NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #25

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I know news is slow on Shaniya but lets try to keep things a little more on topic, and get back to discussing the case. Thanks. :)

I think they are looking fro bigger fish to fry at the same time as looking into whom they can charge for what?
By now the autopsy should be done thoroughly but we are not getting that either.
I do not like the sound of it being hushed; Yet I do appreciate LE holding things close to the vest.
BUT IMHO that area is tainted as a trafficking zone, and I am afraid that LE is trying to quite this down a lot,
so that not to get too much heat. :(

:waitasec:just wondering.....
We probably reacted to this tragedy initially by shaking our heads back and forth a couple of times. Then we quickly moved on to more important things like Christmas shopping and “Desperate Housewives.”
Yes, let’s move on in a hurry so we don’t notice how deeply sick, broken, and lost we are in the depths of our American soul...
Shame on Shaniya’s tormentors and killers. But shame on all of us as well.

Thank you, Mr. Gill.

Like I said a week ago...the topic is so shocking and harsh that when I talked about this at a party, we changed the topic really fast because most could not deal with this at all. :(
We have to keep an awareness of such hard realities, and try hard to make some social and legal changes. Most of all we have to really convict and I mean seriously change laws.
We probably reacted to this tragedy initially by shaking our heads back and forth a couple of times. Then we quickly moved on to more important things like Christmas shopping and “Desperate Housewives.”
Yes, let’s move on in a hurry so we don’t notice how deeply sick, broken, and lost we are in the depths of our American soul...
Shame on Shaniya’s tormentors and killers. But shame on all of us as well.

Thank you, Mr. Gill.

Well I haven't "moved on" at all in fact the cruel and senseless nature of this crime has driven me almost to the point of obsession. Since first hearing of her sudden disappearance and even since MAM and then her 'mother's' unthinkable arrests I've never stopped caring, furiously fact checking, and chasing down every remote clue into the sordid end of this beautiful child's precious life. From the family members and additional (RSO) suspects in the area, to replaying AD's 911 call, to googling street view routes along where her tiny lifeless body was tossed, not a day goes by that I do not search for info or pray this investigation can bring her the justice she deserves. Because I have only to look at my daughter--with such an uncanny resemblance--to think of Shaniya.

When I wash my daughter's sheets and we make her bed and straighten her room putting away her dolls and toys together, I wonder just where Shaniya slept and if she even had anything to play with or comfort her those last few weeks of her life. When I bathe, shampoo and comb thru my daughter's thick spiralled hair, knowing how adorable those corkscrew curls look w a little extra attention, I wonder if Shaniya was even able to bathe and recall how in the end, there was no one caring for Shaniya's hair. When I've dressed my little girl, to ensure she's warm and properly dressed for soccer or now swimming, my mind can't help wander to, what activities was Shaniya allowed, and how could a 5 year-old be taken in nothing but a tshirt and no shoes even. When I ask my daughter how school went that day, help her w schoolwork or saw her glee this week at reading her first book ("Morris the Moose Goes to School") aloud to me ("64 pages Mama!") cover to cover w no help it breaks my heart Shaniya didn't even get to finish out her first month before she was so abruptly and selfishly ripped away from her little classmates and any hope of normalcy or semblance of routine. Even as I began this am helping her excitedly plan her upcoming birthday party it saddened me that another innocent child never got to see her sixth birthday.

Some of us don't move on quite so easily or swiftly. I could not forget Shaniya--not the treasure of her smile and brief life, nor her senseless tragic ending--if I tried.


The Miami Herald just published an article looking into Florida's Dept of Family Services and how they are being forced to screen out thousands of abuse calls coming into their hotline. As in North Carolina, state budget constraints are putting children at greater risk than ever.

"These decisions, and thousands more, are the result of a little-known -- but potentially dangerous -- practice by the Department of Children & Families: Beginning last year, DCF dramatically increased the number of abuse calls considered unworthy of investigation.

Snipped from article on Florida DCF:
In an effort to reduce workload -- and the system-wide stress that high case loads generate -- intake workers at the Tallahassee-based hot line have been screening out tens of thousands of calls.

Among the screened-out allegations: reports of kidnapping, rape, aggravated child abuse, medical neglect, malnutrition, kids roaming the streets unsupervised and domestic violence that threatens to harm the children.

Among the callers being turned away: school counselors, grandparents, circuit court judges, hospital social workers, day-care workers and juvenile-justice staffers.

