GUILTY NH - Kimberly Cates, 42, dead, 11yo girl maimed, Mont Vernon, 4 Oct 2009

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 09:11AM
Spader Trial Day 8: William Marks to resume testimony
– Joseph G. Cote

On Tuesday, Marks, who said he was in the doorway and saw Spader attack Kimberly and Jaimie Cates with a machete, has agreed to a 30-60 year prison sentence for his role in the Oct. 4, 2009 Mont Vernon home invasion.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Marks says he and his father considered selling what he knew
– Telegraph Staff

During his testimony in the Steven Spader murder trial, William Marks just told the jury that he and his father, James Marks, talked about selling the details of what he knew about the Oct. 4, 2009, murder of Kimberly Cates to a national media outlet because that would make more money than a local outlet.
Accused killers texted about having a 'good party' before N.H. murder
by Andrew Ryan, Globe Metro Desk November 2, 2010 12:41 PM

Prosecutors this morning showed text messages to the jury in which the two defendants accused of murder in the 2009 Mont Vernon home invasion described the upcoming assault as a “party.”

“Cool, oughta be a good party,” Christopher Gribble texted Steven Spader, who is the first to face trial in the case. The text was sent less than six hours before the 4 a.m. assault on Oct. 4.
“We’ll have fun,” Spader, then 17, texted Gribble shortly afterward.
No DNA or prints link home invasion defendant
By Lynne Tuohy
Associated Press / November 1, 2010

Jurors in the trial of a New Hampshire man charged with killing a 42-year-old mother in her home are hearing that no DNA or fingerprint evidence link him to the crime. Forensic scientists testifying in the murder trial of 18-year-old Steven Spader say dirt and water exposure may have erased or diluted traceable evidence.

Lawyers In Spader Trial Prepare For Closing Arguments

After 2 Weeks Of Testimony, Jury Will Begin Deliberating

POSTED: 5:05 pm EDT November 5, 2010
UPDATED: 6:22 pm EDT November 5, 2010

NASHUA, N.H. -- Lawyers in the Steven Spader murder trial met behind closed doors Friday as they prepared for closing arguments on Monday.
After both sides deliver their closing arguments, the judge will instruct the jury before jurors begin deliberating. Friday's meeting with Judge Gillian Abramson was held to discuss those instructions.

more here
Looks like this is the first time his parents have showed up in court, it always puzzles me when parents aren't there for their children makes you wonder if that wasn't part of the problem to begin with. I can't believe this kid thinks he has even a chance of getting out of what he has done. He is going away forEVER, thank goodness.

Steven W. and Christine Spader walked silent and grim-faced down the steps and out the door of the courthouse moments after Judge Gillian Abramson dismissed court in their son’s trial for the day.

None of their group, which included four unidentified adults and a young girl, spoke to reporters, not a surprising choice given the difficult circumstances.

Court reconvenes Tuesday morning at 9, with the jury expected to begin deliberations a bit later in the morning.

As coincidence has it, if the jury reaches its verdict before the end of Tuesday, defendant Steven Spader will learn his fate on his 19th birthday.
A teenager accused of killing a mother and maiming her daughter with a machete during a home invasion was found guilty Tuesday of murder and other charges and was sentenced to life in prison.

The sentence ensures "you will stay in that cage for the rest of your pointless life," Judge Gillian Abramson told Spader

Enjoy your LWOP + 76 years. That is a lot of candles on the cake. Not quite the "Happy Birthday" song you were hoping for.

He seemed to be asking for it, with all the note passing and poem penning. Glad the jury was happy to oblige him. In 90 minutes no less.

Rest easy Kimberly. Justice was served. :rose:
(CNN) -- A New Hampshire teenager accused of killing a woman and severely injuring her daughter during a brutal home invasion was found guilty Tuesday of first degree murder and attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Steven Spader sat emotionless as the verdict was read in the trial for the gruesome murder of Kimberly Cates in Mont Vernon, New Hampshire, last year.

