Nationwide College Cheating Scandal - Actresses, Business Owners Charged, Mar 2019 - #3

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The Loughlin/Giannulli couple are non-sensical to me. I can't tell if they are truly foolish, delusional, or think they really have a bead on what the rest of the world doesn't about the legal system. Who wouldn't listen to a judge's caution? Their lawyers should be telling them as well.

One word: hubris= exaggerated pride or self confidence. It describes so many criminals.
I don’t know why Bill Macy wasn’t charged. The affidavit shows he had awareness. Maybe he didn’t do “enough.” Sorry, too tired to find the link.
Bill Macy didn't want to take part in the plan and said so. Felicity went behind his back and did it anyway. He was aware of the potential plan, but wasn't aware Felicity actually did it.

The Loughlin/Giannulli couple are non-sensical to me. I can't tell if they are truly foolish, delusional, or think they really have a bead on what the rest of the world doesn't about the legal system. Who wouldn't listen to a judge's caution? Their lawyers should be telling them as well.
I’m just going to say I hope these 2 are knocked down a few notches when this is all said and done and made an example of. They really make me sick. They really do believe that because of who they think they are that that’s enough to get them out of jail time. I think the husband is a natural con artist and thinks he’s good enough to manipulate even a federal judge. LL in my opinion just doesn’t come across as intelligent and can’t or won’t go against her husband. JMHO
I’m just going to say I hope these 2 are knocked down a few notches when this is all said and done and made an example of. They really make me sick. They really do believe that because of who they think they are that that’s enough to get them out of jail time. I think the husband is a natural con artist and thinks he’s good enough to manipulate even a federal judge. LL in my opinion just doesn’t come across as intelligent and can’t or won’t go against her husband. JMHO

The only thing I care about is that they can't appeal a conviction based on ineffective counsel or conflict of interest of counsel. I think the judge's warning is proof of that they were warned but people appealing will often throw lots at the wall to see what sticks. They are really too much for me to fathom in terms of their perceived privilege.
Watching an American Greed re run about the cheating scandal. It is awful to see some of these very outstanding kids get denied admission while Olivia Jade is on You Tube taking about how she just wants to go to football games and party. Just seeing these interviews make me sick. Hoping every one of these parents are held responsible.
Watching an American Greed re run about the cheating scandal. It is awful to see some of these very outstanding kids get denied admission while Olivia Jade is on You Tube taking about how she just wants to go to football games and party. Just seeing these interviews make me sick. Hoping every one of these parents are held responsible.
LOL!! Watched the same episode last night ... had the same thoughts!! Ughhh what a little twit!!
"A father who has been ensnared in the University of Southern California college cheating scandal claims that there is a 'university-wide' pay-to-play program that rewards big donors at the school, a report said.

Robert Zangrillo — who allegedly conspired with William “Rick” Singer to get his daughter admitted into USC — said that a rampant system of donors, who receive favors for their altruism, undermines the charges against him, according to Bloomberg."

BBM. The ol' "But everyone else is doing it!" excuse that a 10 year old child uses. (Though if this is true, which I don't doubt, it should be cleaned up. But it's not an excuse to behave badly just because someone else did, imo.)

"A father who has been ensnared in the University of Southern California college cheating scandal claims that there is a 'university-wide' pay-to-play program that rewards big donors at the school, a report said.

Robert Zangrillo — who allegedly conspired with William “Rick” Singer to get his daughter admitted into USC — said that a rampant system of donors, who receive favors for their altruism, undermines the charges against him, according to Bloomberg."

BBM. The ol' "But everyone else is doing it!" excuse that a 10 year old child uses. (Though if this is true, which I don't doubt, it should be cleaned up. But it's not an excuse to behave badly just because someone else did, imo.)


I think this is a pathetic excuse but does have some truth to it. For years, legacys applying to high profile schools got into the school easily because of the family history with the institution although the student's transcripts/record had to be on the higher end. Families who donated lots and had a longstanding relationship with the schools could get their applicant in with lower GPAs in the past. However, high profile schools also declined to admit any number of legacys with big donor families while they soothed the big donor and made calls to other institutions on their behalf. Not everyone whose family donates big gets in for exactly the reason that this man is touting. High profile schools have come under increasing scrutiny since the 1970.

