New female addition to texas death row

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Do you agree with the way the death penalty is conducted?

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Hmmm-who has received the DP without special circumstances applying, I wonder? Even the rape case it was applied to where the victim survived, the child has had to have multiple reconstructive surgeries...
Here in Texas....if you kill somebody....we kill you back! Seems fair.
I'm in Texas, so I voted that it was working just fine. But I do agree, you other states need some revision.
Numbers of prisoners on Death Row are deceptive unless you account for differences in population.

It's number of prisoners per capita, with higher populations figured in, that matters.

Apples to oranges otherwise.

I'm not for 'nothin being uniform across the states other than the federal powers enumerated in the Constitution. I hardly want the people of New Hampshire deciding how we should conduct our business, and I hardly think the people of New Jersey want us telling them how to do theirs, either.
EXCUSE ME, wrong terminology on my part. They will give the DP for your run of the mill type MURDER.

You should define, "run of the mill type murder". Is that like where someone murders multiple people? Or is it defined as a passion killing.. a husband walking in on his wife with another man, and killing that other man.. that might be defined as "run of the mill?
I voted for the DP but reforming. Way too many non whites & poor people getting/got rail-roaded while the wealthy get away with murder. Thankful the million dollar defense didn't help scott peterson.

When I watched the documentary of Gov. Ryan of Illinois it got to me. I knew there were innocent people in prison but was shocked on just how many. How a DA will take away your life just to see if he can, like the Dukes case. To some sadly it's just a game.

But then there is watching though the decades creeps like charlies manson, butch defeo still making news, still giving normal people the creeps. And the families of all those they hurt to the very core having to go through all their BS trials, parole hearings, suing for 'their rights' tho they gave none to the many they slaughtered or had slaughtered.

DNA ROCKS! I am very thankful some of the innocent are finally being released. But I am going to be getting the creeps every time snotty boy will be putting Sharon through more hell.

So yup, it needs reforming and an express lane for the cases that there is truly not a doubt.

Do you believe that the man who killed Dierdre Kennedy back in the seventies up in Ipswitch should not be given the death sentence?
I assume since you are an Aussie you know about this case.
Any man that would steal a baby from her crib and do what he did to her is unjustifiable and should be put to death. She was little and had no defense .... doesn't that justify a death penalty?
What if something of this nature happened in your family or to your kids.... I wouldn't be so quick to judge and worry about someone's brain not functioning properly..... An eye for an Eye. It's against God and the ten commandments....

Just a thought........

I'm not quick to judge. I've thought about this long and hard. Yes, I do know about the Deirdre Kennedy case. That was horrible. No punishment could be sufficient to what was done to that baby. However, unless we choose to become like him life in prison is all we have. I still don't believe humans and especially the state have the right to take anyone's life. There have been too many mistakes made and innocent people have died for crimes they didn't commit. One is too many. Would killing a murderer bring the victim back? Would it make their absence at birthdays, Christmases, family gatherings any easier? Would it lessen the pain and rage at their loss? And are you implying that I am being unChristian in not supporting the death penalty?
We are supposed to be better than murderers and yet so many people advocate putting another person to death with the state as executioner.

Kiki, exactly.

For me, it has nothing to do with what the murderer does or does not deserve; it has everything to do with the fact that I hold myself to a standard of behaviour higher than that of a murderer.

Also, I have many times in my life received better than I deserved. Those experiences have had a profound effect on me and I hope other people may also receive such benefits.

I don't want dangerous human beings roaming the streets at will. They must be kept separate for the safety of all.
I'm not quick to judge. I've thought about this long and hard. Yes, I do know about the Deirdre Kennedy case. That was horrible. No punishment could be sufficient to what was done to that baby. However, unless we choose to become like him life in prison is all we have. I still don't believe humans and especially the state have the right to take anyone's life. There have been too many mistakes made and innocent people have died for crimes they didn't commit. One is too many. Would killing a murderer bring the victim back? Would it make their absence at birthdays, Christmases, family gatherings any easier? Would it lessen the pain and rage at their loss? And are you implying that I am being unChristian in not supporting the death penalty?

Oh no I am sorry if I offended you ... I didn't intend to. Personally that's just my opinion on how I feel.... my beliefs.... how I make peace with DP. Do I like it? No... Do I think murder warrants it yes, but Like a previous poster there has to be rock solid DNA and other proof. Why should a murderer get to live and have family visits when the victims' families are left with nothing but a memory?

I really am just here to discuss and not offend.... I am sorry if I have upset you....
If I remember correctly, the state isn't going after the DP in her case. :furious: I need to go back and look at Riley's thread.

You are correct - the state is not seeking the DP against either Kim Trenor or Royce Zeigler. Another case where the DP was given was recently overturned because the mother wasn't proven to be a "future danger to society". The DA feels as if the same would apply here. :furious::furious::furious:
With Trenor and Ziegler, the Galveston DA seemed to feel it would be too hard to get a conviction for the DP with certain charges, so they went with a lesser charge with the possibility of a life sentence.

Given the lighter sentences the Galveston juries have handed down lately, I'm not surprised. Sad but not surprised.
I used to be against the DP...for the general reason that a civilized society shouldn't kill its own citizens because it degraded the value of human life overall. But, then I realized that war is also a form of state sanctioned murdered where many truly innocent people are killed, so it seems inconsistent to refuse to support the dregs of society being killed. I also used to subscribe to the idea that LWOP was worse than the DP, but then I realized how many amenities they have in prison today...TV, work out rooms, college courses, their own web sites...and I saw that life in prison could be pretty cushy, so these criminals weren't getting much of a punishment, they continued to be a drain on society costing tens of thousands a year to keep allive and giving nothing back.

