NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #25

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Then pay
Every stone cold sober pimp that sends a 15 year old girl out to work the streets, is a trafficker of children.

It would be so easy to think that parents of these kids are not sober, that they are poor, that they have no choice...anything to tell yourself "Not here, not near my kids, not where I shop, and eat, and entertain myself on the weekends."
That is hiding from it. And hiding from it is dangerous.
In the time it took me to type this, 8 children were sold as commodities.
(the third video is worth it, but is a waste of time for people that are only going to close their eyes to the problem anyway.)

Stone cold sober, drug addled or not, psychiatric impaired or not...ANYONE who violates children...and make no mistake..this is violation...has a special place in hell reserved for them.
When I was growing up there was a middle aged single guy in my neighborhood. Great house and he had real arcade games, a pool table a soda & alcohol bar, huge projection tv...he allowed smoking and get the picture. It was ABSOLUTE PARADISE for an 11-12 year old girl. Lots of GIRLS would hang there...even one of my best friends.

My parents forbade me to ever set foot in that man's house. I was told if I was ever caught or they heard I was....I would be grounded to my room indefinitely. I was more than a tad miffed ....but listened.

Well, apparently...the end of that very summer he was arrested for child sexual abuse. He had been getting the girls drug and high and filming them and taking pictures to sell. He never made it to trial. While out on bail, someone beat him and shot him dead. Probably an angry parent. According to my dad ( who was very tight with LE) They never even bothered investigating who killed him. It seems one of the girls he abused was the daughter of a police officer from another town. He and his wife had divorced...wife had custody. Speculation was it was simply taken care of with a wink;)
I may sound mean...but I am glad no other kids got abused.
Whoever did it saved many girls :snooty: works for me.
Darryl Hannah is doing great work..

but I don't feel it has any relevance here

this was IMHO an isolated incident of a nasty crack ho mother who smoked her way into "debt" with a perverted dealer...who then took her precious child as "payment"

No big drug ring, no big child prostitution ring...just low level scum

the sad part is that Shaynia was even IN this dump in the first place
just a total tragedy

Agree w bold. And altho AD became pregnant, in these early stages I feel it is more likely HIV exposure and risk, vs her pregnancy, which could have more likely put a crimp in her "earning" or "trading" ability. While I don't doubt whatsoever that abuse may have occurred prior to that night, Coe's absence on this occasion may have also possibly permitted, or played some role in allowing this to happen on this particular night too.

The thing to bear in mind tho is that MAM and any one else to whom he contracted to abuse Shaniya wasn't merely your former run of the mill "customer" of AD's to whom she was personally indebted or in whose place Shaniya was accepted, we are looking at an exceptionally preferential depraved piece of filth who could sexualize such an innocent young baby. The scrupulous supplier of AD's bad habit who could justify such an extraordinarily appalling act--by which the vast majority of even your average dealers, suppliers, pimps, customers, and johns alike would be sickened. JMHO

Stone cold sober, drug addled or not, psychiatric impaired or not...ANYONE who violates children...and make no mistake..this is violation...has a special place in hell reserved for them.

I certainly hope so...

I think this is the whole reason that i hope there is an afterlife...I might not go to Heaven, but at least the really bad people will go to hell.
I know we are not supposed to speculate, but there are situations where people might suspect things are not kosher, but don't really want to know for sure. I think BL had some inkling that the situation with AD was not ideal because he commented that she didn't always live in the best of neighborhoods. He probably just hoped for the best. We don't know what was going on with him, but for some reason he wanted to change Shaniya's living situation ASAP, but he was unwilling to place Shaniya with friends or family who offered to take her in. There's always the possibility that he didn't want to burden them with one more child, since they were already caring for Shaniya's siblings.
However, I keep coming back to the point that I made earlier. Knowingly or unknowingly, Shaniya was placed in a situation that was very dangerous for her. The situation was so toxic that Shaniya did not last there six weeks. I'm sure that BL did not know that the outcome would be so tragic, but I would feel a little better if he admitted that he made a mistake sending Shaniya to live with AD.

