Nancy Grace on HLN Now 10/14/2011

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wasnt there a delay of about 34 minutes from the time JI got home and the time he called 911. His first version is that they ran around looking for the baby after he discovered the window and lights etc, so if he is now sounding like he called right in the beginning before he knew there was no one still in the house, that would be incorrect.
there is something off about this whole 911 call situation.
Note: Maybe he was trying to call home earlier, got worried, came home ahead of time and saw lights on when they never had been before at that time; possibly called a potential burglary in process from the car? Then went inside and discovered not a burglarly but an abduction?

That's not the story the parents have been telling. Not at all.
in regard to what records have to be made publicly available. I too, thought ti was strange not to release the 911 call as in most places they are considered public records but apparently in Missouri, no, they are exempt from disclosure. But incident reports are to be made public. So, the non-release is not in any way significant here.

610.150. “911” telephone reports inaccessible, exceptions.
Except as provided by this section, any information acquired by a law enforcement agency by way of a complaint or report of a crime made by telephone contact using the emergency number, “911”, shall be inaccessible to the general public. However, information consisting of the date, time, specific location and immediate facts and circumstances surrounding the initial report of the crime or incident shall be considered to be an incident report and subject to section 610.100. Any closed records pursuant to this section shall be available upon request by law enforcement agencies or the division of workers' compensation or pursuant to a valid court order authorizing disclosure upon motion and good cause shown.

Kat - I'll give ya the crossed wires about the burglary - its the IN PROGRESS that screams at me.

IN PROGRESS means that there is a high probability that the perp is still on scene. Very high caution is taken by LE when there is a IN PROGRESS situation.

And, there is usually a witness / reporter that tells dispatch that the perp may still be around - hence the "in progress" call.

That, along with not releasing the 911 call are key to what we don't know.
I don't think it's that strange that they said burglary in progress. I think the fact that the residence was broken into makes it burglary. The 911 operator might have asked JI if the person is still there and he said "I don't know."

JI claims he went looked at the boys then the parents (either one or both of them, I am still not clear from their story) looked for Lisa before calling 911. Why would the father think the perp could still be in the house?
I haven't seen any pictures of the quarry search. Bizarre, hopefully someone got some screencaps from the live feed?

What about if you look at the quarry on NurseBeeMe's google map and then go to street view, would that help?
So now my next question, did NG say rock quarry? and the images you gave me, are they the same area NG was posting?
I haven't seen any pictures of the quarry search. Bizarre, hopefully someone got some screencaps from the live feed?

What about if you look at the quarry on NurseBeeMe's google map and then go to street view, would that help?
No, that doesnt answer it. thanks though.
There is a pic on pg 3 that looks very much like an aerial view of the quarry, sorry if its incorrect.

I think that photo you're referencing might just be the wooded area. I know on the google map the quarry looks very different, there is lots of the rock breaking gravel making equipment etc.

Strange there are no quarry pictures yet.

I didn't see Nancy Grace myself just saw her tweets where she did use the words "rock quarry" near Lisa's home.
There is a pic on pg 3 that looks very much like an aerial view of the quarry, sorry if its incorrect.
No reason to be sorry. My question is because I am wondering if NG said rock quarry when it is not a rock quarry. Did she get her facts wrong again?? And it might make Nurse mad to have her map wrong! tomorrow someone will have put tonight's episode of NG on youtube. I'll pm you a link when it comes up, if you like.

I'm looking at the rock quarry on google earth, though, and it's definitely a rock quarry.
No reason to be sorry. My question is because I am wondering if NG said rock quarry when it is not a rock quarry. Did she get her facts wrong again?? And it might make Nurse mad to have her map wrong!

Once again thanks In da Middle for all you do...especially for 'keeping them honest' I think the saying goes.
I really appreciate all the time and effort and caring you put into this case for this precious missing child.
I think I am convinced now that NG got her facts wrong again and was showing yesterday's footage of the search at 210 and N Brighton at the dirt pit. The media is proving my point once again. tomorrow someone will have put tonight's episode of NG on youtube. I'll pm you a link when it comes up, if you like.

I'm looking at the rock quarry on google earth, though, and it's definitely a rock quarry.
yes the one at 435 and 210 is definitely a rock quarry.
That's not the story the parents have been telling. Not at all.

You're right jjeny. The story they are telling is the first part of my post. :)

What I was speculating in the portion of my post you commented upon was a possible reason why this was initially classified as a "burglary in progess"; something that perhaps the parents weren't telling to the media (because LE asked them no to or because they are lying). At this point, I think it could just as easily be some mistake in understanding between the police and Jeremy. Would love to hear those 911 tapes!!
I think I am convinced now that NG got her facts wrong again and was showing yesterday's footage of the search at 210 and N Brighton at the dirt pit. The media is proving my point once again.

Okay, that's originally where I thought the search was...the dirt pit/wooded area. Then they went around the other side of it to NE 36th ST. But people kept saying "rock quarry", and that's further down Armour, so I just figured my map was wrong. :waitasec:
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