I do think the system needs to be overhauled and I would reserve the DP for the most horrific killings...rape/murder...torture/murder. I would't have given Scott Peterson the DP and I certainly wouldn't give anyone the DP who accidentally beat their baby to death.

I would cut the time for DP appeals to a max of 10 years and I wouldn't give the DP for any case where actual innocence could reasonably be argued, e.g. 'wrong guy' cases.
I used to be against the DP...for the general reason that a civilized society shouldn't kill its own citizens because it degraded the value of human life overall. But, then I realized that war is also a form of state sanctioned murdered where many truly innocent people are killed, so it seems inconsistent to refuse to support the dregs of society being killed. I also used to subscribe to the idea that LWOP was worse than the DP, but then I realized how many amenities they have in prison today...TV, work out rooms, college courses, their own web sites...and I saw that life in prison could be pretty cushy, so these criminals weren't getting much of a punishment, they continued to be a drain on society costing tens of thousands a year to keep allive and giving nothing back.

I do think the system needs to be overhauled and I would reserve the DP for the most horrific killings...rape/murder...torture/murder. I would't have given Scott Peterson the DP and I certainly wouldn't give anyone the DP who accidentally beat their baby to death.

I would cut the time for DP appeals to a max of 10 years and I wouldn't give the DP for any case where actual innocence could reasonably be argued, e.g. 'wrong guy' cases.

How does one ACCIDENTLY beat their baby to death??????:eek::confused:
I'ts easy, the same way anyone else is "accidentally" beaten to death, when the purpose of the beating was not to kill the victim. It's called manslaughter or voluntary manslaughter.

Unless there is evidence the mother INTENDED to KILL the child, rather than use beating as a punishment then the death was unintentional...e.g. she was beating the baby as punishment not planning to kill the baby.

I'm sorry if people can't see the difference because their logic is clouded by the emotion of a dead child, but there is a HUGE difference between intentially and purposefully murdering a person, a child or an adult, and killing them unintentially or accidentally.
I used to be against the DP...for the general reason that a civilized society shouldn't kill its own citizens because it degraded the value of human life overall. But, then I realized that war is also a form of state sanctioned murdered where many truly innocent people are killed, so it seems inconsistent to refuse to support the dregs of society being killed.

My husband is a member of Veterans for Peace. He served three tours in Vietnam and when he got out of the service, he swore he would work for peace for the rest of his life. He would absolutely agree that a civilized society should not be killing anyone.

I also used to subscribe to the idea that LWOP was worse than the DP, but then I realized how many amenities they have in prison today...TV, work out rooms, college courses, their own web sites...and I saw that life in prison could be pretty cushy, so these criminals weren't getting much of a punishment, they continued to be a drain on society costing tens of thousands a year to keep allive and giving nothing back.

Except that they are not free. They aren't free to be near their loved ones whenever they want, they aren't free to even choose what they want for breakfast.

It's also misleading to portray all prisons as being the same. They aren't. Most of the prisoners who have been given LWOP are held in high security facilities where they have minimal extras.

Setting aside any arguments about humane confinement, there is a simple truth about giving prisoners some amenities: if they have nothing to lose, they are more dangerous to deal with. If they have access to a TV, radio, etc, then they can be punished for administrative infractions by removal of privileges. They work to keep their privileges, which makes them a little less dangerous to deal with.

I would cut the time for DP appeals to a max of 10 years and I wouldn't give the DP for any case where actual innocence could reasonably be argued, e.g. 'wrong guy' cases.

Many of the recent exonerations have involved men imprisoned for 20+ years. Had they been limited to ten years for appeals, they would have been killed.

To me, that is an outcome that I do not wish to participate in. To imprison an innocent man for many years is a terrible thing. To kill an innocent man, I can't come up with words to convey the horror I feel.
All of the recent exonerations are due to DNA evidence which wasn't available previously, and we also now know that false witness identification is the leading cause of wrongful I would say the odds of a person TODAY being falsely convictioned are much, much smaller than they were even 10 years ago. So, its impossible today that DNA evidence that could exonerate someone would take even 10 years to be tested let alone 20 years...if DNA evidence exited to exonerate a suspect from a stranger rape they would never be prosecuted in the first place.

It's also a little reported and kwown fact that not all of the "exonerated" inmates are necessasrily factually innocent, though many are, some are simply not reprosecutable due to the time lag and many are also career criminals who aren't really deserving of being put on a pedestal...a la Steven Avery..."wrongly" convicted of a stranger rape who went on to commit a stranger rape/torture/murder after his "exoneration" and becoming a poster boy for The Innocence Project.

Yes, an innocent man being imprisoned is a terrible thing...but likewise a guilty person masquerading as an innocent man and a victim going without justice and closure is also a terrible thing.

I see your point about inmates having privileages so they can be used as a tool for discipline but to me giving prisoners Internet access is INSANE and having death row inmates who raped/murdererd/tortured their victims having their own seb sites is truly DISGUSTING and strong evidence that many people are misguided in where they put their sympathy..feeling sorry for the dirtbag remorseless killer and wanting the victims families to basically get over it.

Some people can't be rehabilitated, the problem with our system is that for whatever reason we can't seem to be able to identifiy the difference so non violent drug offenders and petty criminals are sent to jail for decades while violent psychopaths are given parole and work release.

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