MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #12

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I've been following along on websleuths since this case broke and don't think I've seen this mentioned: what if there was an intruder, but they entered the house while they knew the family was away. Then, hid in the house til they knew they could sneak out w Lisa and no one would know. Intruders have hidden and waited before (btk hid and waited in the closet of one of his victims). Just trying to think outside the box.

When was the family away? They had so many people (mother, father, three children), neighbor was over, I doubt intruder would be able to hid in the house.
IMO I think they are looking for the metal clip from the screen being pryed out on the outside.

The screen cach thing that locks into the holes to hold it to the window frame.

This makes perfect sense. I had been leaning towards the SIM cards from the phones but we don't even know who they had for cell service and some (Verizon for sure) don't have SIM cards. Besides my thinking would have meant the perp hung out even longer since they are usually beneath the battery and it seems like (s)he took spent enough time in the house as it is.

But if they aren't getting anything from the phones wouldn't that have to mean that the battery or SIM card was removed to stop it from pinging?
I am way behind on this case. My heart goes out for Little Lisa, praying for her safe return. She is a beautiful little girl.

One question that I couldn't get out of my head after seeing the parents in the interview regarding the lie detector. Why would ANYONE have to ask LE if they passed? The way the Mother said that stuck a nerve (hinky meter) with me. If my child were missing (God forbid), I wouldn't have to ASK them IF I passed the poly, I would know I did.

Ok..ducking and back to catching up. :read:

That's exactly what I turned and said to my husband when we were watching it. WHY did she say that?
IMO I think they are looking for the metal clip from the screen being pryed out on the outside.

The screen cach thing that locks into the holes to hold it to the window frame.

It depends how old the windows and screens are. Our older windows had no such clips; you had to wiggle the screens out, which almost always bent them.

Our new windows have the clips on the inside; anyone trying to remove the screen from the outside, would have to use tools to pull it away from the frame.

BUT...we're talking about the front windows on the left -- right? Those two narrow ones? It's obvious the house was remodeled, and one front room split into two. That's why there are two narrow windows separated by that wood divider.

Those windows look too narrow, too small, and too far off the ground for one person to get through without help -- and without leaving marks or making noise.
I've been following along on websleuths since this case broke and don't think I've seen this mentioned: what if there was an intruder, but they entered the house while they knew the family was away. Then, hid in the house til they knew they could sneak out w Lisa and no one would know. Intruders have hidden and waited before (btk hid and waited in the closet of one of his victims). Just trying to think outside the box.

TBH, it could be a plausible scenario as well!

Thanks for joining in :)
That's exactly what I turned and said to my husband when we were watching it. WHY did she say that?

Well I don't trust the polygraphs are accurate so if I was given one I might be curious if I passed even if I knew I was telling the truth.
Lisa is a healthy good looking young child so no doubt many people would be willing to adopt her. But it's not possible to legally adopt a kidnapped child.

I understand that you can't legally adopt a kidnapped child. I really don't think the baby was taken by someone who wanted a baby. I could be wrong.
I understand that you can't legally adopt a kidnapped child. I really don't think the baby was taken by someone who wanted a baby. I could be wrong.

Women who try to pass a baby as their own usually go for a newborn. While pedophiles usually go for a bit older child. But I guess you never know and there are always exceptions.
I've been following along on websleuths since this case broke and don't think I've seen this mentioned: what if there was an intruder, but they entered the house while they knew the family was away. Then, hid in the house til they knew they could sneak out w Lisa and no one would know. Intruders have hidden and waited before (btk hid and waited in the closet of one of his victims). Just trying to think outside the box.

To subscribe to this possibility we would have to know when everyone was out of the house at the same time, and who knew JI would be working that night. Again, someone who knew the family.

Thanks for clarifying....I was wondering...haha

I know right!

I thought I should add that qualifier considering where I am posting. :p

I am South of the Irwin's home (by like 20 minutes), but it still amazes me that I have seen no fliers down here; nothing.

When the elderly man from Grandview was missing Price Chopper had fliers at every checkout. As I said the other day, I have seen current Kara Kopetsky fliers but no Baby Lisa.

I have a question about the river. How fast is the current? Is it a slow moving river or not?

If Baby Lisa was put in there, is there any chance that she may surface?
This makes perfect sense. I had been leaning towards the SIM cards from the phones but we don't even know who they had for cell service and some (Verizon for sure) don't have SIM cards. Besides my thinking would have meant the perp hung out even longer since they are usually beneath the battery and it seems like (s)he took spent enough time in the house as it is.

But if they aren't getting anything from the phones wouldn't that have to mean that the battery or SIM card was removed to stop it from pinging?

That is another mystery. When did the phones last ping and from what approximate location?

Women who try to pass a baby as their own usually go for a newborn. While pedophiles usually go for a bit older child. But I guess you never know and there are always exceptions.

It seems that someone wanted this particular child. She really doesn't fit into the any of the right victim age groups. The question is why this child? Had they simply saw her and fell in love with her (best case)? Did they want to punish her parent(s)? Was she an easy target for a pedophile because they knew dad was away and that mom was careless with security (worst case)? If any of the above are right why did they take so make chances in getting her?

ETA: I guess that should be unnecessary chances. The turning on of the lights and the taking of the cell phones seem to be rather stupid while the rest of the abduction was "perfect", they left no trace of themselves and either aren't on anybody's radar at all or had an alibi all set up that covered them well enough to pass LE questions.
Lisa is 10 months old. She has blue eyes and blonde hair. She is 30 inches tall and weighs between 26 and 30 pounds.

I checked out some height/weight charts for babies and noted that 28-29" is average height for boys and girls at 12 months. Average weights for boys and girls vary by a couple of pounds, with boys weighing slightly more. Lisa is above average height and weight at 10 months. Just curious...
You have to remember it's been warm during the day and cooler at night.

I am, I live in this zone . . . in the Lou! My windows are wide open especially during the cooler nights (with security beams across my windows & doors). How many of us seek a smoke while on the computer & open a window
I'm so glad you explained this! I can usually figure the names out, but this one has had me stumped. And I'm too stubborn to ask... LOL!

I didn't know what it meant either ;-) I just call him woofy:rocker: (right woofy!)
I've been following along on websleuths since this case broke and don't think I've seen this mentioned: what if there was an intruder, but they entered the house while they knew the family was away. Then, hid in the house til they knew they could sneak out w Lisa and no one would know. Intruders have hidden and waited before (btk hid and waited in the closet of one of his victims). Just trying to think outside the box.

That is an excellent thought!!! I had not even thought of that and I remember some of the BTK stuff........shudders!
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