NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #1

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What is thought of the dna samples being taken? Considering that, any thoughts that it could be someone other than D? Why does the rape rumor persist?

at the hospital, there was no mention of sexual assault. EMT's didn't see anything odd or sign of struggle (i.e. furniture overturned, broken glass or busted doors) at the home or about K to indicate anything other than what was told to 911(complications from cosmetic surgery). She didn't sleep in the nude, so if D or EMT's found her nude that would have been a red flag to anyone that something other than complications from surgery had happened.
Do you think it's possible the cops could've been asking for random DNA from males in the neighborhood just to make the perp, potientially D, feel more safe, and maybe get her to slip up in some way in her story? If, in fact, there was no sexual assualt.
Do you think it's possible the cops could've been asking for random DNA from males in the neighborhood just to make the perp, potientially D, feel more safe, and maybe get her to slip up in some way in her story? If, in fact, there was no sexual assualt.

Thinking that D could even be considered a possible suspect is difficult for most (but not all). Even those who have the tinitest ? bout D are being very, very careful bout saying it.

Do I have an opinion bout what happened.....yep. The pain for all is already so, to think sis is the one...I can't even imagine the devastation it would cause so many people.
I can't even imagine what this family and all close to them are going thru. I'm sure it is devastating. I am starting to wonder if this case is really ever going to be solved....for the family's sake, I hope so. I don't know what to think anymore....
I don't think the emergency room would have waited for the surgeon who performed her necklift to come to the hospital before they examined her - especially if the surgeon was coming from Durham. I think it was one of the emergency room doctors who took off the bandages and determined there was an assault.
Ruben- Where have you been? Have missed your challenging insights! Again, getting back to D, her story has so many holes in it from the outside looking in, it all seems so strange. Why would KT want to go out for breakfast, albeit at lunchtime, after some sort of facial surgery? Even if she could take her bandages off, wouldn't she be bruised up? And, who doesn't check on someone they are supposed to be taking care of after surgery until almost noon???? That seems very strange to me? Wouldn't she at least check on her to see if she needed some ice or meds? Or at least see why she was sleeping so late? Have you been hearing anything around town about theories as of late Ruben?

If the story as reported on this thread regarding sister's timeline is the one sister really gave LE, then I have no doubt it is not true. Why she would give an inaccurate story? I have no idea. I can only speculate, but only a very irresponsible person would wait until amost noon to expect a surgery patient to need assistance. By that time of the day, many trips back and forth would have been made to offer water, ice, meds, etc. to the sore, thirsty, hungry, patient. If you have ever been the patient or waited on a patient, you know what I mean.

The only explanation I can think of if sister was not involved, is that she went somewhere and did not get back until that time and she feels guilty about it so she made up the story. Granted, it would be a bizarre thing to do, but we never know what is going on in someone's personal life. Maybe she had a reason she wanted to leave for the night. Does she have friends in Raleigh? Is she married?
I don't think the emergency room would have waited for the surgeon who performed her necklift to come to the hospital before they examined her - especially if the surgeon was coming from Durham. I think it was one of the emergency room doctors who took off the bandages and determined there was an assault.

You are right. It could have been the on-call surgeon at the hospital. It does not say her surgeon.

Police were called after a surgeon examined Taft and realized she had been assaulted, sources said. Surgical bandages on her face likely concealed the wounds, the sources said.
I don't think there had to have been a sexual assault in order for them to be asking for male DNA.

They could have identified DNA in the master as male/female and identified all the female DNA as coming from KT, DH, and other females JG indicated had been in his master bedroom.

They could just be trying to rule out the male DNA in the bedroom as coming from known sources (friends, guests). I imagine the master bedroom would not have much male DNA, but that is assumption on my part.

Was DH's husband in Raleigh too? Or was he at home in Oriental during this, and did he come to Raleigh at some point?
If there is no unidentified male DNA ... then the killer must have been someone whose DNA they identified, unless the killer was able to kill and not leave DNA.

Does that make sense or is it jumping to conclusions?
If there is no unidentified male DNA ... then the killer must have been someone whose DNA they identified, unless the killer was able to kill and not leave DNA.

Does that make sense or is it jumping to conclusions?

Can you rephrase that? LOL I'm trying to follow.
Too bad the cops won't tell the public the basic facts.
Was she or was she not sexually assaulted? Saying either way would not compromise the investigation (unless that was staged). As for male forensics, I would think such a person would leave prints, not necessarily DNA from prints, but semen
The easy way to eliminate neighbors would be to simply compare finger prints and move on. The fact that they want DNA may say the killer left body fluid behind or even skin cells from Kathy's fingernails.
If there is no unidentified male DNA ... then the killer must have been someone whose DNA they identified, unless the killer was able to kill and not leave DNA.

