NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #13

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He kinda lost me yesterday when the memorial fund was mentioned, followed shortly by BMW. Hopefully the "fund" will be donated to a good organization.
On enlargement of the elevator picture, it appears to me that Shaniya's neck, cheek, and eye are bruised, or could the discoloration be shadows?

Poor baby!


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I am very shocked and sad at the information that I have just read. My heart breaks for the Father and Aunt but I have wondered from the very beginning how he could have let her go there. We do not know that the neighbor/FIL did not call and report the burns. We do know that the monster had been reported. This case has been a real eye opening for me. I have a niece that has two children by different men. She was pregnant a third time (by another man) but loss that child. She does not physically abuse the girls but is not a good mother. She lets her home ( provided by her parents) get so dirty that it takes her mother days to get it clean. She meets a guy and lets him move in or sleep over after one date. During the summer I was keeping her oldest and she told me she did not sleep at all the night before because she was afraid. I asked her why and she said that her mother's boyfriend spent the night and she did not know him. She said (at 8 years old) she did not think it was right to let a man you dated one time spend the night. I told my SIL and she put a stop to it. I took the girls once and told the mother they would not come home until the house was clean. My family has overlooked a lot of things because the girls LOVE their mother. But I will NOT overlook it any longer. I WILL do something about this before one of these sweet girls end up like the stories I read on WS. So sorry for sharing this but I am so hurt,sad,heart broken, this case & Haleigh's has just about got me and I do not want to become one of the cases on WS.
On enlargement of the elevator picture, it appears to me that Shaniya's neck, cheek, and eye are bruised, or could the discoloration be shadows?

Poor baby!

I think it's shadows. Nothing short of massive bleeding head trauma would show up on a picture that low resolution.

What about what Brad's sister and daughter? Are they looking for 15 minutes of fame as well?

It's time for a forum, don't you think, so we can sort out true/false/players??/
please mods!!!
I am very shocked and sad at the information that I have just read. My heart breaks for the Father and Aunt but I have wondered from the very beginning how he could have let her go there. We do not know that the neighbor/FIL did not call and report the burns. We do know that the monster had been reported. This case has been a real eye opening for me. I have a niece that has two children by different men. She was pregnant a third time (by another man) but loss that child. She does not physically abuse the girls but is not a good mother. She lets her home ( provided by her parents) get so dirty that it takes her mother days to get it clean. She meets a guy and lets him move in or sleep over after one date. During the summer I was keeping her oldest and she told me she did not sleep at all the night before because she was afraid. I asked her why and she said that her mother's boyfriend spent the night and she did not know him. She said (at 8 years old) she did not think it was right to let a man you dated one time spend the night. I told my SIL and she put a stop to it. I took the girls once and told the mother they would not come home until the house was clean. My family has overlooked a lot of things because the girls LOVE their mother. But I will NOT overlook it any longer. I WILL do something about this before one of these sweet girls end up like the stories I read on WS. So sorry for sharing this but I am so hurt,sad,heart broken, this case & Haleigh's has just about got me and I do not want to become one of the cases on WS.

Good on you - taking a stand and sticking to it - I heart you for this.
I'll be glad when the new charges are announced so we can refocus on the criminals in this case.
I need to find the link, but it has been in the media that DSS was involved with the creature over her son, not Shaniya.
So, that says to me that none of these people that saw the burns, if they were ever there at all, called for help for Shaniya.
Failed from many angles.
Nationwide, we need to adopt the CA law that allows ANYONE to take a child from a situation where they believe they are being harmed, call 911, and immediately take that child to the nearest hospital or police station, with no fear of prosecution.
The ability of the public to step in and save a child,without waiting for the red tape to be cut out of the way.
Is there a link to the presser? I don't mind taking notes, as long as the kids cooperate.
Is there a link to the presser? I don't mind taking notes, as long as the kids cooperate.