I would consider calling that washing your hands.
Now I am really impressed....NOT.
For those following Luis martinez, his body was likely recovered from a septic tank near his home.
Gosh...Ignorance is NOT bliss.
I can not believe some of the chit I read....

when I was a teen, a photographer wanted me to do some modeling, and while I did not know it then.
I was stunning, even if I say so myself :blushing:
He kept on coming around, and I asked my parents if I can go to Manhattan and become a famous model. LOL I did sing and dance in school, so I would have been attracted to this.
But All I can say is GOD BLESS my parents who were uneducated and poor, but with a great hinky meter.
NOT only did they say "Absolutely Not" but they told him that if he comes around again they would call the cops. Nobody ever saw him again in the area. LOL
Another one came around this was much later....asking if I wanted to model for playboy I was 16 by then.
My mom picked up the phone and just told the guy the police station is just around the corner you better run fast....LOL
he too disappeared and never came around again. I have to say my Mom always had great instinct.
It was that year that my father finally had enough saved up to buy a house in a better area and out of the housing projects.

They seem to go into poor neighborhoods where people need money, and may think;
WOW If can get my kids famous! Maybe we can have money for a better life style. :(

RIP Mom and Dad. :beats:

Thank Goodness your parents were paying attention! That shows me right there it doesn't take an educated or sophisticated person to see through a clever disguise, it only takes a parent who loves their child enough to say; No! You no doubt weren't thrilled with them at the time. But they loved you enough to let you be angry and alive!
(((HUGS))) to your parents, no doubt still watching over you, from heaven.

My mom was really angry at the neighbors, she flat out told them it was their fault for letting her go.

Can you imagine the audacity to go up to a 16 year old kid and offer them a job that would give them everything a 16 year old ever wanted and more? I'm so glad you had such loving parents. (I have no problem with Playboy or other such nude models, my problem comes from adult men making such an offer to a 16 year old child.)

My oldest dd wanted to be a model, she had the bug bad. She went to one of those open calls for modeling/TV ads, which of course is really a front to get people who can't afford it to send their kid to modeling school. (which broke her heart when I said no and my heart for having to say it.)

She kept at it, and found an ad from a photographer for bathing suit models. She was a swimmer, she thought who better to model bathing suits than someone who lives in one. I agreed to take her to talk to the guy. First off, I couldn't have picked out a better creepy old guy if I had tried, When she discovered "bathing suit models" was his euphemism for "nude modeling" and he told her he was sure he could use her for a couple of his "clients" she was ready to leave. She told the guy "I don't do naked!" Of course he was all indignant, it's nude not naked!! (Oh, is there a difference?? Nude=no clothing, nekid=no clothing. L:eye::eye:ks the same to me!! :wink:) I think she must have been around 14 or 15 at the time. That pretty much cured her!

Songline, you're still stunning! True beauty is from the inside-out and that kind of beauty is forever.

Thank Goodness your parents were paying attention! That shows me right there it doesn't take an educated or sophisticated person to see through a clever disguise, it only takes a parent who loves their child enough to say; No! You no doubt weren't thrilled with them at the time. But they loved you enough to let you be angry and alive!
(((HUGS))) to your parents, no doubt still watching over you, from heaven.

My mom was really angry at the neighbors, she flat out told them it was their fault for letting her go.

Can you imagine the audacity to go up to a 16 year old kid and offer them a job that would give them everything a 16 year old ever wanted and more? I'm so glad you had such loving parents. (I have no problem with Playboy or other such nude models, my problem comes from adult men making such an offer to a 16 year old child.)

My oldest dd wanted to be a model, she had the bug bad. She went to one of those open calls for modeling/TV ads, which of course is really a front to get people who can't afford it to send their kid to modeling school. (which broke her heart when I said no and my heart for having to say it.)

She kept at it, and found an ad from a photographer for bathing suit models. She was a swimmer, she thought who better to model bathing suits than someone who lives in one. I agreed to take her to talk to the guy. First off, I couldn't have picked out a better creepy old guy if I had tried, When she discovered "bathing suit models" was his euphemism for "nude modeling" and he told her he was sure he could use her for a couple of his "clients" she was ready to leave. She told the guy "I don't do naked!" Of course he was all indignant, it's nude not naked!! (Oh, is there a difference?? Nude=no clothing, nekid=no clothing. L:eye::eye:ks the same to me!! :wink:) I think she must have been around 14 or 15 at the time. That pretty much cured her!

Songline, you're still stunning! True beauty is from the inside-out and that kind of beauty is forever.

You make me feel all fuzzy inside :) thank you.

