MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #4

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I don't think it would be so much worrying about what others would think, as a sense of precious time being wasted and the possibility that LE would take what they find and use it as another reason to hone in on a parent who knows he or she is innocent while the child is still missing.

I think we are all aware that when the investigation starts veering in a certain direction, it often makes a full turn. Then later, if it's revealed that the turn was wrong, evidence is gone and clues have evaporated and the child is gone forever. I want to say that I would do everything and anything LE asked of me, but I think I can see myself protesting if I felt this begin to happen. It wouldn't be so much a lack of cooperation, in my mind, as a serious disagreement regarding the use of resources, and probably some defensiveness if they started to sound accusatory.

Oops, Bessie... didn't see what you said until after I posted... I could have just thanked and not said all of this!

It is probably a good idea to hire a media adviser,especially for anyone who has never had to deal with the media much... But, it cannot be useful to stop communicating with the very people who are charged to protect and serve us... MOO
I think LE told mom she failed the LDT and wouldn't go into details. After that, the family tore off in their car.

LE then gave the presser that they were no longer cooperating, disputed by newly appointed family spokesperson (don't blame mom for shutting her mouth).

Unlike Breeann's case, LE doesn't seem to be friendly anymore to the family if they are announcing the family has decided to not cooperate anymore without anything formal coming from them. I would think if they explained, as they did with Breeann's dad that LDT's aren't reliable, etc. it may have changed things.

On one hand, it may have driven the focus further toward the family but on the other, as someone tweeted, it could have been a brilliant idea to distance themselves from LE as now the media will be all over them.

The only thing peaking my hinky meter is the lack of scent for the SAR dogs from the house. Then again, if the family was involved and it happened in the house, where would they put her that wouldn't be detected by now?

I'm going to stick with non-family abduction until I hear more.
IMO, the only positive outcome here is going to come from if a couple or a person took Lisa to pass off as their own child. Then, at least Lisa is most likely being cared for.

Any of the other circumstances (the parents were involved, kidnapped by someone for sinister reasons such as sex crimes, illegal adoption trade, etc.) won't have good outcomes. :(
Agree, and am praying that is the case, and that baby Lisa is being well taken care of. Don't want to think of the alternative.
I absolutely agree but... there would be an explanation and credit given to Websleuths research for any *advertiser censored*, fetishes, etc that had been found on my computer ! :blushing:

I would be like Kyron's mother.

LOL...but don't you mean his SM ?
I think if LE scoured computers, for example, (which I am sure they will be able to get a warrant to do, if not offered to them by parents) anything that they find that is not illegal or involving the child would not have to be released to the media, and thus, the public. I can't recall a case where LE specifically called attention to anyone's personal lives if they did not affect a case, or if it was not already public record. So I am thinking just watching adult *advertiser censored*, as an example, would not be plastered all over the news if it was unrelated and nothing else pointed to the family in question. Just saying I don't think LE makes a habit of announcing everything they discover when they investigate a family. JMO
Which is why I always meet people who are buying my items at a public location. It's kind of like internet dating. You don't want someone you don't know knowing where you live.
Everything I have read or followed in the past involving police in KC has always seemed to be very well-handled and professional, JMO. I have never seen where they zeroed in on one theory and stuck to it, for example. Maybe locals have other opinions?

We haven't live there for 5 years but, as I have posted earlier KCMO PD is an excellent force.

Others from KC will remember the incident in the Barry Road McDonald's, about '04 IIRC. A man who was distraught over child custody issues went there because his ex-wife worked there. He sat in the vestibule with her, with a gun. A police command center was set up in the parking lot and it was broadcast on tv. The police spent hours trying to diffuse the situation and gave him every effort to give up. End result, ex-wife walked out, he let her go, but he was shot by the SWAT sniper. I will never forget the looks on the faces of the police, grim is a way to describe it. They did what they had to do, they acted professionally and they saved the woman's life. One of the most poignant things I have ever seen on tv.

They are IMHO one of the best trained LE forces in the country BUT also really nice people. You will never hear me say anything bad about them.
It is first mentioned by the great grandfather talking to the reporter at the red door, then the reporter repeats it at the very end of that video link.

Ok I read but got caught up in the fact that family is now saying they have a deal with a national news network and didn't listen to video. I just thought they had updated the article over it.
I hold no credibility in LDT's. When I was 18 I had to take one for a retail job at a toy store chain.
First the guy was like accusatory in his questioning and secondly at the end he told me I was being deceptive when asked if I would steal money from the register and let my friends steal stuff. But I passed the drug part. I would never take money from the register and I was smoking dope and had taken a qualude or 2 in my teen years.

