MSNBC to Imus: You're FIRED!

As unpopular as this may sound, I'm glad he's fired. Mean spirited comments have no place anywhere. Back in October, my best friend became involved witha a man he met online. And, as dumb as this sounds, without even ever meeting me, he called me a "big titted drunken *advertiser censored*" . I can't believe how it felt. I don't drink, I've been married for 20 years and yes I've got some ginormous *advertiser censored*. However, it was such a slap in my face, such a blatant form of misogony, that I knew exactly how those girls felt. And like them, it was "blown off" as "just a playful joke".

Its unfortunate, I know my relationship with my best friend as changed because of it. His new boyfriend didn't feel it was worth apologizing for, and as far as Don Imus is concerned, I found his apologies rather hollow as well.


I'd say your trouble is with your "best friend" rather than his boyfriend. Geez! With friends like that, who needs enemies?? :(
True. But the Isaiah Washington thing was as big news as Imus' and there was plenty of outrage. Double standard again.

I'm not sure it is comparable. Now, if Washington did it repeatedly, even after being in trouble for it before- then it would become comparable, IMO.
I'm not sure it is comparable. Now, if Washington did it repeatedly, even after being in trouble for it before- then it would become comparable, IMO.

Okay, maybe Imus wasn't the best comparison.

Michael Richards using the Nword at that comedy club AFTER the Isaiah Washington f'got incident. Look at the hell Michael Richards (rightfully so) got for that, but boo is said to/about Washington.
Okay, maybe Imus wasn't the best comparison.

Michael Richards using the Nword at that comedy club AFTER the Isaiah Washington f'got incident. Look at the hell Michael Richards (rightfully so) got for that, but boo is said to/about Washington.

I'm not trying to be argumentative with you, Shopper, I swear. But I'm wondering if the lack of backlash doesn't have more to do with the target of the slur than with the color of the person who said it.
I'm not trying to be argumentative with you, Shopper, I swear. But I'm wondering if the lack of backlash doesn't have more to do with the target of the slur than with the color of the person who said it.

Could be. But I just notice a pattern and the pattern is pretty obvious IMO.
You must be new to WebSleuths. Welcome. There are pages and pages of outrage over the false accusations in the Duke case.
Im not new, but im not talking about no outrage at websleuths. Im talking about Sharpton and his cronies rallying to get Imus fired and while a lying, stripper falsely accused men of gangrape gets off scott free apparently. If that accuser had been white and the men african I dont think theyd sit back and let that slide. Good grief remember Susan Smith, when she falsely accused a colored man of taking her kids? Thought wed never hear the end of it.You ask me Sharpton is a rasict, attacking whites for every stupid thing they say and doesnt say one word about blacks falsely accusing whites.Double standard.
What Imus said was stupid but not damaging and theyre not going to quit until they have him lynched.
But on the other hand whos rallying for that stripper to go to jail ?? :behindbar Thats what I meant.
Seems he didn't learn his lesson from way back...anyone remember Tawanda Brawley..(I thinks that's her name)

I remember what was called "The Tawanna Brawley Hoax" quite well. And yep, Sharpton was all up in it front and center.'nappy-headed+ho%22+t-shirt&hl=en&safe=off&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-37,GGLD:en&um=1&sa=X&oi=froogle&ct=title

N.H.H. merchandise.
I'm not trying to be argumentative with you, Shopper, I swear. But I'm wondering if the lack of backlash doesn't have more to do with the target of the slur than with the color of the person who said it.

Definitely, that's part of it. I'm watching CNN with Anderson Cooper and evidently Imus is over there in North carolina now meeting with the girls; evidently a verY "emotional" discussion is going on.
Here's a quote from Sharpton:
"It's not about taking Imus down," Sharpton said. "It's about lifting decency up.",2933,265701,00.html

Who is Sharpton to be talking about decency? I want him to lift up decency and apologize to the Duke players, face to face in a meeting with them.
Here's a quote from Sharpton:
"It's not about taking Imus down," Sharpton said. "It's about lifting decency up.",2933,265701,00.html

Who is Sharpton to be talking about decency? I want him to lift up decency and apologize to the Duke players, face to face in a meeting with them.

But white people don't have 2 loudmouth, phony "leaders" to speak for us. How can white people demand/threaten/sue/intimidate/boycott them to do what's right, like they demand of us? I'd love to not let this drop but I don't see how.
A comment from Jackson:

Jackson, speaking with TODAY host Meredith Vieira, took the debate beyond Imus to the on-air line-up at NBC’s cable-news outlets. “No black hosts on MSNBC,” he said. “No black hosts on CNBC. Can we use this moment to desegregate the media?”

