NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #16

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Hi everyone. I've been so interested reading all your great posts.

That is so interesting about the Aspergers Theory with AB.

I was also thinking that perhaps, EB hit Zahra so hard in the abdomen that she caused grave liver damage. It's happened to abused children before. That would cause a great deal of vomiting because the liver is dying. EB would have been aware she caused this great blow, and they probably just watched her die and then EB tried to hide the body. I can't tell what AB knows or doesn't know but I am so angry with him for letting his child be abused and tortured.
WELCOME DLT88!!! You'll enjoy being here.
Your theory is as good as any. And that would certainly do deadly damage to a little girl.
I just don't know what happened, but I do know it was something terrible at the hands of the "wicked stepmother". jmho.
Hi everyone. I've been so interested reading all your great posts.

That is so interesting about the Aspergers Theory with AB.

I was also thinking that perhaps, EB hit Zahra so hard in the abdomen that she caused grave liver damage. It's happened to abused children before. That would cause a great deal of vomiting because the liver is dying. EB would have been aware she caused this great blow, and they probably just watched her die and then EB tried to hide the body. I can't tell what AB knows or doesn't know but I am so angry with him for letting his child be abused and tortured.

Welcome DLT! So glad you joined the conversation. Hope to read more of your thoughts as the thread progresses.
I just have slow dial up so I have to go to the library to watch the videos. I sat for 3 hours and watched him over and over. Im not saying the guy is innocent of everything. I think he neglected his daughter. I just dont think he killed her or covered it up. I think he was under EBs thumb and took everything she said as gospel. It was easier for him to check out of reality and she knew it. I think she manipulated him and he let her.

I do have to admit him not checking on her after the ransom note is NOT NORMAL. I still dont think he killed her.

I do think he needs to be in jail for neglecting Zahra.

I don't think he killed her in the literal sense, though I do think when you let someone beat your child and continue to leave them as a primary care giver you are responsible when they die, but I don't think she died at his hands.

I absolutely believe he is involved in the disposal and fire setting/ransom note cover up attempt.
They wont need a passport!!!!!

? Why would you say that?

I don't think it's fair to speculate why the G'ma hasn't come right over here - there are so many factors ..

1. Passport
2. Money - Just did a quick pricing on Travelocity - Just Sydney to Charlotte - least expensive 1250 - most expensive roughly 2500 .. then there are the expenses while here ... It's easy to say "I'd be on the first plane" ... but reality can be MUCH MUCH different.

She's seemed open and honest from what we've read - we know nothing about here - there may be health issues - all sorts of things..
I feel fairly certain that between all the benevolent folks here and in Aus (not to mention airlines and other businesses for whom it's great PR to do good deeds) there would be no shortage of donations if she said she needed funds to travel. Like it was said earlier, though, she may be helping them procure information and records in Aus just now.

For all we know maybe one of them is here, or even perhaps the bio mom.

IMO, I see no reason for the grandparents to make the trip to the USA as they couldn't even possibly help to find Zarah. Sure they could support their son, however they can do that from Austraila.
Home from ' werk ' and just listened to the 911 call......I swear I thought he was gonna say "I seen 3"....that would have finished me up if he had. Bizarre is what all of this is...can anyone refresh my soon was EB arrested after the "dad" made the 911 call?TIA, and man my head hurts now as bad as my heart.:banghead:
They haven't - in the news articles I posted just a few minutes ago, the Grandmother says she has been unable to reach them.
and a really good blow-out apparently, lol

LOL! I read this quickly, tlcox, and I am not even gonna mention what I thought you posted! :eek: Thank you kindly for the laugh, even if you didn't know it.
I want to tell y'all a story I was reminded of when some WSers were talking about AB maybe being a little slow. I think it had something to do with the way he talks, maybe it's his accent, maybe his affect is a little blunted. Anyway, I just skimmed it when I was supposed to be working. :crazy:

Ok here's the story:

I came to know about a remarkable man through work. This man (let's call him Mr X) called to let us know that his son (who had a pending claim) was going to be seeing a new doctor. He did not know how to pronounce the doctor's name but could call out the letters to me as he had the appointment card. He called out each very letter slowly. The doctor's name was Smith. He also gave me the phone number. He called out each number very slowly. And told me the date of the upcoming appointment.

After I thanked him for calling in with this information, he said "Did I do good? Did I do good?" I said that he had and thanked him again for calling. He said "I'm so proud of myself. I'm so proud of myself." It was clear that this man had a very low IQ.

