Newbie Club Thread

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The general discussion thread just got locked by a moderator and I have no clue why. I'm going to ask once it's opened again. Anyone know why it got locked?
I'm guessing because there was a LOT of bickering on #77 (I think).
Thanks so much, SusieClue. I ditto what all the other newbies have said--I've posted a few times, but with much fear. I always want to say, "Don't taze me, bro" but I'm afraid someone will get mad. It may be in the rules somewhere.

There's also a thread about the acronyms (like LOL, JMHO, etc.) somewhere. I've spent hours and hours going through old threads so I don't post a duplicate message, but I there are only 24 hours in a day...

In fairness to the "oldie" sleuthers, they are probably accustomed to each other, and know who to ask about what, etc. And it doesn't help that some posters seem to treat the main board like a chat room.

Some "oldies" are very gracious and kind and welcoming, and I do so appreciate it.

I got interested in this case cuz I heard one of the players say something on the news, and I thought, "Hold on a sec, didn't you say something different a couple of days ago?"

And once I started paying attention and saw little Caylee's pictures, I was hooked. And angry!!!

Spent too much time--I'll waste bandwidth!!! LOL Thanks.
As an old big mouth, I have been a little shocked at the treatment of some of the newbies.
You are all welcome to post and if you duplicate so be it. Give it your best effort to not start a new thread that has already been started.
I have news for you,old posters do it all the time!
I just did it the other day. I did a search, couldn;t find the topic and so I started a new one. A very nice poster pointed out my error and I just deleted my thread poof no harm done. I let people know if they have duplicated a thread and they let me know. easy.
Also, if any poster tells you that you do not belong on a thread or that your question is a waste or that you should go read somewhere else if you are asking THAT question......that is so wrong and don't pay any attention.
Don't be intimdated or bossed around by other members. Do the best you can.
I saw one poor poster ask a simple question the other day and she/he was shot down in their tracks. It was awful. I couldn't sign on to report it, but I wish I had been able to.

WS is a great place to post and all are welcome as long as you follow the TOS.

Happy Posting and WELCOME!
I'm guessing because there was a LOT of bickering on #77 (I think).

I didn't read 77. It was 78 that got locked down for a "clean up." And I read all those posts and didn't see anything wrong. Oh me oh my, this is very confusing. Pleeeease help, WS mods -- because we all wanna be really good sleuthing bananas!
i think you're right, Professoressa. Too much bickering. funny - I have been OBSESSED with this board for the past week or so and have made a handful of posts....mostly just reading.

But you will begin to see the regulars and they are pretty territorial! I told my husband it was like highschool in some respects. You can certainly tell the strong personalities from the rest and some do bully a bit, as well.

My favorite is Patty G. She has seemed to be very focused and dilligent in her efforts to get the facts, ma'am.

Can't we all just get along?? This is about Caylee.:)
As an old big mouth, I have been a little shocked at the treatment of some of the newbies.
You are all welcome to post and if you duplicate so be it. Give it your best effort to not start a new thread that has already been started.
I have news for you,old posters do it all the time!
I just did it the other day. I did a search, couldn;t find the topic and so I started a new one. A very nice poster pointed out my error and I just deleted my thread poof no harm done. I let people know if they have duplicated a thread and they let me know. easy.
Also, if any poster tells you that you do not belong on a thread or that your question is a waste or that you should go read somewhere else if you are asking THAT question......that is so wrong and don't pay any attention.
Don't be intimdated or bossed around by other members. Do the best you can.
I saw one poor poster ask a simple question the other day and she/he was shot down in their tracks. It was awful. I couldn't sign on to report it, but I wish I had been able to.

WS is a great place to post and all are welcome as long as you follow the TOS.

Happy Posting and WELCOME!

Thanks so much, JBean ..... your post is very much appreciated!
Thanks so much, JBean ..... your post is very much appreciated!
You guys should NOT be afraid to post. No one has any more rights in any forum than anyone else.
I feel bad that so many of you have been shut down.

The basic rules here are simple:
Don't attack anyone personally.
Don't ever try and reveal who anyone is
If someone attacks you, scroll by and report it to the mods.
Windy has posted some forum specific rules for us as well.

I hope you all come out of your newbie thread and post with the group.
oh if anyone wants to ask here what some of the acronyms mean feel free. I know there is a thread but what the heck :) we can do what we want!
is there anyway to search for a post by email address? when i went to register it said my email address had been banned. I've had the email for 2 years and this is the first case I've followed so IDK why it would be banned.
So, I went back and read the locked thread after it was cleaned up by Windchime. I noted that there were a couple references to a Seinfeld episode which were deleted, but the warning Windchime gave was about name-calling of people who were involved with the case. I didn't see any name-calling. Maybe Windchime saw it and deleted it before I read it. Maybe I will never know and don't need to know!
Thanks JBean for the welcome. I'm sure it gets tiring for the older sleuthers when we keep repeating things they have already covered. Been doing lots and lots of reading. It's hard to get caught up on it all.
is there anyway to search for a post by email address? when i went to register it said my email address had been banned. I've had the email for 2 years and this is the first case I've followed so IDK why it would be banned.