The hot line rejected a call from one of the agency's own child-abuse investigators: On Oct. 15, a state child protective investigator filed a report on behalf of an infant whose babysitters' own 4-month-old suffered ``significant head injuries.''
Like I said a week ago...the topic is so shocking and harsh that when I talked about this at a party, we changed the topic really fast because most could not deal with this at all. :(
We have to keep an awareness of such hard realities, and try hard to make some social and legal changes. Most of all we have to really convict and I mean seriously change laws.

I encountered this recently when I spoke of Shaniya..."Oh, how depressing, can we please talk about something else?", "Okay, that's more than I care to know", "Why do you watch & listen to "that" stuff? It's not healthy." ...

My response was; "That's exactly what these perps are counting on so that they can continue victimizing children unnoticed because no one wants to talk about it, to acknowledge it; it's too ugly, horrific, and gruesome. It's too uncomfortable to hear about, to talk about or even think about and so everyone looks away. So long as innocent children die, having looked upon & experienced evil in it's truest form, I will not look away, I will make myself look at it even when it's uncomfortable, even when/if it makes me want to puke - I'll survive and so will you - however it makes "us" feel is NOTHING compared to what their innocent victims felt."

What I don't "get" is how can anyone not care and not want to stop it from happening again to any other child(ren)!! JMHO -
I encountered this recently when I spoke of Shaniya..."Oh, how depressing, can we please talk about something else?", "Okay, that's more than I care to know", "Why do you watch & listen to "that" stuff? It's not healthy." ...

My response was; "That's exactly what these perps are counting on so that they can continue victimizing children unnoticed because no one wants to talk about it, to acknowledge it; it's too ugly, horrific, and gruesome. It's too uncomfortable to hear about, to talk about or even think about and so everyone looks away. So long as innocent children die, having looked upon & experienced evil in it's truest form, I will not look away, I will make myself look at it even when it's uncomfortable, even when/if it makes me want to puke - I'll survive and so will you - however it makes "us" feel is NOTHING compared to what their innocent victims felt."

What I don't "get" is how can anyone not care and not want to stop it from happening again to any other children)!! JMHO -
And that is what I told them when I encouraged them to at least get on the Marc Klaas site and sign a
petition to help make a change.
I think 1/2 of them will do it. but It is the truth...More people cant handle the shock and horror of this.
If BL wants poor little Sahniya never to have lost out in vain. He best become and advocate of trafficked Children.
I think he & sis can make it so that more have to listen to this best kept secret in the USA.
The Miami Herald just published an article looking into Florida's Dept of Family Services and how they are being forced to screen out thousands of abuse calls coming into their hotline. As in North Carolina, state budget constraints are putting children at greater risk than ever.

"These decisions, and thousands more, are the result of a little-known -- but potentially dangerous -- practice by the Department of Children & Families: Beginning last year, DCF dramatically increased the number of abuse calls considered unworthy of investigation.

Snipped from article on Florida DCF:
In an effort to reduce workload -- and the system-wide stress that high case loads generate -- intake workers at the Tallahassee-based hot line have been screening out tens of thousands of calls.

Among the screened-out allegations: reports of kidnapping, rape, aggravated child abuse, medical neglect, malnutrition, kids roaming the streets unsupervised and domestic violence that threatens to harm the children.

Among the callers being turned away: school counselors, grandparents, circuit court judges, hospital social workers, day-care workers and juvenile-justice staffers.

The hot line rejected a call from one of the agency's own child-abuse investigators: On Oct. 15, a state child protective investigator filed a report on behalf of an infant whose babysitters' own 4-month-old suffered ``significant head injuries.''
Sept. 16, 2:02 p.m.: A Broward sheriff's deputy calls the Florida child-abuse hot line to report that a 4-year-old had been molested by a babysitter as the sitter's boyfriend videotaped the assault. A hot-line counselor declines to forward the report to an investigator.
Snipped from article on Florida DCF:
In an effort to reduce workload -- and the system-wide stress that high case loads generate -- intake workers at the Tallahassee-based hot line have been screening out tens of thousands of calls.
Florida of all places !!
According to the article Fla ranks #3 when it comes to the number of children who die from child abuse and neglect.