So they are not accurate IMO to be admisable or considered anything more then bs.
Again, I don't see LE being unprofessional. They have a job to do and they will do it. If the parents aren't working with them anymore then there is nothing that LE can do from that point. It seems as if they have left no stone unturned[literally] in their search area these last few days. You would have to know the area and know just how much vegetation/rough terrain there is there. I think LE's hands are tied.

I DON'T for one minute believe that any KCMO PD has given up on baby Lisa.


I don't believe for one moment that KCMO PD has given up either, Jacie. This investigation and searching will go on with OR without the parents cooperation, IMO.
SBM. If someone stole Lisa, perhaps they wanted photos of her that might be on the phone so they could bolster their story that she belonged to them. Download the photos, then ditch the phone.

I'm still hoping Lisa was taken by a person wanting a child. Otherwise...

Anything is possible, but it seems like a lot of work. Lights on, stolen cell phones. They had to know that there would be tons of pictures being released soon enough, but then again, criminals are not usually very bright. I would think that a kidnapper would get in and get out. It's certainly an interesting scenario. You could very well be correct. And maybe Lisa will be home soon.

It just seems like it was too over-staged. But again, it could very well be an intruder. It's not going to surprise me a bit if this isn't resolved in the next day or so. I just don't think it's going to have a good outcome, no matter how much I wish it would. When inconsistencies start cropping up, that's when I start to wonder what's really going on.

I sure hope you're right ... that someone just wanted a baby and they will find her unharmed.
FWIW, I've had to take LD tests, told the truth and passed...and was extremely nervous, almost crying one time. But whatever, I know there is tons of controversy on them.
there is a chance that LE is thinking this: Mom gave too much cold meds to child and she died, mom calls hub at work and tells him what happened, hub tells her wait until I get home, hub comes home and they work up a plan, hide the baby somewhere, and rid of the phones too because she called him on his cell phone. If this is the case LE needs enough probably cause to get a subpoena to their cell phone records and I don't think they have it. Maybe LE asked them to provide that information and they refused then stopped cooperating.

Loving mother, right? If she walks in and the baby's not breathing, appears to be dead in the crib, how would she know what the cause of death is, could be crib death. Would she not try CPR? Call 911? Crib death happens every day. Not only that, she said the baby had a cold, what if it were a more serious condition she was not aware of, bronchial pneumonia, or whatever? Still, no reason for her to hide the baby's death. If there's guilt there, must be a real reason. The question is, what is it?
I think LE told mom she failed the LDT and wouldn't go into details. After that, the family tore off in their car.

LE then gave the presser that they were no longer cooperating, disputed by newly appointed family spokesperson (don't blame mom for shutting her mouth).

Unlike Breeann's case, LE doesn't seem to be friendly anymore to the family if they are announcing the family has decided to not cooperate anymore without anything formal coming from them. I would think if they explained, as they did with Breeann's dad that LDT's aren't reliable, etc. it may have changed things.

On one hand, it may have driven the focus further toward the family but on the other, as someone tweeted, it could have been a brilliant idea to distance themselves from LE as now the media will be all over them.

The only thing peaking my hinky meter is the lack of scent for the SAR dogs from the house. Then again, if the family was involved and it happened in the house, where would they put her that wouldn't be detected by now?

I'm going to stick with non-family abduction until I hear more.

i've been skeptical since the beginning. though i find the mother quite believable in her interviews i did notice something today. in the one interview, i think the first?, watch how she suddenly looks up at her husband when he is saying their daughter disappeared sometime monday nite (or tuesday morning) (paraphrased). to me it was like don't say monday nite! and then when he continued or tuesday morning she seemed okay with it.
i've been skeptical since the beginning. though i find the mother quite believable in her interviews i did notice something today. in the one interview, i think the first?, watch how she suddenly looks up at her husband when he is saying their daughter disappeared sometime monday nite (or tuesday morning) (paraphrased). to me it was like don't say monday nite! and then when he continued or tuesday morning she seemed okay with it.

I did see that but I think they are also so exhausted and distraught that anything is possible.
I think if LE scoured computers, for example, (which I am sure they will be able to get a warrant to do, if not offered to them by parents) anything that they find that is not illegal or involving the child would not have to be released to the media, and thus, the public. I can't recall a case where LE specifically called attention to anyone's personal lives if they did not affect a case, or if it was not already public record. So I am thinking just watching adult *advertiser censored*, as an example, would not be plastered all over the news if it was unrelated and nothing else pointed to the family in question. Just saying I don't think LE makes a habit of announcing everything they discover when they investigate a family. JMO

I think it was made public that LE found "*advertiser censored*" on the computer of Elizabeth Smart's father. I could think of other examples if I took a few minutes. It's not uncommon.
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