Nancy Grace - Wednesday, 12/17/08

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I am sorry if I confused anyone with my comment. I was just saying that any duct tape on the head(skull) doesn't tie into a swimming accident.
No problem and I totally agree! But it would fit in with her intentionally drowning Caylee, imo. And it could be she originally was going to tell her parents Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool, but then quickly changed her mind and began the cover up. MOO
bathing suit and dress found with body.

Interesting. Remember Cindy saying her Casey and Caylee went swimming after getting home from seeing papa? I wonder if when the fight occured Caylee still had her suit on and her and Casey left?
FBI has arrived on the scene, possibly for debriefing (or presser?) ( ) my comment not Latisha's
FBI has arrived on the scene where LE is searching the site. Leticia says they are still making significant discoveries. She says the grandparents have not come to the scene. Leticia says that the mobile unit stays there all night, and there are deputies on the scene in shifts.
Will we have a live link to the announcement? Should we try Wesh, WFTV or Fox 35?
Ahhh who said it was private property??? On another thread someone was right - the police can release the scene - it's the owner of the property that has to allow the defense on the property - of course they will, don't you think?

If it were my private property, I would not release it to them without a court order. That way my butt is covered for anything that happens while Team KC is there.
Neither do I. What I see is Cindy said she had Caylee in the pool the evening of the 15th, they have a blow out fight, Caylee is still in her pool clothes, Casey grabs Caylee as is and storms out of the house.

lol, I just saw your post, great minds and all that. :)
Interesting. Remember Cindy saying her Casey and Caylee went swimming after getting home from seeing papa? I wonder if when the fight occured Caylee still had her suit on and her and Casey left?

That bathing suit and Cindy's words, may get them accused of this murder by KC...........that gives KC the opportunity to say she left and NEVER saw Caylee again. She went partying because she knew her parents had her.

This may get really bad for the Anthonys before it is over.
It could be that what happend is this....

I think that KC put the tape(b/c it doesnt make sense that this would be an accidental drowning) on Caylee's mouth and then threw her into the pool so she would drown. Now I dont know if this is possible but what she left the baby in the pool and then lied to George and Cindy for two days about Caylee's where abouts and once the 18th hit figured she needed to do something with the body which is where the borrowing of the shovel comes into play here. Maybe LP was right when he said KC fished the baby out with the shovel.
lol, I just saw your post, great minds and all that. :)

This may be so, but it doesn't mean they didn't return home at some point. Don't cell phone pings and computer usage suggest that KC was at home the morning and early afternoon of the 16th? Another poster provided some details on this earlier in the thread.

It will be interesting to see what develops.
No, she won't be having another Christmas here on Earth but she will be sharing her christmas's with the man we celebrate Christmas for.

That is very true & an honor though it didn't have to be at such a young age. She'll be there as an guardian angel to comfort all the little one's that have come there after her. Singing to them & playing with them she here on earth with her sparkling eyes will comfort them.
I'm very intrigued to hear more!

I, too, am leaning towards an accidental death and no use of chloroform on Caylee by KC.

To those who think one can't explain her actions afterwards in such a case, sure you can -- in this scenario, she's still the same narcissistic, immature person. She wasn't caring for her child because she didn't care to, and if the child died, she cared more about what her mother would say and the fight that would happen and all the problems it would cause for her own new plans than about her own self. So, after a few moments of panic, she realized that Caylee was dead, and she didn't want any consequences from it (esp. from her mother), so she moved on. She's still a very sick person in the accidental death scenario.

Like I said, I'm only leaning this way, my personal jury is still divided.

One of the reasons that I don't believe that this was an accident is the fight on the night of June 15th.

It was loud enough that the neighbors heard it & Cindy allegedly "choked" Casey.

Is it just a coincidence that Caylee accidentally dies the day after this argument?

I think the fight was the spark that set Casey off. I also think it's possible that Cindy either threw Casey out of the house or threatened to take Caylee away from her.

Something happened on the 15th & the Anthony's have been keeping it to themselves
The thing I don't understand about the statement that the head was wrapped in duct tape is, how did the meter reader know it was a childs skull, if it was wrapped in duct tape ? For all he knew, it could have been anything if it was wrapped in duct tape.

By the size of it probably. MOO
That bathing suit and Cindy's words, may get them accused of this murder by KC...........that gives KC the opportunity to say she left and NEVER saw Caylee again. She went partying because she knew her parents had her.

This may get really bad for the Anthonys before it is over.
But they still need to explain the forensic evidence from the car trunk. MOO
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