Actually my parents lived in big cities and in small ones too.
while they were poor and uneducated they were also Concentration Camp Survivors who along with millions of others were lured on to trains to get good work. She had a hinky meter way back then, I know she did not want to go but everyone she knew wanted to go so she went too. (eventually she would not have been given a choice anyway, they took them ALL to concentration camp).
By the way my Mom had no clue what Play boy was. (not at all) Neither did I. :)

All of it is very different from the people in distant places who have no civilization around them...
Those are the people these con man looking for young ones go to, they do not come to the cities to buy them.
They go to remote areas where the people are pure and innocent.
the ones they get from civilized areas, & cities, they kidnap.

Your Mom was correct to tell the neighbor her mind. Geshhhh he took her to Florida where there is a big transport area, and God only knows if he did not rape her too. They let a teen ager go with a male they did not know pesonally :waitasec:
Beyond stupid IMO.

I am thrilled your daughter got over it fast, I think one scary experience is enough, and "bathing suit" is a catch phrase for nudes, I do know from my own experience.
I did look in the paper one time thinking I can do this and the first call I made asked me a couple of questions that were normal, and then he said what is the least bit of undergarment you would be comfortable modeling would panties be OK or would you prefer just a bra.
I hung up I was so scared. My Mom never knew I made that call. YOU were right I was mad at her at first but after that call I was not mad anymore.
I can say in general she had a 6th sense that was pretty amazing. :) How she hated my first huband on day one.

GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS, you are definitely a jewel.
I've been thinking about BL and I just can't rationalize it in my mind. Of course, people are poor. This society makes it almost impossible to get out of poverty if you are there.I don't want to get into a heavy discussion about it, but it's really tough to get out. I know that there are plenty of people that do and they are amazing.

BL lived in a pretty nice house, no matter where you live, unless you're comparing to living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

The mother lived in dives. I've seen the pictures, such as the Wall Street house. I am NOT saying ANYTHING about the people that live in those circumstances and may have to. Most of us are a couple paychecks from that house.

If anyone had a choice, I think they would pick BL's house to live in rather than the Wall Street house, given the choice-you can choose one or the other.

I don't think he would choose Wall Street or he would have. I don't think he'd choose the trailer for himself, either. Yet, he was willing to choose that for his daughter.

So he must have thought the fabulous love that the mother had for the daughter would override any living situation.

I don't think so.
I've been thinking about BL and I just can't rationalize it in my mind. Of course, people are poor. This society makes it almost impossible to get out of poverty if you are there.I don't want to get into a heavy discussion about it, but it's really tough to get out. I know that there are plenty of people that do and they are amazing.

BL lived in a pretty nice house, no matter where you live, unless you're comparing to living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

The mother lived in dives. I've seen the pictures, such as the Wall Street house. I am NOT saying ANYTHING about the people that live in those circumstances and may have to. Most of us are a couple paychecks from that house.

If anyone had a choice, I think they would pick BL's house to live in rather than the Wall Street house, given the choice-you can choose one or the other.

I don't think he would choose Wall Street or he would have. I don't think he'd choose the trailer for himself, either. Yet, he was willing to choose that for his daughter.

So he must have thought the fabulous love that the mother had for the daughter would override any living situation.

I don't think so

I do not think so either...and it was not her being poor at all that should have been most
prominent in his mind but her despair; she lived here and there not somewhere stable.
But like I have said to you before :) you are human. :beats: a sweet human.
the more I read the more I wonder what has happened to the human race. :(
I feel my heart actually bleed sometimes. in the past weeks since Shaniyda story broke
my heart huts and my tears can fall even when I am in a supermarket.
I am so disappointed in the human race :( these little ones sure get to me.
I do not think so either...and it was not her being poor at all that should have been most
prominent in his mind but her despair; she lived here and there not somewhere stable.
But like I have said to you before :) you are human. :beats: a sweet humane.
the more I read the more I wonder what has happened to the human race. :(
I feel my heart actually bleed sometimes. in the past weeks since Shaniyda story broke
my heart huts and my tears can fall even when I am in a supermarket.
I am so disappointed in the human race :( these little ones sure get to me.

I feel your pain....I am struggling with the same issue...what has happened to did all this depravity enter our world...and when will it end for the helpless ones?
I have been wondering where the police got the information that AD sold Shaniya for sexual purposes. Were they told that by Mario? To charge her with that the police must be quite sure of it. Did she admit it herself? If AD's sister Brenda and her kids were living in the mobile home too, what have they told the police, if anything? Where was Brenda on the night/morning that Shaniya was taken by Mario? Where was ADs 7 year old boy? sleeping? Did he see or hear anything or know anything? Did police even question him? So many unknowns!
I feel your pain....I am struggling with the same issue...what has happened to did all this depravity enter our world...and when will it end for the helpless ones?