That happened to me too, when I first registered...I tried to use my Yahoo email address...but it was rejected. I had to use my "real" email address...could that be it?

Also - ooops I definitely made the Seinfeld least I made it here in the newbie thread. :blushing:
As an old big mouth, I have been a little shocked at the treatment of some of the newbies.
You are all welcome to post and if you duplicate so be it. Give it your best effort to not start a new thread that has already been started.
I have news for you,old posters do it all the time!
I just did it the other day. I did a search, couldn;t find the topic and so I started a new one. A very nice poster pointed out my error and I just deleted my thread poof no harm done. I let people know if they have duplicated a thread and they let me know. easy.
Also, if any poster tells you that you do not belong on a thread or that your question is a waste or that you should go read somewhere else if you are asking THAT question......that is so wrong and don't pay any attention.
Don't be intimdated or bossed around by other members. Do the best you can.
I saw one poor poster ask a simple question the other day and she/he was shot down in their tracks. It was awful. I couldn't sign on to report it, but I wish I had been able to.

WS is a great place to post and all are welcome as long as you follow the TOS.

Happy Posting and WELCOME!

I just want to thank you for this post. I am a newbie to this board, but that does not make me a newbie to internet forums in general. I am a long time member of several forums and my husband and I own several forums as well (different topic areas obviously or I would not have searched out WS).

I was really put off my first day posting because of the poor treatment of newbies. I do understand the frustration of seeing information and questions repeated, but really, constantly pointing out the duplications makes the conversation even more difficult to follow.

I surely won't be bossed around or intimidated by other members. I am quite capable of following the TOS. I may still ask a stupid question or repeat information on occasion, so what? I don't think that making members feel unwelcome is what the owner/admin would want. I know that as the owner/admin of my own boards I would be very disappointed in long term members who treated newbies as some how less intelligent, capable or respected. Anyone can rack up a high post count, but it is the quality of those posts that make the difference.

/highhorse rant
I just saw this newbie thread and decided to go ahead and post. I have been lurking on websleuths for several months. I first found this forum during the disappearance of Leah Hickman last December (Marshall University student who was found murdered a few days after her disappearance). Sadly, there have still been no arrests in that case.

I have followed several other cases here over the last few months, but none have captivated me like the Caylee Anthony case has. So, a few days ago I decided to join. This is my first post. Thanks for all the good info.

My biggest wish right now is for Caylee to be found alive and well. My gut, however (unlike Casey's gut) tells me that she is no longer with us. If that is the case, I do hope her body is found so that she can have a proper burial and her grandparents and uncle can finally have some closure. What a sad, sad case this is.
That happened to me too, when I first registered...I tried to use my Yahoo email address...but it was rejected. I had to use my "real" email address...could that be it?

I had the same dificulty using my hotmail addy. I emailed admin and they advised me that they don't accept those types of addys for registration. I used my main email acct and had no problem at all.
That happened to me too, when I first registered...I tried to use my Yahoo email address...but it was rejected. I had to use my "real" email address...could that be it?

Also - ooops I definitely made the Seinfeld least I made it here in the newbie thread. :blushing:

Mine was a yahoo too..maybe you are onto something.
Thanks JBean for the welcome. I'm sure it gets tiring for the older sleuthers when we keep repeating things they have already covered. Been doing lots and lots of reading. It's hard to get caught up on it all.
I promise you the old sleuthers repeat info all the time.

It isn't so much how long you have been here. It's more about how much time you have to spend on the board. So if some people can read all day everyday they are obviously more up to speed than those of us that check in after work or what not. new or old poster it does not matter..

Remember..if you haven;t seen the topic discussed earlier in the thread a lot of other people haven't either.
It all works out.

My point is that you should not be afraid to post.
I just want to thank you for this post. I am a newbie to this board, but that does not make me a newbie to internet forums in general. I am a long time member of several forums and my husband and I own several forums as well (different topic areas obviously or I would not have searched out WS).

I was really put off my first day posting because of the poor treatment of newbies. I do understand the frustration of seeing information and questions repeated, but really, constantly pointing out the duplications makes the conversation even more difficult to follow.

I surely won't be bossed around or intimidated by other members. I am quite capable of following the TOS. I may still ask a stupid question or repeat information on occasion, so what? I don't think that making members feel unwelcome is what the owner/admin would want. I know that as the owner/admin of my own boards I would be very disappointed in long term members who treated newbies as some how less intelligent, capable or respected. Anyone can rack up a high post count, but it is the quality of those posts that make the difference.

/highhorse rant
Well I think many have been put off and I am here to try and address that.
I have known Tricia (the owner) for a long time. I guarantee you, she would be heartsick if she knew that you newbies were feeling this way. I don't think when she posted in here the other day she realized that the reason the thread was started was in part because you guys were not being welcomed out in the other threads.
The mods here are great and feel free to talk to them about concerns like this. They are not reading every thread, you have to let them know.

BTW..I am the first one to say I have a lot of posts that are crap :)
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