From Do donations influence college admissions?:

"But the back door of donations and college relationships isn't a bribe. It's neither illegal nor certain. Dannenberg said he has seen situations where an Ivy League institution "turned down a student whose parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, were all legacies, and the parents had donated significant money and were in a position to continue to donate significant money."

Those families weren't necessarily happy about the outcome, Dannenberg said. "But when we work with parents, we explain there are no guarantees in this process," he added. "Whenever we've been involved with families donating, we make it clear that it's not quid pro quo. You need to feel good about donating the money more than you need to feel my child's going to get in."

It's worth noting that data show legacies tend to be admitted at higher rates than non-legacies, even if their connections to possible donations are less clear." Do donations influence college admissions?

This same article puts forth a possible answer/solution to preferential treatment may be for colleges/universities to admit that they are doing this and make the donations (current and retroactive) not tax deductible (Do donations influence college admissions?):

"Still, for large donors, colleges may "look the other way" on some admissions criteria, Taylor said. He and others have argued that donations that influence the admissions process shouldn't be tax-deductible. "They (parents) are receiving something in return, and you're not supposed to receive anything in return for tax-deductible donations," Taylor said. "They're receiving preferential treatment for their children in admission."
I think this is a pathetic excuse but does have some truth to it. For years, legacys applying to high profile schools got into the school easily because of the family history with the institution although the student's transcripts/record had to be on the higher end. Families who donated lots and had a longstanding relationship with the schools could get their applicant in with lower GPAs in the past. However, high profile schools also declined to admit any number of legacys with big donor families while they soothed the big donor and made calls to other institutions on their behalf. Not everyone whose family donates big gets in for exactly the reason that this man is touting. High profile schools have come under increasing scrutiny since the 1970.

From Do donations influence college admissions?:

"But the back door of donations and college relationships isn't a bribe. It's neither illegal nor certain. Dannenberg said he has seen situations where an Ivy League institution "turned down a student whose parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, were all legacies, and the parents had donated significant money and were in a position to continue to donate significant money."

Those families weren't necessarily happy about the outcome, Dannenberg said. "But when we work with parents, we explain there are no guarantees in this process," he added. "Whenever we've been involved with families donating, we make it clear that it's not quid pro quo. You need to feel good about donating the money more than you need to feel my child's going to get in."

It's worth noting that data show legacies tend to be admitted at higher rates than non-legacies, even if their connections to possible donations are less clear." Do donations influence college admissions?

This same article puts forth a possible answer/solution to preferential treatment may be for colleges/universities to admit that they are doing this and make the donations (current and retroactive) not tax deductible (Do donations influence college admissions?):

"Still, for large donors, colleges may "look the other way" on some admissions criteria, Taylor said. He and others have argued that donations that influence the admissions process shouldn't be tax-deductible. "They (parents) are receiving something in return, and you're not supposed to receive anything in return for tax-donations that influence the admissions process shouldn't be tax-deductible. "They (parents) are receiving something in return, and you're not supposed to receive anything in return for tax-deductible donationsdeductible donations," Taylor said. "They're receiving preferential treatment for their children in admission."
Privacy laws are sure convenient for Dannenberg’s claims (bolded). He can’t provide names of all the legacy candidates or donor family kids turned down for admission & “disappointed” with the results. How many in each of those categories were denied? Hmmmm. Legacy is legal & fully disclosed. But donations... those are supposed to be without benefit if taking as a tax deduction. IRS needs to crack down hard on that one. JMOO
As Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, continue to navigate the college admissions scandal, Us Weekly reports that "her friends think she should leave him," noting that the couple has reportedly disagreed on several major decisions related to their case.

The first thing they disagreed over was rejecting a plea deal that they were offered this spring -- the same one that fellow defendant Felicity Huffman agreed to. Apparently, if Loughling had had it her way, the couple would've accepted the deal.

"Lori was included to take the deal, but Mossimo said it would ruin both of their careers," a source told Us.