I wish I can answer you, but I am busy crying for all the helpless ones. :( It is just tooooo much.
I am afraid that we had some evil before we had the information age; but not as much as it is happening now.
TV, Computers tell us more and faster, but I/we raised in the years of "the flower children" "the peaceniks" used to hitch hick across the USA and nothing happened to any of us. We had some really great times and our kids, and their kids will never have the same experiences. Like jumping in the back of a Jeep and singing our way all the way to LA....:) it was a different morality, a different respect for humanity, a different passion for love and peace, where did it go? If I knew where it went I'd go bring it back. :(
I have been wondering where the police got the information that AD sold Shaniya for sexual purposes. Were they told that by Mario? To charge her with that the police must be quite sure of it. Did she admit it herself? If AD's sister Brenda and her kids were living in the mobile home too, what have they told the police, if anything? Where was Brenda on the night/morning that Shaniya was taken by Mario? Where was ADs 7 year old boy? sleeping? Did he see or hear anything or know anything? Did police even question him? So many unknowns!

Jan so many have asked the same question? I believe that the police is holding information very close to the vest. The only way to bring forth a good investigation is not to release certain things. this is one thing that was not release. but she was charged, so they do have something.
Her 7 year old is now in foster care, I imagine if they thought that a family member would be best for him he would be with a family member. I think that is all telling too. I can not imagine any of her relatives passed in order to give them the child. and sadly we also know that foster care in itself has a lousy reputation. but yet they optioned foster care, hmmm...
AD's family talks nonsense... IMHO...It is like sthe street law... SPIN but never tell......they all say she was a good mom.... I almost rather listen to any language I do not understand then to listen to any of them.
I wish I can answer you, but I am busy crying for all the helpless ones. :( It is just tooooo much.
I am afraid that we had some evil before we had the information age; but not as much as it is happening now.
TV, Computers tell us more and faster, but I/we raised in the years of "the flower children" "the peaceniks" used to hitch hick across the USA and nothing happened to any of us. We had some really great times and our kids, and their kids will never have the same experiences. Like jumping in the back of a Jeep and singing our way all the way to LA....:) it was a different morality, a different respect for humanity, a different passion for love and peace, where did it go? If I knew where it went I'd go bring it back. :(

I agree. I feel like this society only cares about instant-gratification...they are self-absorbed and feel this sense of entitlement that blows my mind. There is no accountability, when someone commits a crime they have "experts" who can point to all the reasons why they are "not responsible". Sentences for convicted crimes are a joke, criminals are given more rights than law-abiding citizens, and innocent children ,seniors, and other vulnerables are left without protection. I dont think we can ever go back. I said it before, I think we are destroying ourselves. I am afraid for us.
I've been thinking about BL and I just can't rationalize it in my mind. Of course, people are poor. This society makes it almost impossible to get out of poverty if you are there.I don't want to get into a heavy discussion about it, but it's really tough to get out. I know that there are plenty of people that do and they are amazing.

BL lived in a pretty nice house, no matter where you live, unless you're comparing to living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.

The mother lived in dives. I've seen the pictures, such as the Wall Street house. I am NOT saying ANYTHING about the people that live in those circumstances and may have to. Most of us are a couple paychecks from that house.

If anyone had a choice, I think they would pick BL's house to live in rather than the Wall Street house, given the choice-you can choose one or the other.

I don't think he would choose Wall Street or he would have. I don't think he'd choose the trailer for himself, either. Yet, he was willing to choose that for his daughter.

So he must have thought the fabulous love that the mother had for the daughter would override any living situation.

I don't think so.

There are a few things that I am not clear on. Apparently, CLD and Byron(Shaniya's older brother) dropped Shaniya off for visits at AD's various residences. Did they ever actually go inside and check things out? Did they talk to AD and other people living with her? More importantly, did BL ever see the trailer in Sleepy Hollow? My guess is he probably did not.

Did CLD tell BL what the setup was out at Sleepy Hollow? My guess is she probably did, but her complaints may have fallen on deaf ears.
I know we are not supposed to speculate, but there are situations where people might suspect things are not kosher, but don't really want to know for sure. I think BL had some inkling that the situation with AD was not ideal because he commented that she didn't always live in the best of neighborhoods. He probably just hoped for the best. We don't know what was going on with him, but for some reason he wanted to change Shaniya's living situation ASAP, but he was unwilling to place Shaniya with friends or family who offered to take her in. There's always the possibility that he didn't want to burden them with one more child, since they were already caring for Shaniya's siblings.

