NJ - Trial of Christopher Gregor Allegedly Beat 6-Year-OId Son to Death

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CG's father was quick to point out how they pulled out all the sports equipment for Corey. I can only imagine.
That and Mario Gallucci using "boys being boys" as an excuse.....

David Gregor strikes me as the kind of guy who would ask you what sports your kids played and if you said "Uh, none."- he'd say "Aww That's too bad!"(yet another judgment stab) .... he couldn't hide his enthusiasm for sharing that ALL 4 of HIS kids played sports and since he was about to meet a grandSON he was thrilled to get him on the ol' Sporto train. (I have nothing against sports, I have a lot against toxic levels of competition and men who equate athletic ability with value as a person.)

And, I honestly want Mario to keep using those antique phrases in front of the jury and keep yelling at people in court. It does nothing to help his case and it shocks me that the people paying him $500/hour to do this don't try to stop it. It's like his mindset is stuck in 1979 and he hasn't looked outside.
I think Corey was practically catatonic with fear of the man. We saw zero affectionate or even respectful action towards the boy. The perpetrator couldn't seem to bear to touch the boy with his hands, he chose to lift the boy using only his clothes and had to bite him for some reason. It was intimidation and brute force, applying his teeth and entire mouth to Corey's head. Corey lost half of his height cowering under the force of the huge abuser's jaw and head. While pumping his little legs at maximum speed even though he couldn't escape.

I was thinking how it would have been had my wonderful father lifted me with the front of my sweatshirt instead of lovingly under my arms. Or bit me, I mean it's ludicrous to think of that abuse.

After the ordeal the boy had no choice but to follow the man out, no matter what violence or coldness was in store for him later.
Re sports, we got the givaway from the grandfather who bragged about how all of his kids were heavy into sports, and had equipment galore that he could push on to the kid.

I've been looking at the Justice for Corey photos of his mom. Look at the difference, the boy was happy, playful, always joking and playing with her. She's got recordings of him, laughing, talking about his hobbies, being silly like a little guy, always hugging and interacting.

Compare with the horror of the body language, Corey with that man.

Christopher Gregor was not at all discombobulated by the CCTV. He just went right ahead and BIT HIS 6 YR OLD SON ON THE HEAD WHILE HOLDING HIM CAPTIVE. He was used to doing this, obviously. He did not even hesitate, just bent down, forcing the kid on the moving platform of the treadmill, opened his own horrid mouth as wide as he could and sunk his fangs into the top of his childs head.

People, who does this? in what world is this acceptable?

Who bites their own kids, or anyone else's for that matter. But to do it, in front of a camera. He was , I think, proud of it. What kind of adult bites ANYONE?? under exteme threat, if all you have is your teeth, but this was not that situation. Christopher was in charge, 200lbs of him, 5 feet of advantage, and the kid had done NOTHING except be thrown off the treadmill because it was too fast. Chris made it too fast.

The context of this bite tells the entire world of the nature of Christopher Gregor. He bit that kid because he could, and because he wanted to, and because he believed he was entitled to bite him. In his mind, it was an acceptable response to one's own child flying off a speeding treadmill.

And that's what he did while under surveillance. What he felt was acceptable in secret was revealed in Corey's autopsy. What Gregor Jnr did was reproduce his own perfect victim.
I think that the victim was "shamed" by the perpetrator, like he "couldn't" keep up on the treadmill, or couldn't "man up" for a "bit" of football. All exercise or sports related, so the victim really couldn't say the perpetrator "hit" him. But, always brutal force on the victim.

Poor kid.
I'm looking forward to the testimony from the ME, who actually did the autopsy. He listed Sepsis as a COD. When the Prosecution Expert witness testified about COD, he didn't list Sepsis.

As for the treadmill, I don't agree it was brutal force because the child wasn't seriously injured and no treadmill was involved in his death.

Day before his death? Why would she have examined him? Link pl

That and Mario Gallucci using "boys being boys" as an excuse.....

David Gregor strikes me as the kind of guy who would ask you what sports your kids played and if you said "Uh, none."- he'd say "Aww That's too bad!"(yet another judgment stab) .... he couldn't hide his enthusiasm for sharing that ALL 4 of HIS kids played sports and since he was about to meet a grandSON he was thrilled to get him on the ol' Sporto train. (I have nothing against sports, I have a lot against toxic levels of competition and men who equate athletic ability with value as a person.)

And, I honestly want Mario to keep using those antique phrases in front of the jury and keep yelling at people in court. It does nothing to help his case and it shocks me that the people paying him $500/hour to do this don't try to stop it. It's like his mindset is stuck in 1979 and he hasn't looked outside.

Defense also tried to paint CG's parents as being tortured by Corey's family putting up posters. WRONG choice of words IMO.

And he is bring in the big guns to debate the medical findings. So, CG's family is not sparing any expenses....

Michael Baden

No one is claiming the treadmill caused Corey's death.. What caused his death was a severe beating, which took place while he was in his father's care, and only the father was with him, that caused laceration of his small heart, which, like all lacerated hearts, stops. Death follows. No sepsis, at all.
Poor Breanna apparently only saw that treadmill vid clip a day or so before the trial began. What a horrible experience that must have been for her.. To see her now dead small son being bitten by that utter swine of father, broad daylight, in public, and not just a nip, but a prolonged and determined bite. The horror.
No one is claiming the treadmill caused Corey's death.. What caused his death was a severe beating, which took place while he was in his father's care, and only the father was with him, that caused laceration of his small heart, which, like all lacerated hearts, stops. Death follows. No sepsis, at all.
The ME listed Sepsis as a COD. That's a fact.

