Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 # 2 *Arrest*

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Respectfully, IMO, anyone that can afford New England's Internet prices can't be that bad off ;-)

I am not bashing you. I haven't read where people are belittling her background/teeth/home, i guess i should go back and re-read it.

Ultimately i am not even sure what it matters. She is missing, i don't care if she didn't have a mall or perfect teeth. I just hope she is either found or the person than took her is held accountable and faces the ultimate punishment.

Do we know what type of Internet connection the family has? Could be dial-up, which can cost very little. When we had dial-up it was free and then went up to about $10/month.
The family has moved out of the house at the request of LE, I read. What's that about????

I cannot find this, that LE told the family to leave their house ? I just have read that the family is staying elsewhere. Forensics is going over the house as it is a crime scene.Last place she was known to be. MOO...
Celina Cass’s home was empty, surrounded by police tape and guarded by a state trooper.

Her family stayed elsewhere
during a third day of community wide searches, as townspeople continued to pass out fliers about the girl, who was last seen when she went to bed Monday night.

It doesn't sound to me like they forced them out. It just sounds like they are staying somewhere else.
Avoiding the media, allowing LE room to work...
I would think if they had been ordered to leave there would be more than one officer and more of a police presence there.

This says mom is confined to a wheelchair. Wonder if this is all the time, or recently from stress. If not stress, who was walking with SF under the blanket?

‪FBI Search for N.H. Girl Reaches Canada‬‏ - YouTube

Something like MS (Multiple Sclerosis) could put her in a wheelchair from stress... when she might not be normally. She could do really well until something extremely stressful occurs. I certainly do.

Several other things are also triggered/worsened by stress as well.
So it may be a conditions he has always had... that is just worsened by Celina's disappearance.
There is something about Celina that reminds me of myself at her age. I grew up in a "poor" Southern Appalachian family that did not expect any hand-outs from the government - heck would not have trusted it enough to TAKE a hand-out!!! We did not go to the doctor when I got sick... my Mother fixed it with herbs or a shot of moonshine/ginseng. Today, I am a successful healthcare professional that cannot imagine living the life that I lived as a child. I look at the pictures of Celina, and I see POTENTIAL.... I see ME!!!! GREAT POTENTIAL!!! I have not followed this case real close (but, I think I just fell off into the abyss), but sadly, it immediately reminded me of the Rowan Ford case from Missouri. Rowan was only 9 years old when she went missing. Her stepfather (monster), David Spears and his friend (demon), Chris Collings, are accused of her rape and murder. I grew up poor, but my family would have captured and LITERALLY tortured anyone who hurt me. There is nothing wrong with being poor. In the America I grew up in, people have the chance to change their destiny. In too many cases today, drugs, *advertiser censored*, etc.... seems to have stolen any traits of honorable character from too many people's lives. Being poor is not a crime, and it is not shameful. Harming a child is shameful on any decent scale in the Universe. I hope Celina is found safe somewhere, and she has the chance to escape the bonds that have restrained her ancestors. I am now totally committed to seeing justice for her.

BBM I couldn't agree with you more!

I came from a background of child neglect and incest, and I "graduated" to a marriage where I was a battered spouse for 25 years--until I finally had enough and found very supportive law enforcement and judicial presences (much to the contrary of many who post on WS). My first husband died as a "guest" of the state, and I consider myself fortunate that I never brought children into this world or into that life.

Through all life's many challenges, trials, and tribulations, I did manage to keep a positive faith in my own future, but I have no idea how I developed the concept of a positive faith because it certainly did not come from my mother who was an "incest enabler" even though she had a clear way out of that marriage nor did it come from my father who died when I was 12 and who was one of those rare battered male spouses about whom one seldom hears anything.

I sincerely hope CC is found alive, safe, and well. I share your sentiment that "she has the chance to escape the bonds that have restrained her ancestors."