However, I keep coming back to the point that I made earlier. Knowingly or unknowingly, Shaniya was placed in a situation that was very dangerous for her. The situation was so toxic that Shaniya did not last there six weeks. I'm sure that BL did not know that the outcome would be so tragic, but I would feel a little better if he admitted that he made a mistake sending Shaniya to live with AD.

adtwah; I think this was as close to an apology as we will hear from him. I agree with you 100% about what I feel he knew, but hearing this from him sorta made me angry. IMO, a parent just doesn't make this kind of mistake.

It's our job to protect our children 24/7, even if that means telling their other parent "No, you are not in a position to care for her." BL saying AD was trying to get herself together, makes me think he knows a lot more than he has revealed.

AD did not deserve to have Shaniya as a reward for getting herself together, (which we know she in fact didn't have it together, at all).
Shaniya deserved to be cared for by a parent who already had it together, deserved to be protected, loved, nurtured, none of which was available in the care of AD, but all seemed to be given to her while in her father's custody, even if it was Aunt Carey who provided it.

Being allowed to raise her child should have only happened after AD proved to all she had it together and had kept it together. The condition of that carp hole she was living in, was a huge red flag, that she had nothing together. A parent who loved their child would never have asked to bring their child out of a good stable loving home into that squalid box.

Since I started this I have read about the family members who are all saying he knew AD wasn't capable of caring for Shaniya. I am sick beyond words over his lack of concern for the wellbeing of this baby.

Father of N.C. Girl Allegedly Sold for Sex, Then Found Dead Says He Regrets Giving Her Up,2933,575459,00.html?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a4:g4:r5:c0.000000:b0:z5

Bradley Lockhart, the father of a 5-year-old girl whose body was found off a rural North Carolina road regrets giving the girl's mother a chance to raise their daughter, even though she seemed to be getting her life together.

A month later, Shaniya Davis was dead, and her mother accused of selling her for sex.

Davis struggled financially over the years, but she recently got a job and her own place, so
Lockhart said he decided to give her a chance with their daughter.

"I should've never let her go over there,"
he said Saturday night

He's comments are very telling, giving her a chance, she seemed to be getting her life together,
she didn't always live in the best of neighborhoods
I have been wondering where the police got the information that AD sold Shaniya for sexual purposes. Were they told that by Mario? To charge her with that the police must be quite sure of it. Did she admit it herself? If AD's sister Brenda and her kids were living in the mobile home too, what have they told the police, if anything? Where was Brenda on the night/morning that Shaniya was taken by Mario? Where was ADs 7 year old boy? sleeping? Did he see or hear anything or know anything? Did police even question him? So many unknowns!
Welcome! :) It's only speculation who may have said what to LE since they're not telling us, but I can imagine MM admitting he took Shaniya because he was given permission to, but at the same time doesn't feel he's guilty of kidnapping, hence the plea of "not guilty". It's been reported LE interviewed AD for days, so maybe she did admit to what she'd done, or possibly LE has evidence from elsewhere to bring charges against her. I guess we'll find out when there's a preliminary hearing or at the trial. MOO
I did watch it and nowhere did it say that SOBER parents are selling their kids.
WE all know what pimps do...and if they are selling their own offspring then so be it.
but SOBER PARENTS do not sell them into a life of sexual slaves knowingly.
Huge difference between being coned and knowing.
We know that some in some villages are so poor and so uneducated that they think
they are helping their kids by sending them off to greener Pasteur's.
But STONED SOBER KNOWING is not the same.

I have to pop in and say I don't believe this to be true. Sober parents have and do sell children into sexual slavery. Research thoroughly.
I have been wondering where the police got the information that AD sold Shaniya for sexual purposes. Were they told that by Mario? To charge her with that the police must be quite sure of it. Did she admit it herself? If AD's sister Brenda and her kids were living in the mobile home too, what have they told the police, if anything? Where was Brenda on the night/morning that Shaniya was taken by Mario? Where was ADs 7 year old boy? sleeping? Did he see or hear anything or know anything? Did police even question him? So many unknowns!

I am sure LE has questioned everyone extensively. There is more to this than we know now, and I feel there is more truth to come out here. JMO
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