Oh not_my_kids, I really would be so greatful if you would and report on what is said. I have to leave for work in a few minutes and I don't know if boss will be there. I can read but watching a video may be a little more obvious I'm not working on "work". KWIM

That would be great. Thank you so much for offering.
I am very shocked and sad at the information that I have just read. My heart breaks for the Father and Aunt but I have wondered from the very beginning how he could have let her go there. We do not know that the neighbor/FIL did not call and report the burns. We do know that the monster had been reported. This case has been a real eye opening for me. I have a niece that has two children by different men. She was pregnant a third time (by another man) but loss that child. She does not physically abuse the girls but is not a good mother. She lets her home ( provided by her parents) get so dirty that it takes her mother days to get it clean. She meets a guy and lets him move in or sleep over after one date. During the summer I was keeping her oldest and she told me she did not sleep at all the night before because she was afraid. I asked her why and she said that her mother's boyfriend spent the night and she did not know him. She said (at 8 years old) she did not think it was right to let a man you dated one time spend the night. I told my SIL and she put a stop to it. I took the girls once and told the mother they would not come home until the house was clean. My family has overlooked a lot of things because the girls LOVE their mother. But I will NOT overlook it any longer. I WILL do something about this before one of these sweet girls end up like the stories I read on WS. So sorry for sharing this but I am so hurt,sad,heart broken, this case & Haleigh's has just about got me and I do not want to become one of the cases on WS.

(((hugs))) what a powerful message

and yes, that is one thing good that can come out of people being honest and not sugarcoating

I think there are a lot of "borderline" cases like your niece that can be turned around by "intervention" which you and her mother are doing

that sweet little girl seems to have more common sense than the mother JMO....that is so good that you have stepped in to prevent possible future tragedies

I think it is important to not get lost in elevating all victim's families to "sainthood"....

the real truth?? there are many sad cases that are so random, could not have been prevented....(Polly Klaas for one..who would know a pervert would come in a window? Elizabeth Smart...and others)

but then again there are many cases that really make me go WTF....

Haleigh, Trevor, Caylee
the Baby in the Box, etc....these were like train wrecks waiting to happen

Kudos to YOU LadyLuck....hang in there and keep up the good work!
SuziQ, I always love your post.
I have pretty much stayed quiet about the father, but I have my thoughts. A real ticker for me was when they said yesterday after the video interview a memorial was being set up in Shaniya's name, no information what this fund is going to be used for and it was said shortly after the father talked about Shaniya running into his "BMW" with her bike. Maybe it's just me but I find it hard to stomach someone who has money setting up and asking for money in Shaniya's name.
I knew there would be more to come about him, just a feeling. While he had nothing to do with her death, he sure had the warning signs and people he could have turned to. Poor baby had no one to protect her.


The statement about the BMW, made me cringe! He said she was learning to ride her scooter and she crashed into his BMW, which he is dealing with now:waitasec: Why not just say car? Why highlight that it was a BMW? I'm sure he has worked hard, and apparently wears his money on his sleeve.
Presser coming up in about a half hour

Good morning, everyone. Just posting this as a reminder. Hope we'll start getting some answers about what happened to precious little angel Shaniya.

Media Briefing Rescheduled
Due to new information received in the investigation of Shaniya Davis, the Fayetteville Police Department has re-scheduled this afternoon’s media briefing to tomorrow morning, Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. The briefing will be conducted in front of the police department.

We're thinking about you, Shaniya, and trying to find out what happened to you. Rest peacefully, sweetheart.
Focusing on the criminals is great. BUT, we have got to STOP sticking our heads in the sand. Parents have to start taking responsibility. He knew what kind of person the Mom was. We are going to have case after case like this if people do not stand up and stop this. It's not ever just sit back and let your kids go with someone you know has issues. Make whatever stink you have to, with whoever you have to. Seems to me he has several kids, none live with him. That says alot right there. It's no one's fault but his that questions are being asked..........
This "beautiful lady" reference makes me feel uncomfortable every time I've heard it. I'm left with this uneasy feeling.

I'm just curious and I don't understand why him saying "beautiful lady" is making people uneasy.. English is not my first language, so maybe that's why I don't get it.

Thanks for explaining.
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