GUILTY NJ - Autumn Pasquale, 12, Clayton, 20 Oct 2012 - #2

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The decapitated man was found 9 pm

Now I have no confirmed report on the following statement decapitated man was possible over dose.

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(


Here is confirmation. That cyber crime units are looking into Facebook accounts.
From the CBS article

" By Monday, the number grew as FBI and state police got involved in a search that employed helicopters, horses, bloodhounds and computer experts. The computer experts were charged with seeing if any information about her whereabouts shows up on Facebook or elsewhere online."

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(
I'm 99% certain the comments were removed (and now it shows no comments, because those were the only ones there).
I can't for the life of me remember how to do a screen shot but here is a thumbnail of the house at the corner:

I just clicked on the link again and it also said page not found. IDK what happened to it. Maybe they took it down because of the sick comments.
The article comes up for me, but the comments do not come up. It shows up as a 0 comments.
Some of the really bloodthirsty comments (about what should be done to the perps) almost freak me out more than the crimes sometimes.
I'm on mobile I don't see comments

From Clayton NJ Autumn's Press Conference :(
God. Comments on those news stories are horrible. People think they can trash the family for this? The internet lets people hide behind ignorance and stupidity. They should be forced to say these things to the parents in person. You have to be a heartless person to blame the parents. Such a shame. It could happen to them tomorrow, then they will blame someone else, but not take resonsibility. My faith in people is waning.
The article comes up for me, but the comments do not come up. It shows up as a 0 comments.

I saw the comments and still have them open in a tab.

I rechecked the article in a different tab and the comments are no longer there.
I believe that is a different article from what was posted earlier.

It is.

To be as vague as possible, the comments on the other article, which have been removed (really--they're gone) made lewd suggestions about Autumn. The site administrators obviously nuked the comments quickly, and I'm sure they have a system in place for logging and getting that kind of info to LE. (Unfortunately it's very easy to spoof your IP address, but that's another irrelevant topic.)
Those comments are horrible! Can you just imagine being one of her parents and reading those?
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