COLUMBIA -- A new study ranks Missouri as the fifth worst state in the nation when it comes to the number of children who die from child abuse and neglect. The Washington-based group 'Every Child Matters' released that study Wednesday.
It's a dubious distinction; Missouri rated one of the worst states for the number of kids who die from abuse or neglect.
Kentucky was ranked first in child abuse deaths followed by South Dakota, Florida, Nebraska and Missouri.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The lowest ranked states in child abuse deaths are Delaware, Rhode Island, Idaho, Maine and Montana.[/FONT]
We probably reacted to this tragedy initially by shaking our heads back and forth a couple of times. Then we quickly moved on to more important things like Christmas shopping and “Desperate Housewives.”
Yes, let’s move on in a hurry so we don’t notice how deeply sick, broken, and lost we are in the depths of our American soul...
Shame on Shaniya’s tormentors and killers. But shame on all of us as well.

Thank you, Mr. Gill.


This is worth a repeat...

And Thank You Kiki, that was really beautiful.....:blowkiss:

This PDF contains copies of the official documents relating to assaulting an officer and assaulting a female. I'm still reviewing but found a few new facts:
9/23/08 - Assault on AA - MAM slapped her with open hand and pushed her head into the dirt. AA didn't show up for the court hearing so court had to drop domestic abuse charges.
9/21/07 - Police report describes the night officer tried to pull MAM over for a traffic violation which ended in MAM assaulting officer - deadly weapon is his car.
10/20/09 - Mario's signature on documents detailing terms of probation. Included is taking a DNA sample
I'm shocked that South Dakota is 2nd in child abuse deaths! When we took a trip there a few years ago, it was such a calm, peaceful, laid-back place. We walked the streets of the capital city at midnight with no fear. Doors were never locked. If someone stole something from an unlocked car it would make front page news in the newspaper. There was virtually no crime. Much of the state is open land with miles and miles between houses. To think children were being abused behind closed doors is sickening. I would have expected it to be one of the lowest states for child abuse deaths! I work for a non-profit prevention agency in Michigan and we try to stop abuse before it needs to be reported by education and strengthening families. One mother in our program lost custody of her children to foster care a few months ago but we have many, many success stories we could tell. Our program is free and all families are welcome. We even feed the family a hot meal 3 nights a week. Its too bad AD couldn't have come to such a program with her son and Shaniya, or even with Coe too. Maybe the outcome would have been different.

Take the time to tune in to MSNBC on Sunday night starting at 8 p.m. EST for three programs on this topic: “Sex Slaves in America,” “Sex Slaves in the Suburbs,” and “Sex Slaves: The Teen Trade.” We all need to be educated on this topic and keep our eyes open and pay attention to those around us. Sexual slavery can happen anywhere

One of the girls rescued was helped by a worker of Klass Kids
I'm watching the MSNBC story...and I am bawling. I lived Shauna's nightmare. I understand. I want curl up in a bawl and sob right now. Thank God I am buried in schoolwork.

I want to climb through the TV and...I don't know. I would say hug her, but that would be hard for her.

Let me rephrase a little, not her whole nightmare, but the the time since, her description of her time at the hospital...I wish this would stop. Just overhaul the human brain, so we don't even think of this.
To the Green Hornet, You know, I feel as you do. I hated even thinking about this case because it made me feel so sick. But, let me offer this small thought. I too believe our children choose us and it is a wonderful opportunity in life. When the most horrible thing happens you can imagine, I have to think that Heavenly Father, who knows all, and is in control, and sees the bigger picture because I have such a temporal view is taking care of all this. That Shaniya is well within the loving arms of the Savior and is happy in every way. That her little spirit did not need any more time on this brutal earth and she is being loved and cherished in every way. Our time on earth is the learning time and God says woe to those that hurt the children. Right now, we are living in especially hard times, children murdered,animal abuse, government collapsing , Nuclear bombs, blasphemy of God just basic human decency being ignored. Now is the time, for those who believe, who cannot bear this injustice, to stand tall, and be true to yourself and to God. This temporal existance is but a fleeting moment, we are eternal beings.

This is a beautiful and true assessment of life and why things happen, and it gave me an answer to my question. Thank you Porcine!
That's where they used to be--same site I was talking about--don't see them now--just window tinting & speeding

I'm not finding anything there either. But they are both in state custody, not county anymore. Could that be why they aren't listed?
I'm not finding anything there either. But they are both in state custody, not county anymore. Could that be why they aren't listed?

The North Carolina Court System site lists all upcoming court cases. Mario has three cases which come up under McNeil, Mario.

I can view both the kidnapping and rape charge. But when I select the 1st degree murder case to view, 2009CR066040, system says not found.
Okay, sort of found it, but on every tab, I can't find the rape charge, either.

Only the traffic violation.
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