Thank you so much for articulating so well what it means to grow up poor in America, but having the faith and courage to tap into one's "GREAT POTENTIAL!!!"
Another thing in that video above was that they said that she was on the "family computer" so maybe it was a laptop that she took to her room or maybe she wasn't really in the bedroom with the computer. I can't imagine these people having a computer for an 11 year old or being able to justify the expense in their mind, but you never know. But it could also explain why is facebook has not been deleted, or at least made private. Since LE has the computer, he probably doesn't have another one and won't think to ask to use a friends, maybe. Maybe he didn't see NG and doesn't know that everyone is checking it out. If I were him, I would have deleted it if I could.
I hope the FBI first went to the local pharmacy to see if WN purchased his medicine every month. He is diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and he has been violent in the past.


The medication to which you're referring may not be purchased at a local pharmacy (or mailorder pharmacy), but rather it may be issued to him by either the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in connection with a disability, compensable or otherwise, that derives from his military service or by the one of the branches of the U.S. military if that illness or injury is service connected and he qualifies for medical treatment. As I have learned from reading other WS threads, because a medication is prescribed does not mean the patient will take the medication as prescribed--or at all.

Thank you for your post!
I was asking on the previous thread if the clothing from the red pickup truck that was being examined could have belonged to her. I did see some video where the investigators were holding up a t-shirt, and I was asking if they were girl-sized clothes, not making a statement, as I did put question marks after my inquiries. I did not bold, nor underline anything in my post. I have no idea if the clothing is a man's, woman's, girl's, boy's. I just want to make that clear. However, the truck and clothing seemed to be of interest to investigators.

Earlier Wednesday, investigators examined clothing in a red pickup truck parked next door to the Cass family home.

Plainclothes police officers wearing purple rubber gloves were also seen surrounding a red pickup that was parked across the street from the girl's home, photographing it and looking inside. When news cameras began shooting pictures of what was happening, troopers moved a cruiser and a New Hampshire State Police SUV in front of the scene, to block the cameras.
I hope the FBI first went to the local pharmacy to see if WN purchased his medicine every month. He is diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and he has been violent in the past.

In the video at that link, abc shows the first page of a document entitled "Competence Evaluation for: NOYES, Wendell," dated May 5, 2003. Here's an excerpt:
The defendant is currently incarcerated at the Coos County Department of Corrections where he apparently has been located since early February. He currently faces charges of Violation of a Domestic Violence Temporary Order, alleged on February 1, 2003 as well as charges of Hindering Apprehension, Criminal Trespass and Criminal Threatening. . .

. . . I . . . was informed that the defendant has had the onset of a psychotic illness very troubling to the family and has been given medicines for it. He informed me that the defendant apparently had discontinued medications prior to incurring the charges.

A review of the above noted documents shows a series of bizarre writings which are poorly coherent, legally preoccupied and containing delusional references. In particular there are references to implanted monitoring devices in the defendant's arm.

I don't think it is a coincidence Celina is missing and that a person living in her home has been known to stop taking anti-psychotic medicine and to become violent.

The medication to which you're referring may not be purchased at a local pharmacy (or mailorder pharmacy), but rather it may be issued to him by either the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in connection with a disability, compensable or otherwise, that derives from his military service or by the one of the branches of the U.S. military if that illness or injury is service connected and he qualifies for medical treatment. As I have learned from reading other WS threads, because a medication is prescribed does not mean the patient will take the medication as prescribed--or at all.

Thank you for your post!
Thanks for your post. I forgot he was a vet. Do you know info about this? Does a vet have to call the VAMC for his/her prescription to be filled every month like the vets that need narcotics or is it just mailed to them every month until the prescription expires?
Thanks for your post. I forgot he was a vet. Do you know info about this? Does a vet have to call the VAMC for his/her prescription to be filled every month like the vets that need narcotics or is it just mailed to them every month until the prescription expires?
Vets can pick up prescriptions at Veteran Clinics, have them sent by mail or have them filled at a civilian pharmacy. It depends partly on what healthcare provider the veteran chooses as his/her primary care provider and what category the veteran falls under.
Vets can pick up prescriptions at Veteran Clinics, have them sent by mail or have them filled at a civilian pharmacy. It depends partly on what healthcare provider the veteran chooses as his/her primary care provider and what category the veteran falls under.


If he has any insurance at all.
He may stop taking the meds if he can not afford to buy them.

