NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #28

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BRAVO Kat! and GrayJay, you nailed it. Bless this little girl and those who loved her.
I say let's put EB and AB in front of this interrogator and see what comes out!

This is a link to the Col. Russell Williams thread. (he is now stripped of the Colonel title, thankfully!) The videos show the police interrogator going head to head with a very bright man. Patiently, he sets the trap, shows the evidence, and gets him to confess. It is truly an incredible piece of police work. One reporter termed it an intelligent man brought down by an equally intelligent man. I never truly understood what an art interrogation is. (P.S. - this detective was also the individual that found 8 year old Tori Stafford's body last year....on a hunch, as he drove home from work one day.)

I can't imagine EB or AB lasting long under his patient scrutiny!

Snoopster, that is exactly what I had been thinking this week, let Behavioural Profiler Det. Sgt. Jim Smyth at EB, he'll extract Zahra's whereabouts out of her! I am sure profile Pat Brown would agree also, she was a commentator on the case every night last week.

As one U.S. FBI agent said, Williams confession will definitely be used to teach interrogators how to extract confessions around the world.
This flu bug has got the best of me again, and my pillow is calling my name loudly.

Happy sleuthing, everyone. May tomorrow be the day we're both hoping for and dreading.
I am so thankful for today. We didn't get Z back but we now have her leg, her mattress, EB talking and LE going through Z's house and yard with a fine toothed comb. Things are still moving in the right direction.

Thank you to LE for not giving up on this little girl. For keeping your information close and not letting anything leak. For not jumping the gun and arresting anyone until it's right. For making sure when this goes to court nothing is thrown out. For having a heart and showing us your emotion. For digging in the garbage with your bare hands for a girl you never met.

My best wishes go to them and my heart to Z for her return. :rose:
You said this all so beautifully, MandyLeigh. Your words mirror exactly how I feel.
I was watching the police chief during the pc, and I was thinking what a truely wonderful person he must be. He won't rest until this precious child is found. And his whole team is right there too.
This case is difficult for all of us, in one way or another. I can't imagine being in LE's shoes.
God bless each one of them.
I've seen parents that can turn into someone TOTALLY different when their spouse is not around. I posted WAyyyyy back about a neighbor I had in which the woman was an abusive psycho monster when daddy was away but literally put on a skirt and heels and was "perfect mommy" when he was around.

I also know of someone who NEVER yells at her kids in front of their father... but WHOA buddy... when he's not around the ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD hears it.

And drawing from personal experience here, my daughter could easily be dead for 2-3 (maybe even 4?) days and I could hide it from my hubby. He works insanely long hours. He leaves the "girl" stuff to me. He's a guys guy and while he loves her intensely (and is fiercely protective of her) ... he doesn't get a lot of the daily fluff of dealing with a young female so he stays out of it so as to not upset her (or me ;) I could tell him one day that she is off with friends or family. The next I could say she had something for school (wouldn't work in in the case of zahra, but just as an example), the next I could say she was sick, the next I could say she is sleeping because she was up all night being sick..... Yeah I could hide it from him for quite a few days depending on how distracted he was with work at the time.

I agree that it is not that unusual for a parent, particularily the one working long hours to go for a couple of days without really seeing their child other than maybe a quick glance at them sleeping. With this new rumoured information about BS claiming she was with Zahra on the Thursday, if she is credible then this would have had to occur sometime between Thursday PM and early Saturday morning. And AB is claiming he put in a long work day on Friday. His employer can probably verify this if it's true. It just leaves a lot of reasonable doubt on his part at the moment IMO.

That's why the evidence they are trying so hard to gather is so critical IMO.

IMO this may be explained by the fact that he called family/friends/his boss prior to calling 911. I think he truly felt that someone else had her. It was obvious that there were people that didnt want Zahra around EB.


It could have gone down like this...

AB in the back cleaning up the remaining fire mess...
EB comes out screaming Zahra missing....
AB goes in the house looks around...
AB then starts calling family and friends...
EB brings him the note....
AB calls his boss to see if his daughter is missing and to tell him about note...
AB calls Po-Po....

Wanted to take a minute to welcome our guests and invite them to join Websleuths and join the discussion. We don't bite!

162 members and 141 guest viewing right now.
This flu bug has got the best of me again, and my pillow is calling my name loudly.

Happy sleuthing, everyone. May tomorrow be the day we're both hoping for and dreading.

Oh no! The flu?
Hope you feel better soon!
Gonna go check on my other special websleuth kids, back shortly
I have not caught up yet, so forgive me for posting. I did watch NG, tho.

If the woodchipper was used, the wood chips being propelled out would more or less act as 'cleaning' agent on the inside of the chipper. However; it would not keep blood from maybe being on parts of the engine.

