NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #6

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Just a reminder to everyone to reduce names to initials, please. It is not necessary to do so when directly quoting from a newspaper, but should be done at all other times.



Respectfully, why?? I didn't know we were supposed to be doing this and I've been here since the dinosaur ages. I tend NOT to use initials because I find them confusing. For example, in this case, people kept referring to Elise as "SM" and it took me forever to figure out that it meant "stepmom". I kept wondering who "SM" was and where I missed a new person thrown into the mix.
I have a question and Hope I'm not out of line. But are people going to Zahra's sisters private facebook account being added as a friend and then saving her pics and posting them here? If so I think thats wrong. I am just wondering since a couple Ive seen posted I've only seen them on Zahra's sister's facebook page. ( Ive not seen her myspace page or if its public etc) lol I am SO behind its moving so fast hard to keep up and doing mommy duties.

It's public.....nature of the beast.
FYI- Fifth Essence has created a new thread for Zahara in the Forensic Astro forum.

Thank you Fifth Essence!
Respectfully, why?? I didn't know we were supposed to be doing this and I've been here since the dinosaur ages. I tend NOT to use initials because I find them confusing. For example, in this case, people kept referring to Elise as "SM" and it took me forever to figure out that it meant "stepmom". I kept wondering who "SM" was and where I missed a new person thrown into the mix.
They have asked for it to be done this way since i've been here.
It's public.....nature of the beast.
This is what I am asking. Did they get it off a myspace( public one) or her PRIVATE facebook page ( added her as a friend and then saved the photos) I don't think it is the same if they added her as a friend on a private page then took the photos but I was unsure so that's why I was asking. I friended her to offer suporitt but I'd never ever save the photos and then pass them around ( not saying this is what someone is doing) Just asking.
Exactly. As long as you call police *immediately* to tell them what you've done and why, give them the location, and wait there with the child for police to arrive, there's no way you'll be in any legal trouble (assuming you don't have a criminal record involving child abuse yourself). If there's been serious abuse, it *will* be verified upon thorough investigation, and there's no way you could be convicted of anything without that thorough investigation being done, because it would be part of your defense. If the parents or courts won't allow the thorough investigation, then any charges against you would have to be dropped, because there would be no way to counter your defense that you had legitimate reason to believe the child urgently needed to be taken for it's own safety.

I would rather the headline read "grammie kidnaps child" then "have you seen this child" I would not hesitate to remove a child who is being abused without first calling the police.
Baby ball python. Best starter-snake pet ever. Very non-aggressive. When they freak out, they curl up in a ball o' snake (hence the name).

She was safer holding that snake than living with SM, guaranteed.

I agree-the snake is harmless, especially at that size we bought my then brother in law and my 2 nephews a ball python when they were younger (all 3 B-days are the same week)

you know I'm not sure which my sister holds against me more- buying that snake or introducing her to her now EX-husband.
This is what I am asking. Did they get it off a myspace( public one) or her PRIVATE facebook page ( added her as a friend and then saved the photos) I don't think it is the same if they added her as a friend on a private page then took the photos but I was unsure so that's why I was asking. I friended her to offer suporitt but I'd never ever save the photos and then pass them around ( not saying this is what someone is doing) Just asking.

The ones I have seen are from her public myspace. lol. I'm gonna start a "MYFACE". I keep joining the 2 together anyway. ETA And Kimster should start "SPACEBOOK".
I have a question and Hope I'm not out of line. But are people going to Zahra's sisters private facebook account being added as a friend and then saving her pics and posting them here? If so I think thats wrong. I am just wondering since a couple Ive seen posted I've only seen them on Zahra's sister's facebook page. ( Ive not seen her myspace page or if its public etc) lol I am SO behind its moving so fast hard to keep up and doing mommy duties.

myspace is public, and whereever the photos came from they are on sites all over the web at this point
I don't think anyone is sharing private photos, or ones that are only visible to friends. I think every photo posted here has been one from EB's public MySpace, BS's public MySpace, or news sources.
this is true, as well. He might be dependent on her for immigration status. Either way, though, I bet he was scared of her. He probably didn't do anything without her permission, and didn't want to risk her ire.

It makes me sad though that he couldn't or wouldn't stand up for his own flesh and blood, though.
I agree-the snake is harmless, especially at that size we bought my then brother in law and my 2 nephews a ball python when they were younger (all 3 B-days are the same week)

you know I'm not sure which my sister holds against me more- buying that snake or introducing her to her now EX-husband. they were both sort of "starter snakes" then????

Seriously, I wasn't thinking about it as if it was dangerous to Zahra....just that it shows more about how unique a little girl she was. Not something I would have done as a little girl....and not something I would EVER do now!

I have been lurking WS for a couple of years, but this is my first post........Please don't think it is just North Carolina with these problems with Child Protective, it is a nation wide problem, some workers are wonderful and make sure the child need are being taken care of, while just like in any field others are lazy!
I have 8 grandchildren, 3 adopted out of terrible abuse, it took years before AZ removed these children with atleast 20 complaints, this after one was shaken until his brain swelled! That child is now 11 with the abilities of a 3 year old forever!!!!
As long is there is no watch group that is allowed to review these cases, it will continue, my heart goes out to Brittany!
Photo comparisons:

There is something eerily creepy about her skin color in the Oct 2010 photo. Kind of reminds me of the 'death grey' - very very creepy. And yes, she looks like she has lost a tremendous amount of wt and NOT in a good way.

I like snakes....outside and across the street. Or 2 streets or 3 streets......
Respectfully, why?? I didn't know we were supposed to be doing this and I've been here since the dinosaur ages. I tend NOT to use initials because I find them confusing. For example, in this case, people kept referring to Elise as "SM" and it took me forever to figure out that it meant "stepmom". I kept wondering who "SM" was and where I missed a new person thrown into the mix.

I am not a moderator but I believe it protects the owner of the website when people say things are written about them on this site. If it is quoted from a paper, it is just that, a quote. If it is on this site in initials you have to know enough about the case to know who is being reference thus giving the owner of the site a layer of protection when she gets blasted by the people we are discussing (a position I would not want to be in).

That is just my interpretation though, and is the instructions I have understood since the beginning. Victim and charged perp can have full names, all peripheral characters should be under initials.
What if she "fell" in. No blanket, no bag. He did say he went to check on a job or something to that effect. Think it's possible, regardless of how remote, that he was careless, Zahra paid the price, and that EB covered for HIM?
Don't throw stuff at me. I'm just trying to look at it from all sides and all possibilities.

Let's not forget that when the FD was called about the mulch fire at o-dark-thirty Sat morning, 8+ hours before Zahra was reported missing, AB's boss (named in the ransom note) was allegedly at the Baker house. According to initial reports anyway.

Haven't heard much from/about him since Sunday have we? :waitasec:
Let's not forget that when the FD was called about the mulch fire at o-dark-thirty Sat morning, 8+ hours before Zahra was reported missing, AB's boss (named in the ransom note) was allegedly at the Baker house. According to initial reports anyway.

Haven't heard much from/about him since Sunday have we? :waitasec:

Nope and not only that, his name is "Coffee" and now they say the search is at his boss's house and it's a different name altogether. So did he have more than 1 job?
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