NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #37

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I did an online search for what could be behind kitchen walls...

An unused, closed up chimney.
From the outside, there is a chimney on the left.
I don't understand this question. Are you questioning AB's referring to the car as HIS?

No. The news report said that a 911 was placed about a fire and responding officers found a mulch fire and gasoline poured in a vehicle. News report then went on to say that a second call came shortly thereafter from AB, reporting that someone had also poured gas in his car and that his daughter was missing. I'm questioning both the report that gas was poured in 2 vehicles (I was under the impression that it was just the Tahoe), and I'm questioning AB making any mention of gasoline poured in another vehicle during the 911 missing child report.

Those aren't the facts as I know them, but I certainly could have missed something. Afterall, I didn't even know the RN was written on electric bill envelope. :banghead:
I have some speculation about the kitchen, the fridge, and the floors. I think LE may be looking for evidence of a poisoning. Specifically, trace amounts of the posion being stored and vomited. We know AB mentioned Zahra being sick, so maybe LE are making sure they cover the poisoning angle.

I can see a poisoning happening as part of the crime, btw. It's still my opinion that LE probably found evidence of something like brain matter -- maybe in the goo glove, but something like that that conclusively means death :(

I hate to say it, but maybe it started out as a poisoning and when that got too hard to listen to/watch, something quicker was done :( SPECULATION!

(I'm still interested if anyone knows any address number near the intersection on Christie Rd where the leg was found). Thank y'all!
pity tha fool who taps them on the shoulder to ask them a silly question.

AF wouldn't be making up a story that if EB got out she would have to leave the state for no reason.

KB is in the US but wants privacy so she can help LE do their job properly, they have their own people to talk to and if there is little talk going to you, then at this time they are just shopping for something to keep them comfortable while they are in that Country, what more would they be doing they need someone to show them around that strange place, the town that lost Zahra.

Sorry but just know if you were walking in their shoes you wouldn't be standing around Walmart saying come talk to me stranger especially at this time. Read the Townsville Bulletin if you want to know Adam and can't find out elsewhere. Ask them the questions about Adam they have KB on speed dial but don't annoy them because they are busy people too :)

Busy, busy doing what? Searching for Zahra? I didn't lose her, my community didn't lose her, her "parents" lost her. We all feel for your families loss, but <modsnip> we are not responsible for it.

Soooo teh, :)

Do you personally feel that we can expect any new charges to come for either/or this month?
A Duke Power envelope with handwriting was inside the vehicle on the front windshield.

The note written on the envelope was addressed to a "Mr. Coffey," identified in the search warrant as Adam Baker's boss, Mark David Coffey.

To toss another debatable issue into the mix.

The power bill was found in the work truck which Adam drove which seems to say he was the person who payed the power bill, was he the person in control of the money? The one who made all the calls on what got paid and what did not? I dont see EB handing over her money to him but why did he have the bill? Did she not have complete control?
Hes using the Au card, he wants back there in the worse way, MOO

Wont happen....we have no jurisdiction. If he's done the crime in the US he'll do the time in the US, under US investigation, and according to US law. There'd be little to zero sympathy from our govt in a case like this - his smallest possible involvement is he stood by uselessly as his sweet baby girl who had already suffered and survived two bouts of cancer, the loss of her leg, and the partial loss of her hearing, endured horrible physical and emotional abuse from his new wife. His actual involvement may turn out to be far greater.

Not a sympathetic character.
I did an online search for what could be behind kitchen walls...

An unused, closed up chimney.
From the outside, there is a chimney on the left.

IIRC it also was noted on the floor plan that elepher50 posted sometime last thread. (off to search)


Post 297 above
Hi Netsleuther....hope you don't mind me asking this and I mean no harm at all. I have lost a child so I am not coming out of nowhere here when I ask if you listened to the 911 call AB made and did it not sound odd to you? I am serious and mean no offense...I realize you have an attachment to AB but in all seriousness did it not sound the least bit odd? Thank you if you choose to answer and I understand if you do not.

Nana46, I have wondered if AB was questioned by Australian authorities, if they would find his actions strange. Different cultures?
My leaning is also that the fire was panic driven and hasty. I dont think that she died from a health condition, because her illness would have been an opportunity for attention from SM. I think she was beaten to death or that during a beating, her head hit an object the wrong way (I realize that this is still being beaten to death, but maybe less painful). I think the fire was in hopes to destroy some evidence.

I think that she came to the Hicory House. In light of the multiple ways that they seemes to panic (ransom note on elec envelope, gas in vehicle, 5am fire), I don't think that they could have waited very long. It wasn't well thought out.

Did she really think that the prosthetic leg wouldn't be found?