Do we know if he's employed?
Was he honorably discharged from USAF?
Was he in long enough to be considered a vet?
Was he medically discharded due to his mental illness?

If he has any insurance at all.
He may stop taking the meds if he can not afford to buy them.

Do we know if he's employed?
Was he honorably discharged from USAF?
Was he in long enough to be considered a vet?
Was he medically discharded due to his mental illness?

If he is retired from the air force like he said he would get treatment from VA hospital. Is there any Va hospitals in that area?
But they had a computer and internet

And that always confuses me. I see people on the news who are in need of financial help for one reason or another (they are usually portrayed -- or portray themselves as being poor -- much like this area was described in an earlier post), BUT....they have....a bluetooth thing hanging off their ear...designer clothes or athletic shoes....obviously salon-done hair (or hair coloring)...gobs of jewelry hanging off them...tattoos....body piercings...obviously many things that take money (like internet access)...things that I can't afford and stay within any kind of budget.

I always find it kind of odd when people say they have no money, but they're posting it obviously, you either have enough money for the internet, or you're at a public library or a friend's house, using theirs. Statistically speaking, how often is THAT the case?

But thank you for posting this. You took the words right out of my mouth.
If he is retired from the air force like he said he would get treatment from VA hospital. Is there any Va hospitals in that area?

Even if someone gets treatment at a VA hospital, if they need a perscription, they will have to pay for it themselves.
Even if someone gets treatment at a VA hospital, if they need a perscription, they will have to pay for it themselves.

If he indeed retired, he can go to a military base and get it for free. moo
For those who have an issue with Celina's dental care, what type of housing the family lived in, their lifestyle, etc:

This is a VERY rural area. It is mostly woods and mountains and then some farmland. There are no cities or big towns. The small towns (a few hundred people) are 15 miles apart. The big towns have a few thousand. People here are predominantly poor. If you fell down in the woods a few feet from a road and were seriously injured or died you might NEVER be found - period. Same goes for drowning in a river. You can get lost in the woods up here and die from hypothermia in the dead of summer.

Other than people in service industries and education like healthcare , skilled trades, teachers, etc the people here are farmers, loggers, laid-off paper makers, etc. Most of the paper mills that were the highest paying employers here 10 years ago have closed. Dairy farms have sold off their herds. Logging, well it's what men do when they can't find ANYTHING else. Economically the "north country" has been hit very hard. Most of the new jobs that have been created are minimum wage junk with no benefits. Even most people who have dental insurance don't have policies that covers much beyond preventative and fillings - heck, most don't have or have lost their health insurance entirely.

As to the children having different surnames - there are a lot of moms up here who had children (usually when very young) with multiple fathers. These are poor people, most do not go on to college, many don't finish high school. Just the way it is.

This is a very different life than what most Americans experience. We don't go shopping at malls (we don't have any). We pretty much don't go "shopping" - we go somewhere to buy something if we NEED it. If a stranger "hangs out" around town, like at a small restaurant, EVERYBODY notices. If it's cold, you don't turn up a thermostat, you go outside and get some more wood for the stove. Friends, both IRL and Facebook could be virtually anybody you know - from gradeschool to geriatric in age. I'm friends with almost all of my kid's friends. Everybody pretty much knows everybody else. Because there just aren't that many people. It isn't unusual to have friends 20 years your senior or 20 years your junior.

So to the uninitiated, welcome to rural america, where people are poor and don't live like those in suburbia. We don't have perfect teeth, nor do our children. Orthodonture is for "rich people". We mostly don't have nice new houses. Mostly we have old houses - if were fortunate enough to be able to afford to buy one. If not, we rent an old house from somebody. Bedrooms are where there is space for a bed. Anywhere from attic to basement. The "north country" is in some respects a third world nation to many - but it just happens to be in the USA.

Thank You 4eyed, I could not have said it any better.
I live in Southern NH and it's absolutely nothing like this here.
It's strange to hear NH described like this.
We have everything in this area.

Correct Southern NH is a completely different animal. Take a ride way up sometime and you will see.
I have also seen people living in mobile homes with no running water and outhouses. True. Same goes for VT and Maine.
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