GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #5

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Kelli's husband is not in the army. That is for sure a rumor. She is the only one in the army.

Do you know him. I just read a news article stating he was in the Army too.

What does he do for a living then?

Do you know him. I just read a news article stating he was in the Army too.

What does he do for a living then?


I do not know him. I have followed this case from the beginning and heard Kelli's mother tell Nancy Grace that Mike was not in the Army. That Kelli chose to do it because she thought it would be good for them.
I do not know exactly what he does, but he is a civilian.

Ok, thanks.

I was just coming back on line. I should have read more posts before I asked because I see it has already been answered.

My bad.
VOH, I'm so glad you are a confirmed insider & are helping to set the record straight. Thank you again.
Yeah, I picture it being more a response, like
Them: You've been drinking? How are you getting home?
Her: A man is bringing me home.
Them: Send me a text when you get home then, so I know you made it ok.
Her: Made it home safely.

IMO, "man" is a weird word to use. I would think guy would fit better.

I think that it would be really easy for the last text to be by the perp and not KB. They take her phone so she can't call for help, scroll through text messages and see that convo, and respond to buy some time/cast doubt on what happened.
I noticed when nick was describing the first time he met KB.He used the term "male" or "male friend" though guy might have been a little better fit their also.

"As soon as you drive into the entrance to Meadowbrook, she said stop right here," Holbert said. "So I stopped and she said, 'I'll walk home.' I said, 'Are you sure?' She said, 'Yeah.' I said I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived, or somebody was there and she didn't want to be seen together."

In almost of what Ive read (and trust me thats a lot the last few days, lol) all of how NH words things is just werid.

I havent seen this wording brought up. So I thought I would share.

"As soon as you drive into the entrance to Meadowbrook, she said stop right here," Holbert said. "So I stopped and she said, 'I'll walk home.' I said, 'Are you sure?' She said, 'Yeah.' I said I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived, or somebody was there and she didn't want to be seen together."

In almost of what Ive read (and trust me thats a lot the last few days, lol) all of how NH words things is just werid.

I havent seen this wording brought up. So I thought I would share.

I think that might be what VOH meant by "Redneck". He seems a little under-educated.
Thanks for your updates VOH; your presence and insight is refreshing. As you see by now, we can take a case situation down "every little pig path possible" (said with affection) seeking plausible answers and truth. We all very much want the authorities to find Kelli and determine who is responsible. Having you in our discussions certainly helps. I guess today's 2 biggest developments are: mass searches will happen on Thursday and we now know that KB's phone has not been found. On a personal note, I now understand "pings" : )
Looked at some public pictures on one of the bar owners fb. Is that Mike giving her a tattoo? Maybe Mike and Kelli were the ones who were playing pool when they met Nick? Maybe she just thought the bar was a comfortable and safe place to go?
Has any description been released on the rapist from March, in the neighborhood near froggy bottoms?

Welcome lowes123, VOH answered your question about Mike and Kelli.
Yes, apparently Kelli liked the bar cuz it was close to her apt. and there is stuff to do there.
No, I've not read any details about the rapist from March. :waitasec: or come to think of it, maybe I have.
I'm pretty sure LE stated it did not involve NH - so was DNA left behind in that rape? Do you know?
Because, due to NH's prior crime and conviction, he's already in the system and would automatically be compared
to crimes involving DNA evidence whether he was a POI in Kelli's case or not.
Am I correct about SC bond being set at $500? Is he already out?

Not sure because the news was followed by a remark about Boston bringing charges.
Like he got out of Cumberland County Jail but was immediately picked up by Boston's legal system.
Now, he's in jail there. Maybe someone else knows for sure but that's how I understand SC's current situation.
Is there a link Woe? I did not see where he had bonded?

It would be very odd for him to bond on the charges in S. Carolina and not bond on the charges being brought by other states. That would make no sense. However they could PR bond him so that it would free him up to face the larger charges in the other states. However, he would have to waive extradition to expedite going to jail in the other states to answer before their courts. If he refused to waive it, they must get a governors warrant, then they will extradite anyway, it just slows down the wheels and makes him sit there longer. However if he bonds on the full amount out of South Carolina, then he must sign waivers of extradition prior to bonding for each state that wants him. IMHO
Exactly. I would not call Nick a MAN if he was taking me home. I would call someone that was much older than me a MAN. Someone that is closer to my age, I would either say his name in the text or something like, "This guy Nick is taking me home." It just doesn't sound like a normal text that would come from her.

