MSM Coverage 11/2/11

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Who is the source in all these media articles? I do NOT like articles using source says this and that. :banghead:
link for article from MSM that says SB talked to another neighbor until 11:30

Works for me. Thank you.

Carry on then. Still, no Facebook or MySpace links yet on her.

And you can sleuth as to her friendship, relationship, neighbor, etc....but no digging into her background just because she was sitting on the porch drinking and smoking with DB, okay?

I hope that clears it up a little bit. whew
Does she say whether brother Phil was already there? If not, guess he came in sometime after 11:30 pm and assessed that Debbi had drunk enough to pass out.

We need to know who came in that house by invitation and when, dang it. Tell us if you saw Lisa alive and well SB. Tell us if anyone else was at the house SB. I don't think she wants to put herself that far on the line. JMO. I want to hear lots more from her...

I'm repeating myself. But the ONLY reference to Phil Netz being there after 5-5:30 p.m. was a single sentence in a three-paragraph story by a SPRINGFIELD, MO. television station. The official story that Kansas City mainstream media is reporting is that Netz says he left shortly after they returned from the grocery store. He supposedly arrived at the house shortly after the 911 call. KCPD won't release the dash cam video so we can see who came and what happened after the first police arrived.

But I don't understand how an obvious mistake by a Springfield station has become so accepted. Mistakes do happen. And I think that was the case here.
Samantha Brando says everything was fine until she went to bed at 11:30.

Says she and Debbie were outside until 10:30 p.m. so no intruder before that. Says she remained outside until 11:30 p.m. and again no intruder. She goes to bed. Baby gone by 3:45 a.m. so that becomes the 5 1/2 hour window.

That is 4.25 hours.
Normally a 4 year old can NOT tell time. So for MSM/source indicate that a 4 year old last saw Baby Lisa at 6:30 and she is safe is a off!

I was coming to post the same thing. There's now way a 4 year old child can tell time, in most instances. There's also no way a 4 year old knows what happens on a certain day. They of course know Halloween and Christmas but certain days playing and seeing a baby? I don't think so.

What I find interesting is the info that SB left DB's at 10:30, and then continued to sit outside with another neighbor until 11:30. Where did this neighbor come from? Did he or she just wander up after DB went inside, or was this other neighbor also sitting outside drinking and talking to DB and SB when they were holding down the stoop?

No answers, of course...just pondering.
Who is the source in all these media articles? I do NOT like articles using source says this and that. :banghead:

I'm going to ASSUME JT and BS are the masters behind this new timeline...JMHO
I'm repeating myself. But the ONLY reference to Phil Netz being there after 5-5:30 p.m. was a single sentence in a three-paragraph story by a SPRINGFIELD, MO. television station. The official story that Kansas City mainstream media is reporting is that Netz says he left shortly after they returned from the grocery store. He supposedly arrived at the house shortly after the 911 call. KCPD won't release the dash cam video so we can see who came and what happened after the first police arrived.

But I don't understand how an obvious mistake by a Springfield station has become so accepted. Mistakes do happen. And I think that was the case here.

I find it impossible to believe that he was there all night. What about when 911 was called? He would have had to been awake and running around looking for the baby and he would have been interviewed immediately, on the spot, by the first responders that morning. I cannot be;lieve he was there that night. imoo
Don't forget to put news article in the Media thread as this is a good quick reference when needing to locate news articles. :)

[ame=""]Media links~NO DISCUSSION PLEASE - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I honestly believe this case has crossed that line where we don't know what's true or not anymore unless it comes from specific sources. Even media articles may not be accurate.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 11/1/11 MSM article claims JI with kids during trip & neighbor kid saw Lisa at 6:30pm[/ame]

By this AM three different timelines came out in the above publications...
Now tonight we have all the rich details being spewed about the neighbor/SB's hubby and two more details about the man with the baby at 4:00 AM,from MT (motorcycle man.)

Keep in mind, LE has said about five things in re: to this case:
They would benefit from further discussions with the B/I family members

Jersey is not related to this case

The court denied a request to seal a search warrant of the Irwin home thus details of the search came out.

Something was said to the effect that LE is not going to follow media driven stories...something close to that re:The gas station video/white blob

Re: DB saying that she failed the LDT. LE stated, "she has the right to say whatever she wants to say....then went on to say that this is an on-going case and they will not get into the details of the investigation.

All of the recent info that is flowing so freely is IMO, JMO, IMNSHO, Coming from the DB/JI/JT/BS Camp. Oh, and the newest lawyer to join the team.

I think that is about all LE has said...
But they go in and bake bread super early, my SIL used to go in at 5ish when she worked at Subway. Is there no deli in the target or grocery store?
Target no. Festival might have one, but I can only think of a bakery section and I would describe it as the grocery store not deli if he was seen here.

What I find interesting is the info that SB left DB's at 10:30, and then continued to sit outside with another neighbor until 11:30. Where did this neighbor come from? Did he or she just wander up after DB went inside, or was this other neighbor also sitting outside drinking and talking to DB and SB when they were holding down the stoop?

No answers, of course...just pondering.

and then 45 minutes later another dual neighbor (hubby &wife) see a man walking up the street with a baby. :crazy:

What I find interesting is the info that SB left DB's at 10:30, and then continued to sit outside with another neighbor until 11:30. Where did this neighbor come from? Did he or she just wander up after DB went inside, or was this other neighbor also sitting outside drinking and talking to DB and SB when they were holding down the stoop?

No answers, of course...just pondering.

Oh great, another neighbor! :banghead:

What I find interesting is the info that SB left DB's at 10:30, and then continued to sit outside with another neighbor until 11:30. Where did this neighbor come from? Did he or she just wander up after DB went inside, or was this other neighbor also sitting outside drinking and talking to DB and SB when they were holding down the stoop?

No answers, of course...just pondering.
I thought she always said she went in at 10:30. Man, no one wants any part of 10:30 anymore ...
This was in response to a deleted post re: LE "allegedly" interrogating/accusing DB of murder:

Possibly, but we have to remember that all of that is coming from DB herself. I'm sure/fairly certain that LE taped those interviews. Time will tell if they really did tear her a new one or if she is being histrionic.
Just a question..did the *kidnapper* wait around somewhere-like bushes,up a tree,behind a house for the other 2 neighbors to go inside-if we are to believe this new timeline-the neighbors went in house at 1130,kidnapper goes to window,wait maybe unlock door in the house turns on all lights,gets phones,gets Lisa and walks out the door to be seen by eye witness at 12.15-did I get all that right or am wrong or missing something here?
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