Dr. Dante Ragusa, an Ocean County medical examiner who performed an April 3 autopsy on Corey’s body, issued a finding on the cause of death: Blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis. However, he did not rule on the manner of death; rather, he deemed it “undetermined.”
Poor Breanna apparently only saw that treadmill vid clip a day or so before the trial began. What a horrible experience that must have been for her.. To see her now dead small son being bitten by that utter swine of father, broad daylight, in public, and not just a nip, but a prolonged and determined bite. The horror.

Biting someone is either pure hate or some kind of non/sub human reaction {fear} when an adult. Children can bite...but as an adult?!?! ALL IMO of course. CG was not in fear of his son.
I mean I don't usually put trust in Wikipedia entries but this made me LAUGH (bbm).... so yeah. The cases he's been involved in are questionable at best. The words "junk science" come to mind.

"Baden's independent autopsy findings are often in conflict with the local authorities' opinions; as such, many consider him to be a headline-seeking physician as opposed to a legitimate source of information."

so..... in the class of Geraldo Rivera, you tubers like jLR Investigates?
Playing sports/treadmill was how they justified 14 bruises and scraps, and all the wounds described by Breanna for the past year.

What kind of force would make a tear in Corey's heart? Per, LE CGs apartment smelled like vomit, and Corey's street clothes {found in garbage can} were covered in eliminations in the INNER part of pants which tell me the beating began very soon after he got home, 9am. Yet, was not taken to hospital till 3pm that afternoon.
Thinking Occam's Razor here. The guy was po'd at the timing of the little boy's return. Wary of the upcoming mtg, which the child and both parents were to attend. Went terribly wrong, couldn't reliably program the boy's comments. Just a couple of punches would take out heart and liver, close together anatomically in a tiny body.

Both grandparents quizzed Corey on the bruises on his face; he said treadmill.

I'm just wondering about all the other times he had bruises and wounds before the man took him to, shudder, live alone with him. Why didn't they put a stop to it?
I mean I don't usually put trust in Wikipedia entries but this made me LAUGH (bbm).... so yeah. The cases he's been involved in are questionable at best. The words "junk science" come to mind.

"Baden's independent autopsy findings are often in conflict with the local authorities' opinions; as such, many consider him to be a headline-seeking physician as opposed to a legitimate source of information."

so..... in the class of Geraldo Rivera, you tubers like jLR Investigates?
In this case, Dr. Baden is in agreement with the local ME's autopsy conclusion that Sepsis was one of the causes of death.

I see nothing funny about this case or with Dr. Baden's professional credentials.


Dr. Baden, regarded as the #1 forensic pathologist in the United States and arguably the world, is most famous for his television appearances and his work as an autopsy expert in legal cases. Over his decades-long career in forensic pathology, Dr. Baden has completed over 20,000 autopsies and has served a key role in high profile cases including those of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and O.J. Simpson. His expertise and candid discussions of forensic science have made him a household name in the field.
Thinking Occam's Razor here. The guy was po'd at the timing of the little boy's return. Wary of the upcoming mtg, which the child and both parents were to attend. Went terribly wrong, couldn't reliably program the boy's comments. Just a couple of punches would take out heart and liver, close together anatomically in a tiny body.

He was so angry at the kid being late back from his visitation. I think, from memory, Breanna had told him on the phone while she was stuck in traffic that Corey had been enjoying himself so she had delayed somewhat their leaving, and this also would have provoked his ridiculous rage, what, 'enjoying himself? with Breanna?? wtf?? and then late ? that 'gym session' was not about his self workout, or his routine, it was about punishing Corey, you can tell from the clip his use of the equipment was token, nothing more, he wanted Corey to know it was going to be the gym, ( punishment ) too. he made sure of that.
The ME listed Sepsis as a COD. That's a fact.

Dr. Dante Ragusa, an Ocean County medical examiner who performed an April 3 autopsy on Corey’s body, issued a finding on the cause of death: Blunt force injuries with cardiac and liver contusions with acute inflammation and sepsis. However, he did not rule on the manner of death; rather, he deemed it “undetermined.”
…AND sepsis. Sepsis wasn’t the only COD as you keep stating. He had a lacerated heart and liver. The father beat him.to.death. Then fled from the hospital AND the state. He’s so damn guilty and sits there pretending to cry with no visible tears.
Corey had been enjoying himself so she had delayed somewhat their leaving, and this also would have provoked his ridiculous rage, what, 'enjoying himself? with Breanna??
Ok so as someone who has been in a VERY contentious custody battle with another parent, it's NOT surprising to me at all. Every MOMENT Corey was with Breanna is time WITHOUT dad so Christopher feels shorted. It's like an asset that he doesn't want to share. To see "MY SON" enjoying an outing with Grandpa and celebrating? He's not the type of dad who feels joy in seeing the child experience fun memories. It's all about CHRISTOPHER. It pains me to write this because it's so familiar to me. How DARE Breanna take Corey for the two extra hours in Pennsylvania! He's going to take those two hours off her next visit! It's nauseating. Christopher was absolutely able to manipulate the DCPP and family courts by being a "nice rich white boy" with a daddy with influence/ties.

Let's remember the Gregor Grands testimonies have NOT been heard by jury yet.
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