VOH has told us that the verbiage may not be exact so we may be beating a dead horse. That said, what if Kelli had texted her friend and said, 'I'm feeling sick'. Friend replies, 'Will you be able to get home okay? Kelli, 'ya, a man is bringing me home now'.

Sounds weird but if she was out of it already she may have answered with a hazy brain. Even when a person is drunk they may not sound like themselves and they say weird stuff.

VOH also just told us that we are not privy to all the texts LE has. Maybe the content makes more sense to them if they have prior texts too.
Is there a link Woe? I did not see where he had bonded?

It would be very odd for him to bond on the charges in S. Carolina and not bond on the charges being brought by other states. That would make no sense. However they could PR bond him so that it would free him up to face the larger charges in the other states. However, he would have to waive extradition to expedite going to jail in the other states to answer before their courts. If he refused to waive it, they must get a governors warrant, then they will extradite anyway, it just slows down the wheels and makes him sit there longer. However if he bonds on the full amount out of South Carolina, then he must sign waivers of extradition prior to bonding for each state that wants him. IMHO

It was in something I read today. Just a one liner. I'll see if I can find it but I didn't understand what the tag line meant exactly.
What do you mean South Carolina? He's not in North Carolina? If not, I missed that completely.!
:what:Well shiver my timbers Olive....

All this time I thought Fayetteville was in South :what:
Is there a link Woe? I did not see where he had bonded?

It would be very odd for him to bond on the charges in S. Carolina and not bond on the charges being brought by other states. That would make no sense. However they could PR bond him so that it would free him up to face the larger charges in the other states. However, he would have to waive extradition to expedite going to jail in the other states to answer before their courts. If he refused to waive it, they must get a governors warrant, then they will extradite anyway, it just slows down the wheels and makes him sit there longer. However if he bonds on the full amount out of South Carolina, then he must sign waivers of extradition prior to bonding for each state that wants him. IMHO

Here it is - "Authorities said Cantrell paid a $500 bond for the charges Monday and was being held on a detainer out of Boston."

Does this mean he's literally in Boston or being detained where he is due to a legal request from Boston?
Let me try this again...

It would be very odd for him to bond on the charges in N. Carolina and not bond on the charges being brought by other states. That would make no sense. However they could PR bond him so that it would free him up to face the larger charges in the other states. However, he would have to waive extradition to expedite going to jail in the other states to answer before their courts. If he refused to waive it, they must get a governors warrant, then they will extradite anyway, it just slows down the wheels and makes him sit there longer. However if he bonds on the full amount out of North Carolina, then he must sign waivers of extradition prior to bonding for each state that wants him. IMHO
:what:Well shiver my timbers Olive....

All this time I thought Fayetteville was in South :what:

:floorlaugh: I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. I'm happy to know I'm not completely nuts then.
For all I knew, he had gotten the dui in SC and that had escaped me.
Okay, he bonded out on the five hundred...odd
But they have a "hold" on him out of Boston. He will either sign the "Waiver of extradition" or he will fight extradition back to Boston. He will sit there until the Waiver is signed or a Governors Warrant is received. Then he will be transported usually by vehicle transport up to Boston. Most times by way of timbucktoo....takes forever for them to arrive, many many stops at other jails along the way. When he is done there, then the next state will follow suit. I am really kinda shocked he bonded. I wonder if they gave him a 500.00 PR bond to be rid of him. That would mean he bonds on the 500.00 but he is freed up to be extradited.
Let me try this again...

It would be very odd for him to bond on the charges in N. Carolina and not bond on the charges being brought by other states. That would make no sense. However they could PR bond him so that it would free him up to face the larger charges in the other states. However, he would have to waive extradition to expedite going to jail in the other states to answer before their courts. If he refused to waive it, they must get a governors warrant, then they will extradite anyway, it just slows down the wheels and makes him sit there longer. However if he bonds on the full amount out of North Carolina, then he must sign waivers of extradition prior to bonding for each state that wants him. IMHO

Okay, if you say so!!!! This is over my head. See the line I typed above? That's what I know. What does it mean?
The Boston charges maybe more difficult to escape by posting bond?
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