And as much as we are pouring over this info... whoever did this- I bet that that person is in a prison cell of hell in their own mind. Of course, we all know that there are murderers who actually enjoy this.
Netsleuther please understand that a lot of us here on this forum are still banging our heads against the wall about the Caylee Anthony murder, the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings and then little Kyron Horman is missing....we have seen things coming from the families of these children that would make you scream and bang your head against the wall that yes even their families say and do so please understand.....I think I can speak for many or maybe not.....I for one so hope that THIS time, an immediate family member is not involved in what happened to precious is beginning to wear a little thin that children who are precious are not given what they so rightly deserve in this world from the people who are supposed to love and protect them. I dearly hope and pray this father is innocent and he certainly could be. But somebody knows where she is because she is certainly not where she is supposed to be. IMO
I would like nothing more than to wake up tomorrow and find out she is alive and has been hidden. It would make my day.

IMO and all that.
Hi Netsleuther....hope you don't mind me asking this and I mean no harm at all. I have lost a child so I am not coming out of nowhere here when I ask if you listened to the 911 call AB made and did it not sound odd to you? I am serious and mean no offense...I realize you have an attachment to AB but in all seriousness did it not sound the least bit odd? Thank you if you choose to answer and I understand if you do not.

Thanks for your post.

Put it this way, IMO how AB spoke on that 911 call is not going to be a vital part of this case.
They need an Australian Psychologist to assess an Aussie otherwise the assessment would not be an accurate interpretation, leaving no stone unturned :p

I agree and disagree, Netsleuther.

An Australian Psychologist may be able to assess AB in a different way, that would leave no stone unturned, and add another dimension to the assessment.

But, an accurate interpretation of AB's behaviour and state of mind can definitely be made by a U.S. Psychologist.

Page 6:
Persons/premises or vehicles searched:
House address/Tahoe/Camry/Impala
Items seized: Duke power bill, numerous other papers etc etc...[/quote]

------going off of my own post-----i noticed something while typing up parts of the search warrant info.

...i had always thought that the items seized------ALL came from the vehicle ( pillows, blankets, passports etc...)

..but on page 6----
persons/premises/vehicles searched-----------the house is included.
---and that's the page where they seized the beddding , passports etc etc.'s again on page 8--
persons/premises/vehicles searched-----only mentions the tahoe & camry.
---items seized---centre console of tahoe---possible blood
Wont happen....we have no jurisdiction. If he's done the crime in the US he'll do the time in the US, under US investigation, and according to US law. There'd be little to zero sympathy from our govt in a case like this - his smallest possible involvement is he stood by uselessly as his sweet baby girl who had already suffered and survived two bouts of cancer, the loss of her leg, and the partial loss of her hearing, endured horrible physical and emotional abuse from his new wife. His actual involvement may turn out to be far greater.

Not a sympathetic character.

Yes, I believe that also falls under "total disregard for human life" in criminal charges.
Can't delete ... so am just editing. I reposted what I wanted to say upthread.
I did an online search for what could be behind kitchen walls...

An unused, closed up chimney.
From the outside, there is a chimney on the left.

That would certainly help me make sense of Sherlock Holmes pics of the log sitting outside the back door on top of a planter. That always did bug me. WOW.
While I 100% remember these reports, I am not seeing them in our media links thread and am not having luck calling them up in online searches... does anyone have saved screen shots of these stories?

We've seen in this case (and others) that online media alter stories at will without giving notice. For our sleuthers who specialize in this sort of thing, probably good to grab screen shots of any news articles from here out, so we can add them to that thread. May we never need a full forum for Zahra, but if/when we do, having these will be invaluable.

And the power bill/ransom note is one piece of the puzzle that lends credence to the idea that Zahra had been gone a while, and they suddenly needed to explain her absence. I've read three theories about why this might have happened:

- contact from Zahra's birth mother
- refusal of family members to drop agg *advertiser censored* charges
- LE-reported impending visit of *some kind of inspector*

ETA: and thank you for your responses to my theories! Believe me, I want every one of them not to be true!

To add to why this may have happened... I'm thinking Zahra had been deceased for a couple of weeks, and AB's boss wanted the company vehicle (Tahoe) for some reason... Perhaps Mr. Coffey was fireing him.. maybe AB's rent, vehicle and other things came with the job... If Mr. Coffey wanted the Tahoe for some reason, how could they explain the (posssible) blood found on the consel that LE confiscated... burnt material was also found in the Tahoe... They took 3 swabs of possible blood from the Tahoe..

The girl's stepmother, Elisa Baker, has been charged with obstruction of justice after admitting to writing a ransom note...

Firefighters found a Chevrolet Tahoe with its passenger door open and a power company envelope with handwriting on it on the front windshield, the search warrant said.

The note written on the envelope was addressed to a "Mr. Coffey," identified in the search warrant as Adam Baker's boss, Mark David Coffey.

"Mr. Coffey, you like being in control now who is in control," the note said, according to the search warrant. "We have your daughter and your pot smoking red head son is next unless you do what is asked 1,000,000 unmarked will be in touch soon." In the bottom right, the note said, "no cops," according to the warrant.

-------------ynotdivein------i have no idea how to do a screen shot-----but here's the article re: the ransom note written on the envelope..
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