OR use the ignore feature and keep it to yourself


Quick serious question... How do we know it's a blog if it doesn't state "blog"?

Also...if I google a certain subject, the results that pop up first on google under search "news". Are those considered MSM?
Are there only certain MSM allowed?
Is there a list of approved media sources?

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Hey guys some thoughts before I cash out for the night....

I'd like an American or 10 to weigh in on this, as a Canadian, my cultural experiences go from here (Canada/Ottawa), to Japan (Near Nara), to Ireland (near Ulster). This incident much like the TM one made me think a bit..

- Is a great distrust of LE common in the states?

Here it isn't, we have similar issues with NP rather then AA's and LE, but it rarely ever gets this bad (Caledonia blockade), it just seems that a lot of this issue stems from people not wanting to take the word of LE, largely due to racial tensions, but I wonder if that's the root of it. Remember how much the Protesters calmed down when Jackson came in?

- There are so many versions of the truth here..

I mean we have people seeing a surrender, people seeing assaults and what have you, it just strikes me like anyone who was willing to talk to the media has no clue what actually happened and just wants to be heard. Worse yet the only defendant in this case OW has had no controversy in his career, even if people wanted to screw him over, theres not even a attempted false claim against him at this point...the guy seems pretty clean.

- What is a police officer to do?

When people stop following the law, even when reminded to do so, what should a police officer do, such as when people block the roads, assault and officer, or even refuse to keep a safe distance. A lot of people claim the police act excessively. I ask that in a country where everyone can rather easily be armed with a firearm, do you think the police should be on equal footing? Or better still, assume that the assault did take place and instead of OW it was just a guy who was getting beaten up and so he draws his gun to protect himself...should he be allowed to fire in self defense?

I find the most interesting part of this whole tragedy is actually the comparisons between MB and OW. Both of these men have had a rough time early on, both seem very motivated based on what we know of their respective almost seems surreal that one would become a police officer, while the other would become a criminal. Its unreal that these two should meet and that OW should take MB's life.

So the million dollar question, to summarize...

Why DON'T people trust Officer Wilson? I just want a reason other then "its in his best interest not to go to jail."
&#8220;I tell these kids, if you don&#8217;t like the rules, go to law school. We need black lawyers, black judges. But this griping in the streets will get you dead. It means nothing,&#8221; she said. &#8220;You want to fight? Fight for utility rates to go down like we did back in the &#8217;60s when I was a little kid. Fight for something that means something. Fight for getting somebody&#8217;s rent paid.&#8221;

Quick serious question... How do we know it's a blog if it doesn't state "blog"?

Also...if I google a certain subject, the results that pop up first on google under search "news". Are those considered MSM?
Are there only certain MSM allowed?
Is there a list of approved media sources?

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Do you have to ask all these questions just before I'm headed to bed? :thinking:

MSM is regular mainstream media. NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, etc. That would include any local media like the LA Times or the Oregonian.

Here's an example of a blog:

If that's not clear, I'll give more examples in the morning during coffee. :coffeews:



MSM have reporting and fact-checking resources. They gather information, evaluate it, and attempt to depict it in a balanced, objective way. Blogs typically promote one particular ideology or another; they use information that other media sources have gathered; they do not have resources for checking facts, nor do they care to do so, as they're attempting to promote an opinion rather than to report a fact. While some may say that, for instance, MSNBC and Fox have ideological bents, the fact remains that they do have reporters, fact checkers (of a fashion), and report on many topics that have absolutely no political angle whatsoever, and so they are MSM.
I also assume MSM can be held accountable for spinning deliberate lies right?
Yes, if they are libelous.

eta: or slanderous, in the case of radio or television.
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