New "Peel and Taste" Ads


Former Member
Dec 31, 2005
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I'm still waiting for that lickable wallpaper from the Willy Wonka movie! :crazy: Yum!
This new form of advertising will make its national debut in People magazine and all the consumer does is peel a sticker open, and place a taste strip on their tongue.
The taste strip reveals the flavor of the promoted product and simply dissolves in the consumer's mouth. (more plus video at link)

I know my youngest will head right for the ad in the magazine sitting in the doctor's office!! :eek:
I don't know if I would ever taste anything that came out of a magazine. I do think it will get a lot of attention though...and that is what it is all about anyway.:) Interesting idea!
I can only hope that doctor's offices and other public offices have the good common sense to remove those ads before putting the magazines out on the table! :eek: You know kids would lick them! Some adults too.
I am with you deanws.I could not bring myself to taste something out of a magazine.Man now something else I got to keep my kiddos out of :bang:
Omigosh... this is unbelievable that they are able to do this. How does the FDA make sure of quality controls when it goes through a magazine printer establishment? And it's just a matter of time before someone in a store selling the magazines tampers with it (poison, etc.) :confused:
Man, this just sounds gross to me. It seems too easy to tamper with. They also better be able to keep those strong perfume scent ads away from the flavored stuff. All you'll be tasting is the perfume. :p
It's one thing to have 'scratch and sniff,' but peel and taste..........uh,......NO!:eek:

THIS is going to fall flat on it's face, IMO.:rolleyes:

Besides, it seems GROSS to me.:crazy:

Think of all those magazines in the grocery store while your waiting in line.

Now the kids won't be begging for the gum or candy by the register they'll be licking the insides of the magazines! UGH! LOL
No way! Think of the germs in the airplanes and mail trucks. ewwwwwwwww :sick:

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