Does that make sense or is it jumping to conclusions?

I also would appreciate your rephrasing this post as I don't understand it! Thanks!
I attended the State Board meeting today where they honored KT with a resolution and presented it to her children. It was crowded, not only because of the resolution, but because there were some middle school students making a special presentation, also.

Unfortunately, I did not arrive in time to get a birds-eye view and ended up standing in an anteroom and listening to the presentation. Dr. Harrison, Chairman on the Board, started out with a strong voice as he read the resolution but, at times, his voice dropped to almost a whisper. Even though it was very quiet in the room, it was hard to hear him. The resolution was quite long. I noticed tears in the audience.

After the presentation, the family moved to another anteroom and met privately with board members, the governor, and former governor Jim Hunt.

Out in the main hallway I noticed a man standing close to the closed doors and I wondered if he was a plain-clothed policeman or security for the family. I was hanging out in the hallway hoping to get a glimpse of the family (at the time I did not know it was just her children and was hoping D would be there). He kept glancing over at me like - who are you? Maybe he was trying to put my face together with my license plate...:innocent:

I hate when it's clear in my head ... and not on the computer.

I want to emphasize that this is all made up. I added characters to make the point.

Say they have 8 DNA samples (not semen, but skin cells, saliva, etc.) found in the bedroom. Five are female, three are male.

The 5 female DNA samples are tested and found to be DH, KT, the housekeeper (made up), JG's mother (made up) who tended him when he was down with the flu, and XX, another girlfriend (made up).

The 3 male DNA samples need to be identified but do not match JG, JG's brothers (made that up). But certain male neighbors have been in his house and may have been in the bedroom. JG gives LE their names. LE asks for voluntary DNA samples.

LE matches the male DNA samples to the males mentioned above.

IF all the DNA is identified, does that mean that the killer is one of the people who left DNA in the room?

OR is it possible that the killer was someone else but did not leave DNA.

If that doesn't help, then I'm not sure I can rephrase so what is in my head makes sense to you.
I wish we had more information so that forming a theory would be easier.

I'm just trying to consider no assault/rape and why they would ask for DNA samples from neighbors.


I hate when it's clear in my head ... and not on the computer.

I want to emphasize that this is all made up. I added characters to make the point.

Say they have 8 DNA samples (not semen, but skin cells, saliva, etc.) found in the bedroom. Five are female, three are male.

The 5 female DNA samples are tested and found to be DH, KT, the housekeeper (made up), JG's mother (made up) who tended him when he was down with the flu, and XX, another girlfriend (made up).

The 3 male DNA samples need to be identified but do not match JG, JG's brothers (made that up). But certain male neighbors have been in his house and may have been in the bedroom. JG gives LE their names. LE asks for voluntary DNA samples.

LE matches the male DNA samples to the males mentioned above.

IF all the DNA is identified, does that mean that the killer is one of the people who left DNA in the room?

OR is it possible that the killer was someone else but did not leave DNA.

If that doesn't help, then I'm not sure I can rephrase so what is in my head makes sense to you.

I totally get what you're saying. The police talk to JG and ask him who has been in his house and he says neighbors, kitchen renovators, maybe other friends and family, etc. Then, at a minimum, the police need to match the DNA found with those JG says have been in the house - and, perhaps, the found DNA comes from potentially a very diverse group of people (including neighbors). Once they make those matches then they can begin to narrow the list of males who could have been involved - all in an effort to "eliminate" the sister. I wonder if the assault was so brutal that LE questions whether a woman could have done it.

As for your question about whether the DNA found in the room is that of the killer? I do not have an answer...
Now that you mention D's absence at the board meeting, I think I would have expected her to be there also. Does anyone know what D's relationships with Kathy's children are like?

I also tend to think that D and K must have been on good terms if K asked D to stay with her while she recovered from surgery. JMO.
Now that you mention D's absence at the board meeting, I think I would have expected her to be there also. Does anyone know what D's relationships with Kathy's children are like?

I also tend to think that D and K must have been on good terms if K asked D to stay with her while she recovered from surgery. JMO.

That's one of things that doesn't make sense. You would think that they got along well but there have been rumors discussed previously that D had issues with K (K did not have issues with D).
That's one of things that doesn't make sense. You would think that they got along well but there have been rumors discussed previously that D had issues with K (K did not have issues with D).

I do recall those discussions....thanks for the reminder!
The relationship between D & K as well as D & K's children was strained. This was only known to a few.
DNA.....of course D & K's DNA would be in the house.
The blow to the head was extremely brutal. Although her head was bandaged, there had to have been some blood spatter.
I do know that at least one of the TV stations in RAL were also hearing that (1) D was being looked at strongly as a person of interest & (2)possibly charged.
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