GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

Checking in, Hello my dear friends, still coughing nearly non-stop. Going to try a treatment on the breathing machine later, when my daughter brings it over. Trying to keep my eye out for the verdict watch on this one.
Oh, yes, Mad, it certainly is -- I was merely comparing East's readiness to go with her verdict to the 12 on the Lovette verdict. Yeah, it was pretty much a slam dunk -- the ATM pictures of that animal spoke as loudly and much more accurately than an eye witness, coupled with the detailed records of Eve's bank with the txns that those two killers performed. And there was only one charge.

Here, we have the DNA which screams JW, but yeah, then it gets complicated, as we all know. And the limited capacity really throws a wrench into it -- and I'm a bit dismayed by having to couple the intent-to-rape with the 1st Burglary charge. Has anybody seen this kind of jury instruction before?? I'm no lawyer, and it bamboozles me...

As gracielee said, I hope the jurors felt about Wolfe the way we did.... That would go a long way I think to a 1st Murder conviction.... and that is really the heart & soul of all this.... Fly on the jury room wall, anyone??

BBM. I have been thinking about this. The best I can figure is this: a burglary is "the criminal offense of breaking and entering into a building illegally for the purpose of committing a crime." So since he did not steal anything from the house, and the prosecution does not assert that JW broke in with the intention to kill, there has to be another crime intended at the time he broke in in order to meet the threshold for "burglary." And that other crime is rape. If it's not found to be part of the intent, there is no burglary. (So, if he broke in with the intent to sit on the couch and do nothing, that's a B&E but NOT a burglary because sitting on the couch is not a crime.)

Does that make sense? That's the only thing I can figure out that makes this 'intent to rape" a necessary element. I could be totally wrong, and if I am someone else please explain this b/c it's bugging me, too.
Verdict! Listening to it now- guilty of 1st degree murder, rape and B&E.

1. Guilty of 1st degree murder
A. under malice premeditation and deliberation - YES
B. Guilty of felony murder:
- during perpetration of a burglary - NO
- during perpetration of a rape - YES

Jury poll...
I missed it live--watching Zimmerman get his bond revoked. I had a feeling they'd come back today--the Friday afternoon verdict strikes again.
Told ya! ;-P

Juries like to get decisions done by Fri whenever possible. Of course now they have to decide LWOP or Death. Either way, he'll be in prison the rest of his life and will not be executed even if he gets the DP or at least not for the next 20+ years, if ever.
Well done. Enjoy the weekend everyone!!!!

Thank you David Saacks!!!
Ok it's Friday and it's been a long week so excuse the humor but........

SIZZLE JW, SIZZLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did not notice any sort of acknowledgement from JW's family to Kathy Taft's family. JW's sister appeared to be comforting her father, didn't notice any emotion out of mom.
A big THANK YOU to David Saacks and Trish Jacobs for an outstanding effort!

Here's a little something for a job well done.

I did not notice any sort of acknowledgement from JW's family to Kathy Taft's family. JW's sister appeared to be comforting her father, didn't notice any emotion out of mom.

God forgive me, but if I was JW mom, I might be just happy to have him out of my house. In a way, JW brought out all the dirty secrets this family has kept in for generations. Hope this breaks the cycle of denial and addiction for them.

That said, :rocker: to the jury for expediency. Justice has been served form where I am sitting (I am a strong opposer of the DP). May KT rest in peace knowing she made this world a better and safer place for so many people :(
I missed the live feed of the reading of the verdict. Does anyone know where I can locate it? I can't seem to find it on WRAL? Thanks.
Ok ladiesssss.... off I go to:

1. get my hair colored for the first time in years
2. evaluate aspiring roller derby team members
3. have awesome date with the best boyfriend EVER

I will see y'all on Monday! Hoot! :grouphug:
Thank goodness this part is over!
I was helping a friend this afternoon who broke her ankle in Jan. and is still in a cast. I missed being on here with you guys but I'll be back Monday morning for the next phase.

I know you all know that our weather may get really bad tonight so everybody be careful.

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