Mystery couple murdered in South Carolina, 1976 - #6

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In Canada he wouldn't have had "grief" over his last name. LaFrance is not an uncommon last name in Canada.

Yeah, they're all good names and not that uncommon even in the US. But the combination and the order they're in could be interpreted in a humorous or mocking way if he ran across bullies in school or something like that. I was thinking it could have been a factor in why he might leave. But it's probably not significant though.
In all this speculation, do you folks think our couple disappeared together or they had met during travel and decided to travel as a duo?

It appears to me that they must be coming from a similar background. Also, the fact that both of them have remained unidentified makes me believe that they were a couple and hadn't just met recently. I don't know... just fleeting impressions...

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Jock doe has so many different sketches and they all look so different. Even the two postmortem pictures of him look like a different person. In one of the sketches I would say he could be this La France guy but according to the others I'm not so sure. And of course people can change significantly in appearance over a 10 year period.
I don't see any reason to think he didn't live on the road, or drifted from job to job, or something like that. He might have traveled the world and just been making his way home.

When I was trying to put together a side by side for La France, I noticed that even in the post-mortem photos, "Jock" looks different depending on the angle and the lighting. Sometimes he almost doesn't look like the same person.

Aside: I wonder how much grief the poor guy had to put up with over his name which would loosely translate as The king Francis of France.

Hahaha same thoughts here about the name....Maybe they where just saying Leroy....
I see some resemblance between La France and "Jock". There is so little info on him...could eyebrows go bushier over time? La France was 19 when he went missing, Jock was estimated between 22-30 yrs.... I don't think the eyebrows could grow that bushy in this period of time...would be different when he would have been missing on an earlier age...(comparing my son's eyebrows when he was very young and now as a reference) Also I don't see the olive undertone....

I did search for girls on the website of North American missing people in the same time frame..but no luck...
I suppose there are things you can do to make your eyebrows more bushy, nowadays anyways. Although I don't know why anyone would want to 🙈. Unless they think it would make them look more masculine or something.
41 years ago you were found dead on a dirt road. 41 years without a name. Many questions and no answers. May justice come swiftly.
Read a post on facebook where a poster claims to be the daughter of the person who waited on them at the fruit stand. She says her mother claims they road up on a motorcycle. Have never heard that detail...interesting if true.. Poster's profile is from Sumter.
I suppose there are things you can do to make your eyebrows more bushy, nowadays anyways. Although I don't know why anyone would want to 🙈. Unless they think it would make them look more masculine or something.
The opposite is true too. Even in the sixties, he could have been grooming his eyebrows and given it up later.

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Read a post on facebook where a poster claims to be the daughter of the person who waited on them at the fruit stand. She says her mother claims they road up on a motorcycle. Have never heard that detail...interesting if true.. Poster's profile is from Sumter.
That would definitely be an interesting detail if true. How old is the post? Did the person post just that one time?
Read a post on facebook where a poster claims to be the daughter of the person who waited on them at the fruit stand. She says her mother claims they road up on a motorcycle. Have never heard that detail...interesting if true.. Poster's profile is from Sumter.
The motorcycle has been mentioned before. I'd love to know whether the mother remembers them having a French/Quebecois accent.
Couldn't find the post..I searched for it....some posting on FB in may...but not this particular post...Also my wicked me....WTpeep...and you are coming forward with this now.......Not a reliable witness IMO
I check in here periodically. Keep thinking that one day I will find out this has been solved. In the meantime, I have a question. A few days ago, I checked in and found that another site was referenced. Do you think that today I could find the site? I believe it was a facebook page for this couple?? Anyhow, I was reading some comments that were posted by different people. One of the people posting said that her mother was the person that waited on the female when she was buying peaches at the fruit-stand. She stated that Jean/Jacque did not come in, rather he was on a motorcycle waiting outside.

Has anyone read this before? I am thinking that if they were on a motorcycle, where did the motorcycle go, where did it end up? I know they believe a van was used to transport them to the site where they were found. Did the van also house the motorcycle?

I am going to see if I can find that site again and will link it here, but wondering about this...anyone?

I guess the same woman was the source for the previous information about the motorcycle.

One of my theories is that he was a former teacher and was estranged from his family, like the campground worker claimed, and that the young woman was one of his former students. If they were in a relationship that wasn't socially acceptable, that could explain their leaving town and becoming estranged from their families.

If the motorcycle was nice enough, they could have been killed for it.
I guess the same woman was the source for the previous information about the motorcycle.

One of my theories is that he was a former teacher and was estranged from his family, like the campground worker claimed, and that the young woman was one of his former students. If they were in a relationship that wasn't socially acceptable, that could explain their leaving town and becoming estranged from their families.

If the motorcycle was nice enough, they could have been killed for it.

I totally agree. They may not have planned to return to Canada for the foreseeable future, which would've made them vulnerable, being foreign nationals. I think clues such as Jane Doe's jewelry from New Mexico and the unshaven legs are indicative of them having been on the road for quite some time, having a bit of an adventure before their funds ran out and they would've had to face cold, hard reality. They may have indeed had access to shower facilities and proper lodging, as they were described as clean/not disheveled, but that bit about being unshaven makes me think that they were traveling rather light and didn't see packing a razor as a priority.

Also, you think about two twenty-somethings in a foreign country, "cut off," as it were, and having traveled for months on end throughout the U.S... It's a pretty precarious situation.

These prodigals (esp. Jacques if we buy the story of him being "disowned") may have been coming down to the last few hundred dollars in their name, and were perhaps becoming a tad too trusting of some who may not have had their best interests at heart, in their desperation. Jacques, low on funds, may have resorted to illegal activity to get money for him and his girlfriend. Got mixed up with the wrong people, who then probably stole his bike and likely destroyed his wallet, and thus his license and all credit cards, etc. Anything which would've provided investigators with an identity. Jane Doe's pocketbook also likely destroyed by fire. I bet the guy with the firearm burned everything right on his property or somewhere deep in the woods... Those things are most likely long gone...
I totally agree. They may not have planned to return to Canada for the foreseeable future, which would've made them vulnerable, being foreign nationals. I think clues such as Jane Doe's jewelry from New Mexico and the unshaven legs are indicative of them having been on the road for quite some time, having a bit of an adventure before their funds ran out and they would've had to face cold, hard reality. They may have indeed had access to shower facilities and proper lodging, as they were described as clean/not disheveled, but that bit about being unshaven makes me think that they were traveling rather light and didn't see packing a razor as a priority.

Also, you think about two twenty-somethings in a foreign country, "cut off," as it were, and having traveled for months on end throughout the U.S... It's a pretty precarious situation.

These prodigals (esp. Jacques if we buy the story of him being "disowned") may have been coming down to the last few hundred dollars in their name, and were perhaps becoming a tad too trusting of some who may not have had their best interests at heart, in their desperation. Jacques, low on funds, may have resorted to illegal activity to get money for him and his girlfriend. Got mixed up with the wrong people, who then probably stole his bike and likely destroyed his wallet, and thus his license and all credit cards, etc. Anything which would've provided investigators with an identity. Jane Doe's pocketbook also likely destroyed by fire. I bet the guy with the firearm burned everything right on his property or somewhere deep in the woods... Those things are most likely long gone...

The male had actually shaved somewhere. He has no beard.
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