Nancy Cooper, 34, of Cary, N.C. #5

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I agree with you about sealing the deal but only for the ex parte order imo. At the full custody hearing, I believe the grandparents are going to have to provide proof that he is mentally unstable and not merely heresay which appears to be the case at this point.

I have been following the Michelle Young case and I've learned that grandparents have no visitation rights in NC let alone custody. The defendant will surely try to hold the Court to this by citing the law and case authorities.

If Brad did murder Nancy, I hope he will be charged prior to the custody hearing.
You're absolutely was enough...for now. I mentioned earlier it would be interesting to see if he challenges it at all...and I do hope that if he is named as a suspect or is charged with her murder that it happens soon.
Mom when you post I swear I feel like Im sitting next to you

Blink...I wish you were. I am wondering why I keep connecting with this case, and it continues to fall in our lap, because we certainly aren't out looking for it. This is like going to the mall and you keep running into the same person store after store and say them again.
From same Fox link above:

Bazemore declined to comment on whether or not Cooper’s body had suffered defensive wounds and would not confirm or deny reports that Brad Cooper had purchased bleach at a local convenience store just hours before his wife’s body was found.
Thanks, Blink. Very sad indeed.

I have followed so many of these cases over the last few years....Scott Peterson, Neil Entwhistle, the Hacking guy in Utah......what in the world are these guys thinking? Do they really think they won't get caught? Jeez, the first day this case came out about Nancy, my first thought was "What is up with the husband?" Very sad, but true.

Then I started following it, and within a few hours, I was convinced it was him. Not calling the police, the whole store incident where he allegedly bought the detergent, admitting to marital problems....then seeing the family - who obviously have been consoling their daughter over the last several months - and seeing how stoic they were. It is so obvious - too bad they can't just arrest him now.
Funny thing - when I joined websleuths tonight, I tried the user name of Momto3, but it was already taken!
Good Luck for Mr. Certified Cisco wizard, Triathlete, Lance Armstrong wannabe financial forensic planner mounting an insanity defense.

Bet Bubba & the boys can't wait to see his strong muscular body!!!! Can you imagine the wolf whistles he'll get????
Welcome to WS, OregonMommy! Yes, it is very sad and tragic that the men who do this deprive the world of these wonderful, caring, and loving women in the prime of their lives. I have to think part of it is jealousy because their women are strong and intelligent...and loved for who they are without pretenses. Things they could never be.
The filing also alleges that Nancy Cooper never went out jogging the morning of July 12
In the complaint, Rentz, the former executive director of Alberta Social Services, and Lister say that a few months ago Bradley Cooper had removed the children's passports from Nancy Cooper's vehicle,

The judge also ordered Bradley Cooper to turn over the passports of Isabella, 4, and Gabriella, almost 2, so they might attend their mother's funeral in Canada. Later this month, a judge will consider a request for Rentz and Lister to care for the children more permanently
What am I missing here? If LE goes ahead and calls BC a POI does it change things so much legally that would hinder the investigation? I mean surely by now with all the searching that went on in the house, cars etc... they have enough info. I know that they have interviewed every one close to the case by now. Or do you all think that the hesitation on LE's part to name a suspect or POI means they are not finding what we all think they are finding?
I love what Blink34 said about this guy....oh, the ego. Seriously, did you guys read his website? First of all, WHO sets up a website about themselves? Whatever. It was all about his training, his times, his goals, his MBA, his blah blah blah. Of course, no mention about his wife or children. It was really weird to me. Almost like he was going through a mid-life crisis but he is only 34, for God sakes! My thought is that he has always been self-centered, but decided he should get married and have kids. But when it really comes down to it, that is hard work, right? So he starts to go back to his old ways....working long hours, studying and going to school, training for an ironman....his wife starts to realize that she got the short end of the stick. Before long, he is having affairs. Another sign of a self-centered person. Then she really gets fed up. God knows what she has been through over the last 6 months, but it hasn't been good. I feel for her.......and her beautiful children and her parents and siblings. I have twins myself - they are only 6 - but they are extremely tight. I can't even imagine how that bond would strengthen over the years.

Please arrest this guy already.
What am I missing here? If LE goes ahead and calls BC a POI does it change things so much legally that would hinder the investigation? I mean surely by now with all the searching that went on in the house, cars etc... they have enough info. I know that they have interviewed every one close to the case by now. Or do you all think that the hesitation on LE's part to name a suspect or POI means they are not finding what we all think they are finding?

My guess is that LE is waiting for the COD and any DNA evidence -if any -that was taken from Nancy's fingernails.
If Brad's DNA is under Nancy's nails and Brad has scratches on his arms, his goose is cooked.
What am I missing here? If LE goes ahead and calls BC a POI does it change things so much legally that would hinder the investigation? I mean surely by now with all the searching that went on in the house, cars etc... they have enough info. I know that they have interviewed every one close to the case by now. Or do you all think that the hesitation on LE's part to name a suspect or POI means they are not finding what we all think they are finding?

IMO - and only IMO - they already have solid evidence - just putting it all together and they will make an arrest very soon. This is partly wishful thinking and partly educated guess. :)
From my local perspective:

I had to think back a bit just now, and it is rather hard to "un-learn" some of the things that you now know. I recall when I first heard about this "Missing Runner" and the stories came out that she liked to run in the park that is very near my house, so I was kind of keeping an eye out for her.

There was NO mention of kids initially, and no mention of a husband. Then, after a few of the reports came out, they started mentioning "mother of 2", but no details on ages. I did not know if the kids were older or what the deal was.

There was a lot of Calls for Action on behalf of the neighbors, putting up flyers, asking you to look out for her, but I did not find out about organized searches until later, or I might well have joined in.

Anyway, it seemed like a couple of days before the husband was even mentioned. Then you see him out looking, but not talking with the press in the beginning, and then the item about marital strain comes out.

This seems like a strange pacing of information to me. The husband's presence is felt LAST? Neighbors are more interested in finding her than he is? IMO, that is because he knew where she was all along.

Anyone watch Greta tonight?
Not only did Nancy's parents request custody of the 2 girls, but they also sent a request to the judge to get the girls passports.
Nancy was sending the children to Canada to live with her sister.
Brad took the passports out of the car. :O

That confirmed for me that Brad killed his wife so she wouldn't get the kids, the house, nada. I may something that will not be well received...and I do apologize for this ahead of time...but here goes...IMO if Nancy was planning on sending her children to her sister...for whatever reason...I see nothing wrong with her husband taking their passports out of her purse. He was obviously very threatened by this. We don't know what Nancy's intent was for sending them out of the country. It may have been quite innocent...but you don't tell the man you're in a compative relationship with (and yes, even under the best of circumstances when kids are involved, a divorce is a combative situation) that you're sending his kids away. If the shoe was on the other foot, what mother wouldn't go to any lengths to prevent her husband from taking her kids away? The point I'm trying to make is I wouldn't hold THAT (taking the passports) per se against the man. IMO it very well could have been the trigger that flipped his switch. Murder is no solution, obviously. If he feared she was going to do this, all he had to do is handle the matter through the courts. Oh, and as far as withholding's something that unfortunately happens in divorce. He knew she had her parents to help her. Is it a sucky thing to do...OF COURSE! But, it's the nature of the beast. Ugly things do happen when a couple splits up.
For the record, IMO, he is a narcissisitic, controlling SOB. Unfortunately, there are plenty just like him out there. He didn't need to resort to this...but taking the kids' passports...i just can't hold that against him. I would have done the same thing if the situation was reversed.
Oh...not the getting rid of my husband part...just the taking the passports part.
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