His son had just been released from a psych hospital and they had applied for SSI for the son. As I read through the hospital records, I saw notes by various doctors and hospital social workers about being concerned about discharging the son to Mr X's custody, since Mr X clearly had significant cognitive problems. They contacted the DSS social worker who was assisting this father and son who assured them that Mr X was fine taking care of his son. They were all watching though; the hospital, the health dept, the school, the Dept of Social Services, the mental health center (records from all of these places were in the file). They all eventually agreed that Mr X was doing a good job with the son and they did not hide their amazement that he was able to do it.

I learned that Mr X had mental retardation and schizophrenia. The son had a psychotic disorder. He had not been diagnosed with schizophrenia but it was clear they were leaning that way. That's probably due to his age. He was a teenager. I learned that Mrs X had walked out on them when the son was a baby and Mr X had been raising him alone all this time.

Mr X was said to get his son to all Dr's appointments. He escorted him on the city bus. Mr X said to me "I know he needs to go to the doctor just like I need to go to the doctor."

Mr X also told me about a box he has. This box has all of his son's papers. Papers from schools, doctors, social workers. It's all in this box, all of it. He told me he kept every paper they ever gave him, related to his son. He said he can't read them and he doesn't know what they are for, but, they might be important and someone would want to see them. So he keeps them.

I saw in the records someone talking about the father bringing a large box of papers to the appointment with him.

The last contact I had with Mr X, he called for some reason and was identifying himself and his son so I could pull up the claim. He said "His name is <name>. My name is <name> too. We have the same name. He has the same name as me!" You could hear him grinning ear to ear with pride. That was when I finally started bawling.

I see so many horrible parents and families in my job. I see children who are disabled, not because they got sick, but, because of what their parents did to them. I see parents withholding medication to keep their children sick so they can continue receiving benefits. I see parents who do not know where their children go to school, "I don't know, the bus takes them." And then there is this man. So much struggle for him and there he is, taking care of his boy.

Anyway, I have no sympathy for any parent who is rotten or irresponsible with their kids. Not after knowing this man.

Sorry for the novel :blushing:
That's interesting. Sorry about your brother. Perhaps AB suffers from it, but anger and trying to run someone off the road is showing emotion in a way. I don't know enough about AB, but am horrified that he dragged his daughter into what he did.

That is if you believe BB. I for one, do not ...not for one second. :twocents:
For all we know maybe one of them is here, or even perhaps the bio mom.

IMO, I see no reason for the grandparents to make the trip to the USA as they couldn't even possibly help to find Zarah. Sure they could support their son, however they can do that from Austraila.

I was thinking more along the lines of a mother perhaps having the best shot at getting a son to tell whatever he knows. Oh, how I wish!

Anyway, I was just saying that I don't think funds would be a factor since I feel both the airfare and lodgings at a local hotel would be donated by those businesses or covered by donations.

Like I said to begin with, she may be doing something very helpful and important for the investigation right where she is. Certainly wasn't knocking her for not being here.
Is anyone familiar enough with visas/passports/green cards to know how AB's pending legal charges would have factored in with him going back to AU or applying to stay here in the states? I know they do background checks, but not sure what the threshold is for denying anyone. I was wondering how EB was able to travel to AU with warrants out for her arrest, too. It seems like at least one of the charges pending was a felony. Has anyone else wondered about this?

I believe she uses different names and has different id's.

She married Adam in australia so they had to go and apply for American citizenship for Adam when they came to the US but i dont think they stayed in one place long enufff for him to get a citizenship!

Did he pay her to help him come to America?
I am not a sex addict, despite typos and badly chosen words, I promise, lol @ Paintr
I'm just waiting for a family representative to come forward for Zahra demanding justice. I have yet to see it.

That is my opinion.
I am not a sex addict, despite typos and badly chosen words, I promise, lol @ Paintr

LMAO! How did you know that I was remembering that post about you 'going out'. My first reaction was 'wow, this poster has sex on the brain'...then I read more carefully. No disrespect, tlcox, I love your posts and after reading the Williams hearing notes, I really needed the laugh! You rock!
I not sure either. But.... Why in the HE11 would his mother not try to stop him from taken her grandaughter? If he has all the disabilities we think he does. I just don't see her letting him just take her to the US with out a fight. We aren't hearing anything like that from anyone from where he is from.
So many questions................

There is information out there that has stated that KB did resist and did not want AB to bring Zahra here. I think it comes from a reliable source but you never know :waitasec:
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