What the h*ll does that have to do with anything thats going on? His comment was just an exscuse, once again, for the blacks to cry racism.

Another Jackson comment:
Vieira asked Jackson how what Imus said is different than Jackson referring to New York during his 1984 presidential campaign as “hymie town?”
“It’s the repetition, and it’s a pattern,” Jackson said, referring to other racially insensitive comments Imus has made in the past. “He’s apologized before,” Jackson continued, adding that the offensive comments have continued.

Has Jackson not been repeating himself with stupid comments like that about white people? Hasn't he set a pattern himself? Haven't his offensive comments continued?
Yeah but thats okay, because he's black. He can do that.
White people are currently the most discriminated against, especially white males.

How can that be if 80% of black males are unemployed? Actually, around here, they drop out alot and just don't get the experience they need to ever get a good job. Don't forget Hispanics and Asians; they are white too. The three races are Caucasian, Black and Asian?(I forget the scientific name of the 3rd race)

I do think "older" white males have a tough time getting "re-employed", if they get laid off or need to change fields. It depends on the field they're in also. Some things are cyclical (computers, real estate, etc.).

I also think a minority with the same SAT and high school school experience as my son, would get into Harvard or Duke before he would have.

In order to keep their quotas, or reputation, schools leap at minorities with a good record.

My son was told to forget about the Ivy Leagues. (he had a 3.6 gpa, 1400 SAT, Nat. Merit Scholar, worked in highschool, played tennis, volunteered.

He did EVERYTHING. So I think reverse discrimination is often true. Never mind, he went to business school here and is doing just fine.
It'll be interesting to see just how much this HURTS blacks and other minorities due what has now become an overreaction. It IS possible to go too far. They may have caused a subtle backlash. But they have the media on their side. They fan the flames as much as anyone.
Dark Knight,
I agree with what you said. The media definitely is playing into this entire situation.
He will be signed to satellite radio or another carrier within a month.
Do you think so? I'm not so sure. Look at why he was fired and his age. I wouldn't be surprised if he remains unemployed.
Im not new, but im not talking about no outrage at websleuths. Im talking about Sharpton and his cronies rallying to get Imus fired and while a lying, stripper falsely accused men of gangrape gets off scott free apparently. If that accuser had been white and the men african I dont think theyd sit back and let that slide. Good grief remember Susan Smith, when she falsely accused a colored man of taking her kids? Thought wed never hear the end of it.You ask me Sharpton is a rasict, attacking whites for every stupid thing they say and doesnt say one word about blacks falsely accusing whites.Double standard.
What Imus said was stupid but not damaging and theyre not going to quit until they have him lynched.
But on the other hand whos rallying for that stripper to go to jail ?? :behindbar Thats what I meant.
GOOD post! :woohoo:
I once heard two or three words come out of Don Imus' mouth on the MSNBC simulcast of his show and that was enough to make me fly past him with the TV muted ever since. I have no idea what he said, but it was so obnoxious and offensive that I immediately lumped him in with Howard Stern and removed him from my radar.

I personally find what he said about the Rutgers' women's basketball team to be appalling and despicable. With just a few sentences, he managed to reduce a group of people (black women athletes attending college) into some of the oldest, nastiest, stereotypes that exist. This wasn't even part of a rant, just him bantering with his boys. Which tells me that he must, on some level, believe what he says. These people, no matter what they accomplish, are still nothing more than their skin colors and genders. And since they don't match his, they're inferior. And he gets (got) to express this belief to a national audience on a daily basis. Like it or not, he has cultural influence.

I think his firing was justified not because he's white and the team members are black or because he's a man and they're women. I think it's appropriate because he used his position of influence and (for some backward thinkers) authority to denigrate other groups of people and reinforce stereotypes that just keep perpetuating the cycle of hate and distrust. He deserves to be ousted because he overstepped his bounds as a public commentator who commands an enormous audience. Claiming that he is allowed to make comments like this because he's a shock jock is just excusing him. At some point, people who are in the public eye have to accept some responsibility for their comments and actions because they're so accessible to so many people.

Firing him doesn't curb his free speech rights. He can continue to say whatever he wants if he can find an audience. Firing him indicates that he can't abuse his position of power. IMO. JMO. MHO.

Off the soapbox.
Just heard on CNN that Imus met with the ladies tonight and that the meeting "ended on a positive note".

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