Nancy Grace - 10/8/08 - Wednesday

For clarification............LP said that the car was left at Amscot late on June 26th. Mrs. Sanchez saw the car when she came to work at 7:00am on the 27th. On the morning of June 27th, Casey came back to Amscot and picked up the car and drove to her mother's house, where she called J.C. Pennys. Then she drove to the area of the airport (cell phone pings) and that's where LP says they'll find the body. Casey returned the car to Amscot before 11:00am that morning and Tony picked Casey up there.

If you'll remember, when Tony picked Casey up she had shopping bags of some items of food she had taken from her mother's house.
Last weekend I posted the ping timeline on the calendar for the 27th and noticed the same thing. Check out that entry when you get a chance! I wondered why on earth she was back near her parents' house and felt it had to do with poor Caylee's body.
I have said from the beginning that when she got painted in a corner she would commit suicide. I worried about that when LP had her out, but at least he was smart enough to have a female with her at all time.

Sociopaths rarely commit suicide, though. They usually manage to run the prison.
I do feel badly for Amy. If I was watching that video of my 'friend' using my money to buy all that 'stuff', I'd be on fire with fury (and it wouldn't be about whether I got the money back or not, it's about the betrayal).

Yeah Me too....She seems like she really trusted KC as a friend

She was nice enough to let KC use her car for the week she was in PR & KC returns the favor by ripping her off
Did Nancy directly address Casey Anthony about 10 minutes into the show? I thought that's what I heard, but I was distracted at the moment and didn't hear exactly what she said. Anyone else hear it?

:laugh: Holding those bras up to the camera, LOL Leave it to Nancy....
She certainly did! Want me to rewind and tell you what she said? Next commercial, I will.
For clarification............LP said that the car was left at Amscot late on June 26th. Mrs. Sanchez saw the car when she came to work at 7:00am on the 27th. On the morning of June 27th, Casey came back to Amscot and picked up the car and drove to her mother's house, where she called J.C. Pennys. Then she drove to the area of the airport (cell phone pings) and that's where LP says they'll find the body. Casey returned the car to Amscot before 11:00am that morning and Tony picked Casey up there.

If you'll remember, when Tony picked Casey up she had shopping bags of some items of food she had taken from her mother's house.

We looked at the cell phone pings last night, after LP first presented that theory. Unless I'm reading them wrong, they don't show her at her parents house or at the airport on the morning of the 27th. It's not known that the food came from her parent's house, that was Tony's guess.
Actuallly since she pressed charges I heard that the bank reimbursed her.
Not the $400 that she "misplaced" while sleepwalking!! And she is still considered the injured party being that her identity was stolen.
Here comes LE to save the daaaaayyyyy!!! :bananalama::Jumpie::bling::bud::bowdown::martini:
OMG not another Melinda D....that case drove me crazy that she took the coward's way out and there is no closure on poor little Trenton :(

Actually, I think Casey loves herself and all of this attention too much to do so.
I have said from the beginning that when she got painted in a corner she would commit suicide. I worried about that when LP had her out, but at least he was smart enough to have a female with her at all time.

I thought the same thing, absolutely. Since then I have had the opportunity to speak to him on that and those in his posse. Nary a one thinks she would ever, ever, harm a hair on her own head, and that is being kind. As a result, I now think the same.
I just can't buy it. Do you know what condition the body would be in after 10 days enclosed in a car in the Florida heat?

I think LP's just guessing like the rest of us....He's looking at the same info we are as far as the "documents & pings"

There's an entire thread here somewhere about Caylee being near the airport
It makes no sense to me at all but then very little of what LP says does make sense, IMO. He spouted the same theory last night, saying she drove her car to her parents home after it was seen at Amscot at 7am, but the cell phone pings we have available here don't seem to support it.

Unless Casey has been living on Mars, she probably knows that she can be tracked with her cell phone. If I were planning to dump a body, I certainly wouldn't take my cell phone along. If I were LE, I'd look for times when the cell phone was not in use and the pings didn't move. That's probably when she disposed of the body.

Yes they do. Our cell phone pings do indeed support this theory.
I thought the same thing, absolutely. Since then I have had the opportunity to speak to him on that and those in his posse. Nary a one thinks she would ever, ever, harm a hair on her own head, and that is being kind. As a result, I now think the same.

Ty for that insight!
I thought the same thing, absolutely. Since then I have had the opportunity to speak to him on that and those in his posse. Nary a one thinks she would ever, ever, harm a hair on her own head, and that is being kind. As a result, I now think the same.

Hi Nancy ... Love your show ... now I want to ask the same question that has been asked every night since this case broke .... arggggg

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