Good riddance!
He truly was an animal. Joking about the if the jury would sing him "happy birthday" while he was about to find out the verdict.

I'm really speechless but am happy he won't be let out.
Looks like this is the first time his parents have showed up in court, it always puzzles me when parents aren't there for their children makes you wonder if that wasn't part of the problem to begin with.

The reason they weren't in court while the trial was going on is because they were on the witness list. They were not allowed in until the prosecution and defense rested their case.
I'm quite late to following this trial, but this is the stuff of nightmares. I have random thoughts about this case and the murderers, in no particular order:

1. These guys wanted to emulate Charles Manson (and they admired him). Except, Manson got others to kill for him, AND, Manson was particularly fond of children and children were to be revered and protected. As evil and demented as Manson is, I recall reading how he passed over any house in which he saw pictures of kids when he was looking for his next victims--he felt children were innocent and pure (although apparently a pregnant woman was fair game for murder). And Manson was trying to ignite a (racial) war and his killings were supposed to point the finger of suspicion on blacks, who would rise up and rebel against white society.

2. It's clear to me that Spader and Gribble were budding serial killers. Thankfully they were too stupid and got caught right away. But I have no doubt that either or both would have continued murdering people, either separately or together, until they did get caught. Perhaps it's a miracle 'only' one person died at their hands, but they clearly intended to keep going.

3. I can't imagine what Spader's adoptive parents must think, but it's something more than simple emotional problems affecting their mutant son. He embodies evil; he oozes it through every pore. He is among the worst of the worst. I think he was getting a rush during the trial, hearing the evidence. He'll relive this massacre over and over and over again. He is beyond arrogant. I don't know how the parents can support him. What is there to support? He's a shell filled with evil poison, masquerading as a human. They're crying tears for themselves and for their son...what about for the victims of their son's crimes?

4. People love to compare Spader and the others to 'animals.' Please. Let's not denigrate animals by comparing these losers to them. Animals don't do thrill kills. Animals don't attempt to destroy families. Animals only kill for 2 purposes: for food and in case of threat/for protection. Animals have greater compassion than these four. These mutants could only hope to rise to the level of animals, who, IMHO, are far superior in intellect, compassion, and usefulness to the world.

5. Gribble's comment that he wishes he could kill little Jaime to 'spare her the aftermath of the killings...' I can't even wrap my head around his 'logic.' Is this supposed to be a compassionate thing? Instead, I read it as 'he was sorry he didn't succeed in killing the child.' Because he wanted to kill and he failed.

6. I wish prosecutors and the judge would emphasize to Spader and Gribble that they will fade from memory...that no one in prison will care about their crimes or think they're badass or cool. That they're just punks that the world will forget. They'll only be known as stupid, incompetent, useless. Because right now they are thrilled with their press. They feel important. They feel like badasses. They are reveling in their infamy.

7. People like to think that these guys will be attacked in prison--that there is some 'code' against killers of women and children. And that's just not really true anymore, if it ever was true. People were saying Scott Peterson would be a marked man when he got to San Quentin, for killing his wife and near-term baby. But he's got buddies on death row and has integrated well in the system, much to many people's disappointment. Prisoners go after someone when they have something to gain for doing so, or if they have a personal beef or run-in, or they're trying to earn 'cred' with the other inmates. But as revenge for the crime itself? Nope, not so much. That's a fantasy held by many.

Well, I think that pretty much captures my thoughts about this murderer. I loved the judge's comments to him when she was sentencing him. It was soooo gooood.
Big huge eyeroll on that from me.

Oh NOW he wants decorum and special semantics? He had no problem with the level of violence before his trial.

He also wants a change of venue. This kid is going down the same way Spader did. No way in hell is his insanity defense going to work. These are some cold blooded dudes that need to be caged for life. Sick bastards don't really meet the qualifications of legal insanity. It's a big expense for the tax payers just to put these two away. Looking forward to hearing about another guilty verdict.

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