Just a theory and MOO, but I want to know if there was a chest type freezer in the house. Forgive me, but could Zahara's body have been frozen before someone attempted to put it through the chipper? It make it somewhat easier to feed into the chipper. I just have a sinking feeling that this could have been what has happened. Then, the person realized that they could not finish that job there in the back yard and did dispose of the other parts in different areas?

It is JMHO about the wood chipper, the theory, and the body having been frozen. I also believe that the glove is a part of the evidence as well.

I am thinking that LE was using luminol in the house tonight. If LE had been usung luminol in the house this afternoon, blackout material would have been placed over the windows and reporters would have noticed that, IMO. Tonight, the blackout material would have still been used, but the reporters would not notice as much. At one point tonight on NG, the reporter stated that the lights were off except for one room in the back.

I am not wanting to upset anyone with having written any of this. It is just my opinion of what may have happened, and I have a sinking, strong feeling it could very well have happened.
I feel that there IS evidence in the back yard as well as several other places. I have such a feeling of contempt and disgust for both EB and AB. I am not supposed to hate, but I am afraid I do hate whomever is responsible for murdering (IMO) little Zahra.

May GB the Gma and people who did love brave little Zahra. I have a feeling what happened to her is beyond even horrific. I have a titanium plate w/screws in my neck and it has identifying numbers on it. LE can comfirm the prosthetic leg when they are given those identifying numbers.

I have been here for some time since early on and have just not posted very much because this is so sickening to me.

One last thing - I do not think AB should be out and about. I know his right to bond, but I feel he is complicit in one of the most horrific murders in recent time. I also feel there may be at least one more person involved in addition to EB and AB.

Sorry for the interruption in the flow. I started to post this theory earlier on and did not because it is just so sickening and depraved. I have made myself sick even posting this post. I am going back to catch up now.

GB little Zahra's soul.


I totally agree BBM

O/T we had a windy storm last night, downed limbs etc.
I walked my little dog tonight all around our neighborhood.
Guess what was working.........yes a wood chipper. this chipper was throwing the chips in a neat pile in a truck bed.
It was not throwing pieces everywhere.
BTW not as noisy as I thought.
I live abot a city block away and never heard it until I was closer to it.
I was so sickened that I just came back on to WS hours later.
April_showers I had a hard time seeing what everyone is seeing in the pictures too but I certainly see it in the video...have you watched the video?

Hope this helps you! :)

No I haven't seen the video...
My opinion about the leg not being with the body- if they were trying to make it look like a kidnapping they maybe thought to put the leg somewhere to be found on purpose? AB did make a point to mention that the would be kidnappers took the leg with them. I think they thought it would take attention away from them somehow??? Who knows what crazy things they would think about.

Or, as someone mentioned yesterday they thought her leg could easily be found with a metal detector so they wanted them to be seperate?
Or a bloody sock? OMG

Is there some type of sock fitted into the leg?

Yes there absolutely is a special "sock" that fits over the stump before the prosthesis can be put on. MOO
Hubby is on his way home. Someone said they did spray Luminol and while Pete was there they were switching between a white light, pink light and also a type of dark red light. They were also taking pictures and swabbing. He said that to him and a few others it looked like stains under the lights.

It could have gone down like this...

AB in the back cleaning up the remaining fire mess...
EB comes out screaming Zahra missing....
AB goes in the house looks around...
AB then starts calling family and friends...
EB brings him the note....
AB calls his boss to see if his daughter is missing and to tell him about note...
AB calls Po-Po....


The fire and the ransom note discovery are at approximately 530 in the morning. The wellness check on the boss's daughter occur in the morning.

AB went back to bed according to his own words, then left the house at some point, returned in the early afternoon when EB came screaming out of the house.

Then AB calls 911, almost ten hours after the note is found.
The fire and the ransom note discovery are at approximately 530 in the morning. The wellness check on the boss's daughter occur in the morning.

AB went back to bed according to his own words, then left the house at some point, returned in the early afternoon when EB came screaming out of the house.

Then AB calls 911, almost ten hours after the note is found.

Well heck...there goes that...
I haven't caught up yet. Is there a screen cap of this? If so please bump. If not, can someone grab one? TIA

I've been asking for help as I have RL getting in the way and I can't find the video and I can't screen shot and... and...

I'm not much of a sleuther. LOL Feelin' a bit like Charlie Brown. :/
Hubby is on his way home. Someone said they did spray Luminol and while Pete was there they were switching between a white light, pink light and also a type of dark red light. They were also taking pictures and swabbing. He said that to him and a few others it looked like stains under the lights.

hmmm... maybe the bloody mattress rumors were true

this would be what we said yesterday, if the mattress is bloody there should be blood on the walls where she died

so sad
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