Additionally, to get to their most recent court appearance in Boston at the end of August, Loughlin and Giannulli took a private jet from Los Angeles, which was something that "the couple was advised by their lawyers not to do." While Loughlin, agreed, her husband "insisted, saying it would be a 'zoo' if they flew commercial."

Even though "their daughter Bella is extremely concerned they're going to get divorced," sources say that "Lori refuses and says the ordeal has made them stronger."

Lori Loughlin's daughter 'extremely concerned' her parents are going to get divorced amid scandal

Are Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli Headed for a Divorce?
Loughlin recently hired an image consultant to help improve her public persona during the college admissions scandal court proceedings.

Gone are the days of signing autographs and taking selfies with fans before a court appearance. “She spoke to an image consultant who carefully curated her outfit for her most recent court date,” says the source. “And she tried to sneak into the back of the courtroom. There’s real fear there,” says the insider. “She’s taking some responsibility.”

Lori Loughlin Worked With Image Consultant Before Court Appearance
Loughlin recently hired an image consultant to help improve her public persona during the college admissions scandal court proceedings.

Gone are the days of signing autographs and taking selfies with fans before a court appearance. “She spoke to an image consultant who carefully curated her outfit for her most recent court date,” says the source. “And she tried to sneak into the back of the courtroom. There’s real fear there,” says the insider. “She’s taking some responsibility.”

Lori Loughlin Worked With Image Consultant Before Court Appearance
Ummm, yeah. Often the best thing for one’s image is some accountability, humility & an apology. The right blazer/ haircut aren’t going to fix this. MOO
Lori Loughlin’s marriage to Mossimo Giannulli reportedly on the rocks | Fox News

"The actress was reportedly angry that her fashion designer hubby recommended they reject a plea deal from prosecutors in April.

“Lori was inclined to take the deal, but Mossimo said it would ruin both of their careers,” one source said."

Ummm, revising history?
No tears for her here. She’s a grown woman with her own mind. And she certainly has her own means to fight her own battle. Only person she can blame is herself for making the poor choices she has.
But I don’t think she’s leaving him now. She’s made her bed. JMHO
As Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, continue to navigate the college admissions scandal, Us Weekly reports that "her friends think she should leave him," noting that the couple has reportedly disagreed on several major decisions related to their case.

The first thing they disagreed over was rejecting a plea deal that they were offered this spring -- the same one that fellow defendant Felicity Huffman agreed to. Apparently, if Loughling had had it her way, the couple would've accepted the deal.

"Lori was included to take the deal, but Mossimo said it would ruin both of their careers," a source told Us.

Additionally, to get to their most recent court appearance in Boston at the end of August, Loughlin and Giannulli took a private jet from Los Angeles, which was something that "the couple was advised by their lawyers not to do." While Loughlin, agreed, her husband "insisted, saying it would be a 'zoo' if they flew commercial."

Even though "their daughter Bella is extremely concerned they're going to get divorced," sources say that "Lori refuses and says the ordeal has made them stronger."

Lori Loughlin's daughter 'extremely concerned' her parents are going to get divorced amid scandal

Are Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli Headed for a Divorce?
News flash to both of them...their careers are over either way. Moo
News flash to both of them...their careers are over either way. Moo
I have a different take. If Mossimo originally really said a plea “would ruin both of their careers," I think he was wrong at that point. I think Huffman’s career will recover. Lots of famous ppl have recovered from scandal & jail time. Martha Stewart! Their original crime was fraud, but their downfall is stubborn pride, IMHO. I don’t think either will recover from their pride at this stage of the game- even if they do throw each other under the bus! JMOO
I have a different take. If Mossimo originally really said a plea “would ruin both of their careers," I think he was wrong at that point. I think Huffman’s career will recover. Lots of famous ppl have recovered from scandal & jail time. Martha Stewart! Their original crime was fraud, but their downfall is stubborn pride, IMHO. I don’t think either will recover from their pride at this stage of the game- even if they do throw each other under the bus! JMOO
Perhaps. But Hollywood is a tough place for women actresses even without scandal. LL peak career was 20+ years ago. She’s not among the A list so I think she’s very much replaceable and won’t really be missed. Moo
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